Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
Judge, I did go through a Jerry Springer phase about 10 years ago, so, ok, Judge Judy :-) I loved it when people starting fighting...but then I got bored!

After 14 days, that growth is ok? Guess different strains have different rates...that's what I'm here to learn...Hey SCG, what kind of Thai is that? I'm thinking of growing World of Seeds Wild Thai...that what you have?

Ahh, the bestest thing about colder weather is...hotter showers! Just had a burn me red hot hot shower :-)


Well-Known Member
Could I Just Quickly Interject Here For One Moment Please?

I Am Good & Proper Ripped right now.
Got given a good chunky Bud of 'The Purps' & It is Fuckin Chronic!


Active Member
Pass it round Ninj! Sounds yummy. I decided not to buy any more budz, just wait for my own harvest and spend my bud $ on grow room. Sigh, which means 7+ weeks of waiting...but do me good to clear my head for a little while....then fill it with nice homegrown smoko :-)


Well-Known Member
yay jim, buffy was great. I had such a crush on Spike! And Willow! And Xander, until he got older and not so cute.
Any of you pussies ever had root aphids? Pussies cause you have gone walkabout. Nothing on TV. They sound deadly and i may have em.


Well-Known Member
Yikes, I had been living in blissful ignorance of root aphids...poor you. This girl got rid of hers...
but you probably googled it n found that thread anyhows...
Be good to hear what you do n what works.
I may just be worrying again. Ninj thought they were just fungus gnats but from further reading it seems they are very diificult to tell apart. It seems that a symptom is black blotchy patches on the leaves which mine are starting to show. This weed growing is taking its toll on me. Yes had read that link but thank you anyway. All i have is a juicy can of mortein surface spray. The black can. Toxic shit. If they dont fuck off soon they are getting a dose.


Active Member
these are the same guys as before? i didn't read up much on root aphids, so i can't say whether you have them or not, but from your description the buggers sounded like fungus gnats - I didn't kno what they were called til someone here put a name to them. i had them when i was growing garden herbs indoors - they killed a few of my plants.

both of the candidate critters attack the roots, so better sort them out...n a dose of discount hydro's root repair might be the go, once the blighters are dead. you gotta have some tobacco around, give the baccy treatment a go? repot mayb if the infestation is fully set in? i know plants don't like their roots being moved...but they don't like em being eaten, either...

sheesh, i'd be pissed...


Well-Known Member
Sorry Rock, I'm a Hydroton grower, we don't encounter things like that.. The faster you can get automated the better... Hydroton allows you to be a little more complicated, but the system itself is set and forget....

Gonna get you over to the way Eight and I grow... Much easier than soil... Soil has too many variables...



Well-Known Member
hmmm....this pic is fungus gnat...n it doesn't look anything like the nasty I had and which I thought you were describing

you got small, clumsy, black flying things in the soil, right?
I read this. First pic is a fungus gnat. Second a winged root aphid. Hope this works. I am no computer geek. To me and to others from what i have read they look similar to the eye. Remember these are magnified.



Well-Known Member
For those 12th man fans out there i thought i should let you know i am angry and disillusioned and shocked and dismayed at the early bedtime of the members of this forum. LG you have proved you are an exception to this. Even my fishing buddies are still up talking tackle.