Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
missed it
what is dis show
hey rock your a footy fan who ya go for
and im outa here at 445am tomoz
but right now i gotta friend i gotta catch up with
hash top bloke


Active Member
Lol so pretty...he'd be doing his nails rather than risk getting muddy on a field. AFL bah, don't mind footy...

Cheers Billy, I wish I had one of those buds now! Yeah, I'll try one strain at a time.

can't find any growing info on diavolo, just that *phew* is truly and autoflower (some of the so-called autos aren't really stable and don't perform consistently enough to be considered autoflowers). glad i didn't waste my money on the strain, lol I chose it because it looked pretty!

Bon Voyage Jimbro


Well-Known Member
What do you mean 'trick buds' Jimmy? I support Manly but our season is fucked now that the sex offender is injured. Mate love my union more. The Tahs are shit though. They will never win a title. I should back hand most of them.
You dissapoint me rock,Manly?! and a union fan to boot,the only thing union is good for is making the players that union clubs buy realise how good rugby league is which makes em come back even on half the pay.

Up the Dogs c'mon!
Theres talk of SBW comin back,could u imagine the shit over that.


Well-Known Member
Hey y'all wats the happy haps?

I just wanted to pick a few of ur geniuseseses' brains for a sec,u see ive been searching far & wide for a supplier that would deliver Salvia extract to our fine land (without much succes).My previous supplier is no longer in operation.

But finally i stumbled upon,despite their disclaimer advising they do not deliver to Australia as well as 2 or 3 arctic circle countries & Korea,i shot em a shemale to ask if they would deliver here and this is wat it said;

I can but you must pay with Western Union.
Let me know what you would like to order

William Climer

Is this sus or not? If not how do i even use Western Union?

Plz help,cheers.


Active Member
Western union is feckin expensive**. You can get salvia leaves and extracts from canadian sites, think some of them say worldwide delivery. I've never ordered salvia. Hey, I've never tried it but it sounds interesting...good, yeah? Would you mind describing the experience? Isn't that the plant that hardly produces any seeds...and then the ones that are produced are often not viable? Better off, imho, finding someone in Oz you can clone from. It used to be legal here to grow it, so there'll be plenty around, just gotta figure out where to look...

**think you can use WU online with a credit card, or in person at an will list agents in your area, I should think.


Well-Known Member
Yes ur right in sayin it doesn't produce many viable seeds and is cultivated in small circles via vegetative cutting,hence its rareness here.There's plenty of Salvia species in Aus (u'll find a few at ur local nursery guaranteed) but only 1 delivers the money shot.

Describing the experience is very hard coz its different for everyone but i'll try.

My first hit (half cone) caused mild euphoria then a strange pulling sensation like there was a wire coming from my balcony light hooking in my mouth the returning to the light,i described it as an electric conveyor belt.Weak but pleasant.

Second hit i cant remember much but i know i was surrounded by ppl i loved but didn't know,weird i know,thats all i remember from that 1.

My 3rd and final trip on that first night: I was in a stationary car with my cousin listening to an old country giants cassette-Jim Reeves/He'll have to go- from memory(great song,im 21 but i love old country) anyway i hit it then went to put my arm out a closed window then was laughing histerically coz i hit the hectic part............................. I was instantly transported to a flouro green and yellow place i called the corn wagon,its on tape too.It was the most beautiful vivid place ive ever seen,EVERYONE MUST TRY IT.The end.


Active Member
Sounds interesting! I've only heartd good things about Salvia, similar to what you've said. I'm fine with me MJ though; the choice between indica stoned/sleepy and Sativa giggly/thoughtful/trippy is enough for me. But, never say never...

The divinorum plant was only fairly recently made illegal here, so there should be plenty peeps with plants you could clone....if you knew who they were :-) !!


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

i finally got my new modem today. yay.

my final dry weight for the three plants was just over 19.5 ounces. it was better than i was expecting. i got 2 ounces off the bagseed plant and it is one of the best smokes i have had in a long time. i am smoking the last bud of it now.:cry:

i will be starting a new journal for my super lemon haze grow which is 4 weeks into veg on monday. turning them down on monday. look for the new journal.

until later, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Well-Known Member
argh, my pay has been fucked up - i got a speeding ticket, it's not a good start to my happy weekend, haha. frick it

nice hall eighty very pleased for ya mate. i'm between plants myself lol

argh why can't i live in a socialist society as a weed grower, i'd be happy to supply the masses and smoke out with everyone lol