What makes you think it's thrips as opposed to some other infestation? White oil should do the trick in any event. Cheap, effective & a short withholding period & can be used in flower if you still have the problem longer-term. Spray at sundown.Hey folks whats good to use on thrips thats able to be sourced locally?
What makes you think it's thrips as opposed to some other infestation? White oil should do the trick in any event. Cheap, effective & a short withholding period & can be used in flower if you still have the problem longer-term. Spray at sundown.
I'm not exactly sure, they could be a combination of whiteflies and caterpillers also too
Yeah after a bit more research i think its white flies and maybe a couple caterpillars. I found some purecrop1 i had bought beofre and have sprayed a couple times with that. I'll see how that goes for the next few days. Perhaps the richgro beat a bug might be good too - pyretheum and chilli and garlic oil in that one
Thrips | Bugs For Bugs
Thrips are very small, slender insects with mouthparts specialised for sucking and rasping. Adults are 1-2 mm long, and most have a pair of narrow wings fr ...bugsforbugs.com.au
may be of help, have used the Montdorensis predatory mites before for whiteflies. Seems to work a treat
Damn. That looks so good. What does it smell like?
That’s genius. I never seen anyone do it like that. They look so beautiful. I love the shapes you create. They are shaped so well. I love it!day 15 flower View attachment 5068509
Damn. That looks so good. What does it smell like?
Damn. That looks so good. What does it smell like?
Very impressive, wish I had your neighbours.How's everyone's outdoor girls looking?
Didn't bother with a journal this year but looking at how big and healthy my plants are this season there's a few notable changes too previous years..
-full organic soil with the odd tea but otherwise just plain water 99% off waterings/feedings which resulted in super simple season. If anyone is interested in what I used for soil just leave a comment and I will reply.
-Doublej style carport greenhouse made with a 3x6m carport and some greenhouse film. Think total was around $380aud for carport and film. Ever since I followed doublejs journal in awe nearly a decade ago I have always wanted too try growing in a greenhouse so this year after a few previous years off getting a nice spot setup down the side off my current house and making sure the neighbour's were all sweet I decided to go for it and I'm glad I did as this season has been the most simple and trouble free crop too date. Have not sprayed once for bugs besides 2 applications off BT leading into flower for caterpillars..
Normally I will have a spidermite infestation or some other type of bug problem so too not have sprayed once really amazed me.
Not sure what I can attribute too such a nice garden this year whether that being the fully organic soil or the greenhouse or more than likely a combination off both but either way I'm extremely happy and hoping that I and the rest of you guys can bring it home and start off 22 with a bountiful harvest.
Any questions you have I would be happy too answer.
Cheers thenugget
6 foot ladder buried in there really gives you a Guage for the size of these monsters! Gonna have to snap or tie down some branches as they are clipping the ceilings!
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Best get the home brew kit out…as of next week all unvaxed 2nd class West aussies, citizens will be unable to purchase a carton of beer or enter a bottle shop or drive thru
good one Adolf McGowanhow can buying a beer at a bottleshop be an issue, they not crowded and you can easilly socially distance
fools better start bringing me cartoons of xxxx gold or they can get stuffed