Aussie Growers Thread

Two newfound cannabinoids have been discovered in the glands of the Cannabis plant, and one of them may be at least 30 times as potent as the high-inducing compound THC. and search new cannabis and read that.
Lucky lab mice get to kick back an try it out.
After reading it an knowin that every one is pushing to have cannabis legalized everywhere for medicinal purposes i woulda thought the scientists testing these new canabinoids would of spent more time tryin to test the CBDP rather then spending more time testing the THCP
Lucky lab mice get to kick back an try it out.
After reading it an knowin that every one is pushing to have cannabis legalized everywhere for medicinal purposes i woulda thought the scientists testing these new canabinoids would of spent more time tryin to test the CBDP rather then spending more time testing the THCP
Do you reckon all the cross breeding and back breeding and fuck knows what chemicals the breeders have sampled over years, do you think that could have changed the make up of the plant and changed the way the plant interacts within itself.
Yea i wasn talkin bout running it out into another drum to be reused on the plants again, dunno if the runoff would be of any use round the yard or not? Think i read somewhere someone was reusing it for that reason.. Your set up looks nice an easy an looks good as it is with stuff all rootin round

“stuff all rootin around” is the aim of the game for me. You could reuse it on the garden yeah, re using it on the plant would require it to be ph’ed and the ec checked. I don’t own a ec meter and I only use ph drops (which I rarely use now because my mix generally comes out sweet as). As I said but with the cost of my nutrients I’m not fussed but and have no issues just letting it go down the drain.
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Do you reckon all the cross breeding and back breeding and fuck knows what chemicals the breeders have sampled over years, do you think that could have changed the make up of the plant and changed the way the plant interacts within itself.

no. Monsanto ( or Bayer now since Monsanto doesn’t exist) hasn’t got their mits on weed yet.
Do you reckon all the cross breeding and back breeding and fuck knows what chemicals the breeders have sampled over years, do you think that could have changed the make up of the plant and changed the way the plant interacts within itself.
Nah dunno but there only just scratching the surface on finding out everything about all the different cannabinoids withing the plant. Or im just talkin shit
Nah dunno but there only just scratching the surface on finding out everything about all the different cannabinoids withing the plant. Or im just talkin shit

na your right there. And the ones they know about they are still trying to find what they actually do. Pretty much thc and cbd are the only cannabinoids we really know a lot about
na your right there. And the ones they know about they are still trying to find what they actually do. Pretty much thc and cbd are the only cannabinoids we really know a lot about
Did you read that article where they mentioned the 2 new drug/element thingys have 7 carbon rings and the perfect fit for our receptors is 8 carbon rings.
Edit: What method with hydro interests you?
The more i read about RDWC the more i like the idea although noise from air pumps and a decent sized water pump would become an issue not to mention getting the money together for it all as theres allot more involved then just getting some good lights an banging seeds into some soil mix. Either soil or soilless medium i would run a res on dtw setup an only need a smaller air pump to oxygenate the reservoir tank. All that said though still would be alright to give RDWC a crack.
Nah dunno but there only just scratching the surface on finding out everything about all the different cannabinoids withing the plant. Or im just talkin shit

Hahaha, no mate you’re not talking shit. The big one being studied at the moment is the terpenes and their role / interaction with the cannabinoids on the CB1 and CB2 receptors, and the overall endocannabinoid system.
They still give a fuck over there do they? Someone caught with ~100 plants in my area in NZ ended up with a warning lol
Im on the next plane!!!!
NZ seems to be very progressive country and your prime minister would have to be in top 3 in the world for most respected and trusted leaders ever, imo.
(Im even warming to the all blacks just dont tell anyone)
For the boys outside or in soil

The tea bags also keep vermin at a distance. Used tea bags as well as coffee grounds help to keep vermin away from your flowers and plants. The smell chases away any creatures that would like to take a bite out of your precious plants.
I like the idea of having a rez tank system though cause im a lazy bastard.. id have to read more if i could mix up large amounts of nute solution that i could have ready to last a few days to a week an then run a pump an timer with drippers or something, make life easy as fk.
How often are you cleaning out the trays on ur dtw sytem. If ya could run it off straight out into another drum or something be the go.

There’s a probably a few different ways of doing it with coco for dtw, like what reza’s doing just the run off into a drain, which is easy if you’ve got a floor drain. Another one is using tables (like F&D tables) and just having the run off drain into a catchment tank under the table and then getting rid of that. Or something like what I do for my mums in a tent, use a deepish sided tray / floor liner and raise the fabric pots up a bit so they are not sitting in any run off (you don’t want them sitting in the run off), and use a boat bilge pump that has a float switch on the floor of the tray and that pumps the run off out to a drum, empty the drum in the garden as needed. I dilute the runoff for the garden or lawn.
If you like the idea of having a res and doing a recirculating system then probably flood and drain is the easiest hydro method to use. If you size the res properly and use nutes specifically for recirculating system, like canna aqua, you won’t get huge ph or ec swings. That’s what I’m doing atm, went back to the KISS principal so I can actually leave for a few days or more if I want to. Got a 220 litre res under each 4x4 table, and do res changes about every 12-14 days, depending on how much the girls are drinking. If you know what you’re doing you can get some pretty awesome results with F&D.
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For the boys outside or in soil

The tea bags also keep vermin at a distance. Used tea bags as well as coffee grounds help to keep vermin away from your flowers and plants. The smell chases away any creatures that would like to take a bite out of your precious plants.
tea bags contain plastics though, so probebely not the best for the bugs and shit unless u can find natural teabags.
Ive never done a recirculatory but from the Hydro section on here most agree that DTW uses less nutrients over a growing cycle than Recirculate. A little run off here and there vs the dumping of the tank every few days/week.
I get the odd power outage and im a lazy grower so nt for me- id love to give it a try one day but id have to be more motivated.