I wont be a know all, I prefer to watch, I have read all of Al Bs SOG thread, and the Harvest every 2 weeks, learnt heaps.
As for current drawn by lights, its easy, for each 100 watts, the lamp draws .4amps, so a 400 draws 1.6amps, a 600 watt draws 2.4 amps, and a 1000 draws 4 amps,
As for cops busting growers, they have more important things to do. I firmly believe that every bust comes from someone shooting off their mouth, either a dissatisfied customer, a boastful grower, or an envious friend, or associate, such as a workmate.
Once someone drops 50 cents on you, the cops are obliged to check it out.
I have grown for a long time, in various states, and even my closest friends know nothing.