Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Hey Km, watched Charlie yet?!
yeah man i just didn't say anythin lol that guy got super nutty intense over on my journal

it kinda freaked me out man he kept sayin charlie, and shit they coulda left him in a bath full of ice lol


Well-Known Member
Aahhh that is bringing back memories....... the plants LOVE it in the lantarna fixes nitrogen in the soil so they feed off that and grow huge ...good luck with that BB
Cheers jats,i should have been doin this prep shit a month ago..oh well,im lookin to plant by the end of next week at the latest.
They're screamin to get out of their small pots,i recon theyre gonna explode once they get out in the great outdoors.


Well-Known Member
yeah man i just didn't say anythin lol that guy got super nutty intense over on my journal

it kinda freaked me out man he kept sayin charlie, and shit they coulda left him in a bath full of ice lol
Haha, @ least they sewed him back up.. The video came 2 mind cos of d whole 'Shun d Non-Believer' thing..

Best bit is d Magical Leopluradon.. :lol:

Don't worry bout that tool, I had some wank jump on my SLH journal & tell me I don't know how 2 LST..


Well-Known Member
yeah it was funny, it's voice just freaked me out i spose lol and it kept saying charlie in this creepy way, pisser.

and yeah it isn't a big deal, i just try to avoid intense coz i dont like the energy it uses being angry at people, and as i get older i enjoy peaceful a lot more (i used to argue for the jolly sake of it) but once i start i find it hard to draw a line. oh and i didn't say this at the time coz i didn't feel the need to justify it to someone so full of hate, but a friend of mine handed me a small plastic bag with blue stars on it, inside were some seeds and he said "do you think you can do anything with these? i'm travelling to mumbai"

and ya know what, i dont even get why i'd lie about it? it's not like if it is a twin, it's because of any special ability i have had, it's nothing for me to be proud of - it would be a freak accident. so whoop de do, at first it was kind of novel to me but it's more drama than it's worth so i'm keeping it off the grow journal, in support of me not copping anymore unwarranted shit about it lol


Well-Known Member
BUT i will of course show pics of the transplant and do my very best to determine what went on, did i have a brain fart or did somethin a bit weird go on. either way, i dont think it makes me interesting, special or cool - i'm just a chick who loves growin weed


Well-Known Member
This is where everyone shows off their smoking utensils, names, stories anything you wanna say about your bong or pipe go go go!



Well-Known Member
This is where everyone shows off their smoking utensils, names, stories anything you wanna say about your bong or pipe go go go!



This is my Classic Solid Valve Volcano, and my tasty 5ft bag. I love to curl up in bed with it, its a sick balloon perversion I have.



Well-Known Member
Let's Not 4get the Lady Loving.. Always an important point :lol:
(I kno u said more than that, but u kno me, I zoomed and mentally cropped the rest)..
dude it's ok to focus in on it when something is said about it, but i didn't mention it at all lol haha enjoy yer sexual peak ninj it'll be over soon :bigjoint:

i've just woken up for work and thrown up yet again, if i didn't know better i'd say i was preggers! not possible i'm fully shielded, or am i? hmm lol

i would take a pic but last night i put a cola icy pole in my bong and it looks really manky and brown atm lol but fyi i'm using a waterfall double chamber job, i'm sure i have a photo of it on here somewhere


Well-Known Member
here she is, all pretty and new lol she's been quite abused since this was taken



Well-Known Member
Hey DIO...........Welcome to the site and the thread :hug:.......... if you take the time to go throu this thread you won't be sorry... there are a few seedbanks that us Aussies use posted up...and we all seem to get our seeds when we order them...but I would send to a false name and to a different address then the one you will be growing from....the last seedbank I used was,,they are well priced but don't send the seeds in breeders packs ....but there are plenty others...

say hello to the nth coast for me ;-)

oh I guess I need to take a photo of a well made spliff...cause thats how I roll,,yo :joint:


Active Member,,they are well priced but don't send the seeds in breeders packs

Hey jatz, what are breeders packs?


Well-Known Member
oh i would smoke spliffs all day long if i could lol but the fires wiped out my reg sellers so i got the bong to be more economical with my use - she is a treat, especially with a good bit of ice cold water, smoke just fuckin slides down lol

ooh i feel the need to bake cookies, do you like choc chip cookies jats? ;) lol


Well-Known Member
1000 posts aye damn.
this is the best thread though us aussie's rule muhahaha

on a side note hey jats hey all


Well-Known Member
I LOVE choc chip cookies......:-P

breeders packs are the packets the breeders produce to go with their products... I'll take a photo of 1 of mine sum time soon and post it up... I always read Dark Crusade when I see it ...but I'm always stoned and a little dyslexic :lol: