Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Haze, they are not eggs mate. They are a form of midgey pest. When growing outdoors they can get stuck on the resin. They don't really harm the plant, but can attract further more bugs.
They can get stuck on the resin and destroy a harvest so pick them all off and treat the plant with a fantastic natural product from 'Richgro - Beat-A-Bug Insect Spray'. This products consists of Garlic, Chilli, and a natural chemical to help resist these critters.
This product can also provide a bit of a nuterient boost and prevent further infestations. SO long as your not harvesting within the next 24 hours this product will be fine. It is used on vegetables and fruits and is 100% natural thus no health concerns.
It can be sprayed on back and front of the leaves and all over the plant including the soil with no harm to the plant.

What I recommend you do as your outdoors is to spray the plant, and move the plant in the shade for 24 hours just to prevent burn, because as with all pesticides; natural or not, you are always going to have this issue in full sun.

I use this product all the time, and you'll find it works wonders for yourself and any other outdoor growers :)


Well-Known Member
i actually do all of them lol i havent got time now but ill snap my ww clone shes a sativa pheno but from doing all those things she is now as bushy as fuck lol compared to her mum at the same stage

supercroping is basicially pinching the stems i squeeze then i rotate my hand or the plant 90degrees and then squeeze in the same area but you are squeezing the oposite sides then u will end up with a knuckle where u squeezed (after time) and all the branching below that point on that cola will become colas
ytour branches will flop a lil but thats normal once the squeeze heals it will be fine
so what does the super cropping acuaually do mate sorry for the dumb questions just intrested mate


Well-Known Member
anyone tried amy auto flowering seeds?

heard you run 20 hours of light 4 off for the life of the plant

just wondering if anyone has had any experince with these an do they acually work?


Active Member
so what does the super cropping acuaually do mate sorry for the dumb questions just intrested mate
Im gonna jump in Od's and cut ya lunch, but super cropping is a technique where as Odlaw has explained is infact snapping the inside channel or stem of that particular arm that you have chosen, but not enough to snap the whole outer skin type area.What this does is in turn almost like topping, the plant thinks oh shit i just been topped (cracking of the main inner stem you'll hear it when ya do it) and sends its Auxins which is a chemical that is used by the plant to start growing new shoots (buds sites), but after a few days the plant does spend a bit of time repairing the bent area, a nuckle will form and she'll back to normal in no time, its the same as topping but you dont loose the bit that you snapped, it sarts bending back to the light after it has figured out its still there and not topped lol hope this explains the process:

or watch this:


Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
so what does the super cropping acuaually do mate sorry for the dumb questions just intrested mate
When a plant is growing, the main growing point (the leader) sends chemical messages down the plant letting all the smaller dudes know he's boss ... keeps the young-uns in line.
By crushing the stem the chemical message from the boss dude gets interrupted and the young-uns start fighting to be the new boss, and they all put on growth.
When the wound heals the boss is back in business - growing fast again, but the young-uns are now big enough to compete with the boss.

... or something like that.


Well-Known Member
yeah cheers guys thanks for answering my question. you guys expained it betta than other places not as confusing lol.

im no scientist haha.

could i just go auto flowing seeds are they like seeds for dummys or what lol.

or can i get the same results with fimming topping lsding and supercropping?


Active Member
I'm a cone scientist....i take experiments to see how many cones i can smoke in an hour. i have never finished the experiment as i have varying results all the time, it must come down to falling asleep or getting hungry and driving to Macca's, dunno but i will endevour to come up with the proper results!!!


Well-Known Member
hahahaha. hey i have another question sorry guys. I have no fans in my grow room can i just use say 2 150mm inline fans one for exhaust one for inline?


Active Member
......tis real hard to answer straight off the bat as i dont know your grow room, but im gonna say yes if its a small room you want that air to be replaced 3 times a minute min in my eyes, shit im moving mine 5 times. The equation L x W x H is CUBIC feet then devide by three,,,,,that should give you a good CFM number to play with ;)


Well-Known Member
man that went ova my head but i grow in a tin shed in tassie it is 3x3 and about 2 meters high i just naled a sheet of black plastic up an halfed the shed and of the half of that i only use about half that as there are benches everywhere but 2 fans sucking air in and out woud have to be betta than nothing

it's a dodgy room but meh does the job lol. hoping to buy a proper tent in a grow or so


Active Member
sounds fine man, your in tazzie for fucksake what you worried about RH for? hahahaha those two fans are sweet!

