Seems u n I have similar knowledge and experience. From my research, I've come to understand that as big as ur mother grows, u can take as many clones as u see fit. As u say, I'm a newb so don't trust my opinion but that's my input. I planned on keepin a mother of each strain I'm growin and in sayin that, thru each grow I do, the mother will get too much. So I planned on takin clones wen the mother gets too big, bring them up and possibly sell them to my mate or workmate. But again, I've never done it before, but that's wat I see happeningI knew a maori bloke did concreting...good $$. Unexpected days off better than any other time off.
The outdoor plants that I forgot about don't seem to have changed at all since I found them. Maybe they're fixing up their roots...or are they as good as dead? So neglected their leaves aren't full size and only leaves at the top with mini budz, and they must've been bone dry for weeks...was hoping they might show a couple weeks striving.
Hey, I'm a compulsive planner...for my next grow oing to be planting fem seed. Hoping to turn seed into mother and grow out the clones...would I be ok mto get 6 clones from a new mother? Dunno if I should plant a few strains and go for 1-2 clones per new mum, or if I can grow one strain and fill mu cupboard with her clones...Any opinions/advice appreciated, cheers.