Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
always preferred mornington pen myself, mccrae to be exact lol i kept getting bites off nasty bleedy march flies at the island, got some family members that swearb y the place tho

yay my broadband is back to happy, need to see 24 as soon as possible lol

pics to come


Well-Known Member
Went to the Movies to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D the other night.. I really loved it... My hubby didn't like it that much... I said Duh, its a childrens book honey... Very girlie, but I loved, loved, loved... I like it when I can completely immerse myself in a visual fantasy... All the characters were bloody brilliant and to top it off the lead character of Alice is played by a Yup...bongsmilie


Active Member
Hey Lacey, I SO want to see that good as it should be?

Rock, sorry your girls aren't happy. It's nice that people want to help and offer advice...but doncha wish they could all say the same thing, rather than each telling you to do the opposite of what the other says?! I don't have experience with MJ to draw on, but I grow other plants from seed too, and if she was one of my plants I'd be looking at watering and roots - maybe dig down carefully until you can see if the roots are healthy, also you'll get an idea of the condition of the media you're using - too wet/dry....looks a little like over watering and one of the leaves might be indicating under nute...but remember, not much MJ experience here. Good luck. Apart from the drooping n slight leaf colour, she looks good, so she should recover once you figure out what she needs.

Jimbo, pics pics pics!

Can someone define 'hotspots' for me? Keep it clean, y'all!

Cheers peeps


Well-Known Member
Hey Lacey, I SO want to see that good as it should be?

Hi Yada, the movie was great, first time I've seen 3D too...It amazing... I had a great time...

Can someone define 'hotspots' for me? Keep it clean, y'all!

Cheers peeps
Hot spots are a concentration of heat in one area... Something you have to watch for if your lights are too close... People talk about hotspots forming when you use aluminium foil for light reflection... I've never experienced them myself... I grow in a mylar tent.... Mylar is the best for reflection, especially diamond mylar...



Active Member
Cool Kmoo! I love grow journals.

How do I subscribe?

Which strains have you grown before?

Thanks Lacey. I went over budget setting up my first grow 'room', so can't afford the mylar. For the moment, for relection, I have a whiteboard on one wall (the kind ya write on), and then the others have cardboard backed slilghtly dull foil-like stuff (sold as a wall-shield to go behind a cook-top, or to go under camping stoves) - hope that works ok for a few months, can't afford more grow-room stuff for a while lol the plants will be eating better than I will!


Well-Known Member
Cool Kmoo! I love grow journals.

How do I subscribe?

Which strains have you grown before?

Thanks Lacey. I went over budget setting up my first grow 'room', so can't afford the mylar. For the moment, for relection, I have a whiteboard on one wall (the kind ya write on), and then the others have cardboard backed slilghtly dull foil-like stuff (sold as a wall-shield to go behind a cook-top, or to go under camping stoves) - hope that works ok for a few months, can't afford more grow-room stuff for a while lol the plants will be eating better than I will!
I know what you mean.It can get expensive..... Get onto the website the rest of us swear by...

Discount Hydroponics on ebay... Shayle is lovely....I just had stuff delivered and it came over night... I save 60% on purchases that I would make at my local hydrostore... Its so worth taking a look... I nearly fell over at how cheap they are... Do yourself a favour and just look... They are based in the Wollongong...

To subscribe, there are thread action tabs at the top of the thread page, open the drop down menu by clicking on it and then hit subscribe to thread... Very easy..


Well-Known Member
i got a really good quote off shayle for the cyco series i'm gonna use but aussieponics was a bit lower so i had to go with him, been with him loads of time - always quick n cheap, but prob so quick coz he's not based too far from me


Well-Known Member
Hi all. At work so can't spend long on here. Kmoo looking forward to having a look at your journal tonight. You may have to deal with a drunken fool though. Yada thanks for looking at my babies. You should start a journal too so I can also follow. Some answers to your questions may help me too and vice versa. Just popped into bunnings. Got some bigger pots, some soil and already had the perlite. They are now resting in their final homes. The root ball was vast and dry as fuck.


Well-Known Member
somethings not right with my grow room its fucked everytime i try to grow seedlings indoors the wont grow and i have to put them outside for a week and then when i bring them in with some foliage they thrive , its starting to really shit me, eveything is optimal also from what i can see.


Active Member
Yay it worked cheers lacey!

Oh how I wish I had a camera! My bagseeds are 9 outta 14 germed and looking healthy little things. And I'd loveto show you guys the evolution of my grow'room' - it is, after all, the result of all that I have learnt on this site and earwigging on the Aussie growers forum. I might be able to get a digi cam in about 6 weeks, but til then gotta pay the bills I should've paid with my growroom $$!!

Peeps, when you've grown regular (not fem) seeds in the past, have you got a reasonable (around 50%) number of girls? I'm buying fem for planting and reg for storing (my own personal miniture seedbank!). But wonder how many reg seeds I should store of each strain that I want to preserve.

Mini personal seedbank is in case our internet freedom is taken away by our fascist hohoho 'labour' govmnt. Guess some of the better seedbanks will go paper/mail order but we might lose access to some of them.


Well-Known Member
somethings not right with my grow room its fucked everytime i try to grow seedlings indoors the wont grow and i have to put them outside for a week and then when i bring them in with some foliage they thrive , its starting to really shit me, eveything is optimal also from what i can see.
Where's your journal small???? Can't help you without having a look.....


Well-Known Member
yeah my seedlings can be a little hit n miss lol fucks me off

i just haven't been able to give them the tlc they need coz i got stupid bad sick just after i germed em. but most of them are comin along grand

i feel like a bucket of hamburger meat, gonna take my feckin tonsils out myself soon! lol grrr, such silly little bumps of gross can cause so many problems


Active Member
Clset grwr - hello :-)

Hi Rock - ahh, so she wanted to stretch her legs out? Hope the new pots fix it.

My bagseeds germed at different rates - one popped the soil last night, one is showing good growth on her 2nd set proper leaves, the others got tiny little second proper leaves just coming.

They're germin outside, not got set up yet. Sorry, closetgrwr can't advise because never germed anything inside. At least yours ARE germing, tho!


Well-Known Member
Hey SCG. No nutes yet. That may have been another prob with them. 70 percent perlite in the mix would have offered nothing in that department. I burned the shit out of my last ones so was a little apprehensive. They are now in good quality soil 70 percent ,15 percent perlite and 15percent vermiculite. I think that will be enough nutrition for them until/if they recover. If they die I will be sad but have more fem'd rhino.


Active Member
gonna take my feckin tonsils out myself soon!

Oooooh, PLEASE let me do it! hahahaha maniacal got cloning knives, they'll do....we could take a peek in your stomach too while we're performing surgery - no need for gastroscopy after all....


Active Member
Hi again,

yes, I'm bored...

Has anyone tried keeping a bonsai mother? I'd liketo try it - not with bagseed of course (though she smokes damn well...hmm, might rethink that depending on space). I used to do bonsai when I was youger - had a few gorgeous little plants from seed. It's really easy. And if it works with most MJ strains (does it? Do some of them get unhappy with being bonsai-ed?) then that would be great and well worth me makingmy cupboard two-tier and having a dedicated small veg/mother space. What d'ya reckon?