Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
you also got about 5kw of light though dude :P
My brother and I had stalks that thick using DWC was well on the way to getting over a Pound off 3 plants under a 600w light.

Then he got busted, I cannot grow dwc as the pumps resonate through the house.


Active Member
@Dpmymrs get a photo up asap dude, as im somewhat tempted to give it ago next season. Did you go for the proper setup from a hydro store or just bucket + pool filter basket?
hey man i jus bought a container from bunnings and drilled and cut holes myself...bought air pumps and airstones from mega pet warehouse...i recommend the small round barrel shaped airstones and not the long ones

i have 2 6" air stones and comparing it to the smaller barrel shaped airstones - they put off heaps more bubbles it seems

ill put pics up soon


Active Member
Man im dying to setup my dwc system i just gotta finish off my current grow another 3 weeks left, i was thinking of just finishing it now so i can setup the dwc, where did u find the info on hooking everything up, jimmy is gonna give me a hand just got to get the grow area measured
yea im jus lucky i got the space the stupid way i got it all setup...just pushed the pots aside and made space for my containers


Active Member
Man im dying to setup my dwc system i just gotta finish off my current grow another 3 weeks left, i was thinking of just finishing it now so i can setup the dwc, where did u find the info on hooking everything up, jimmy is gonna give me a hand just got to get the grow area measured
and the info i got was basically just from this site and grasscity...if u look for budslinger on grasscity he gives a pretty good tutorial

also on youtube i was watching these videos called 'harvest every 2 weeks'. not the greatest growing but this guy has a fair idea and he learns a few dos and donts of dwc and perpetual growing with dwc


Active Member
i started off with a bubble cloner of which i used a water heater that i got from discount hydro on ebay...i dint use a humidity dome for the clones....just the heater

these clones i took from a propogation container i got from bunnings and hadnt rooted in 3 weeks....i chucked them in my 10L bubble cloner and within 3 days shit started happening...gettin 2 inches of root growth everyday


Well-Known Member
also because plants grow so quick in dwc u can just have the 1 grow room on 12/12 and be harvesting every week or so.. its what im doing, they mature from seed in only roughly 3-4 weeks and still give an okay yeild if your growing indica dom.


Active Member
You should start a jornal dpmymrs.
yea im still just tryina nail down on everything thats goin on in my grow rooms...ive gotta veg and a flower room and they bit all over the place at the moment...waitin on some new nutes n some more lights etc etc...then ill probly get onto it


Well-Known Member
Landcruiser 80
with all the bits
3inch lift, 33s,arb everything
big tuff fuck off truck to find good hiding spots
I'm pretty stoked


Well-Known Member
I got a few things to do for the roadie but will be smashing tracks by the weekend
but it's good to have some thing to go anywhere in
since I smashed my knee I can't ride the dirt bike for long without being sore so this is the next best thing
don't worry guys I'm not a red neck 4wd goon
I don't fuck up the bush