EDIT: Woww this is really gonna go over your head
Im presuming you got.....3m x 3m x 2m room which in feet is 9.8' x 9.8' x 6.5' that in cubic feet is 625.26 now devide this by 3 which gives you 208.
you would want to have a 200CFM fans doing the job as a min, this is good as i own 2 x 150mm inline booster fans which pull 480CFM.
Then you say you have devided that by two by putting up the plastic sheet. All in all at the end of the day id say your doing pretty well for a 'Meh' set up ;)


Well-Known Member
lol cheers man yeah i done an ebb an flow setup bout a yr ago with bag seed and yeah was a failure did not have any fans just left the door open was middle of summer and the plants still grew well thought it might be a good idea to just move a bit of air around.

but yeah its nothing speacial of a setup this time im going coco run to waste 400 watt hps with white widow feminized seeds from seedsman in 300mm pots
started em in jiffy pellets see how i go.

also can i have the fans side by side as my plan was to just cut a hole in the shed so i dnt really want to stuff round cutting 2 seperate holes any advice?


Active Member
maybe have fun getting blazed and stuffing around trying to do two seperate holes, you will DEFINATELY benefit if you have your intake down low and your exhaust up high (laws of convection) ;)


Well-Known Member
hmm ok will give it ago. that cloning kit looks nice on that discount hydrponics on ebay had a look after having a read of your jornal


Active Member
Well, + Rep to odlaw, after picking quite a few of those midgey bugs/eggs, whatever the hell they were off the plant, i ventured to bunnings and got what odlaw suggested ( on the money man with the price as well $8 found it easily on the shelf, so thanks ), i came straight home and gave the plant a good misting with water first, let it somewhat dry and then misted it very well witht he organic spray, its now 6pm and as you can see by the photos, its perfect again, bug free and clean, they get there last dose of high ppm nutes tonight then its water baby till they ready..........thank you again odlaw, much appreciated.

This Super G x Orient Xpress looks absolutely delicious, its a good performer outdoors, its a stretcher and would be a good outdoor scrog strain, i may take a cutting of this and keep it. The White widows are also doing very well, getting very hearty quickly, branching out, they all except one seemed to be of the same pheno, anyways, im getting the plumbing cut to correct size for the pot kits now, once complete i will post pics of the first 4 pot system completed, with steps as to how i made it, put it together and how it runs seemlessly. so cheap too, its a good kit, as i have said in past days, i will run 2 of these side by side with same strain but diff nutes as a test. Thanks for reading and checking my progress.

* If anyone runs retro fit MH globes in there digital ballasts, try a brand called "Quantum" they are the same globe as powerplant fromt he same factory just rebranded and are much cheaper, like $20 cheaper !!! *


Well-Known Member
Hey God, I am loving ym hempy's, My mothers in in are exploding as fast as they did in bubblers, the growth is insane, I will plant one outdoors next week and let if flower by that time it'll be at least 16 inches and just as wide it went from 4 inches to 8 in mere days at least an inch growth a day and just with half strengh thrive, If I bother to Ph, EC and actially check the runoff I reckon I could really see some magnificent results from these, even under a full HPS setup, Just need to remeber to use ~70% perlite to 30% coco, what are your ratio's like?

Need pics to do it justice and now my car and motorbike are playing up <sigh> so now I'm going to be broke again, had spare cash even after paying rego's. :(

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Hey God, I am loving ym hempy's, My mothers in in are exploding as fast as they did in bubblers, the growth is insane, I will plant one outdoors next week and let if flower by that time it'll be at least 16 inches and just as wide it went from 4 inches to 8 in mere days at least an inch growth a day and just with half strengh thrive, If I bother to Ph, EC and actially check the runoff I reckon I could really see some magnificent results from these, even under a full HPS setup, Just need to remeber to use ~70% perlite to 30% coco, what are your ratio's like?

Need pics to do it justice and now my car and motorbike are playing up <sigh> so now I'm going to be broke again, had spare cash even after paying rego's. :(

I use three parts perlite to one part vermiculite. Vegging is half strength thrive and flowering is 1/4 str thrive with 1/2 str Manutec Bloom Booster (or some such cheap stuff).
I'll see how happy I am with these el-cheapo nutes before deciding whether to spend on "better" nutes.
I'm loving the growth rates and the health of my girlz in hempy.

Funny you should mention rego's - just paid my bike rego last week and this week it is the car's turn ... they should scrap rego and add it to petrol, I can only drive/ride one vehicle at once.


Well-Known Member
I use three parts perlite to one part vermiculite. Vegging is half strength thrive and flowering is 1/4 str thrive with 1/2 str Manutec Bloom Booster (or some such cheap stuff).
I'll see how happy I am with these el-cheapo nutes before deciding whether to spend on "better" nutes.
I'm loving the growth rates and the health of my girlz in hempy.

Funny you should mention rego's - just paid my bike rego last week and this week it is the car's turn ... they should scrap rego and add it to petrol, I can only drive/ride one vehicle at once.
What sort of bike do you ride?

Also I am not going to flower these indoors I'll just put them out doors in a sunny position so they get ~6hrs sunlight and let nature be my hps.