Attempt at making Lowryder2 seeds


Well-Known Member
Here she is. Changed the rez today and added more nutes. Again, the rez was practically empty. So she's basically drinking 2 gallons a day at this point. Her root mass is frighteningly large. If this zombie plant wanted to take over the could:shock:

The other pics are the auto bb x ak's. Lookin good so far.

wow I love how dark green it is... Great damn job keep it up!


Well-Known Member
What's good all? Well, it's still been easy going with this now. Just changed her rez again today. I am soooo lollipopping any others plants of this strain that I get. The bushyness is incredible and she barely has room. There have been some heat issues as a result of the proximity of the hps to the top of her. I put the light higher and she just goes right back up to it. She's hanging around 550-600ppm and doesn't seem to want any more for some reason (once I go over 600ppm, the ppm increases the next day). I'm not too worried about it as she looks healthy. In retrospect, I wish I had waited another week or two before I pollinated her as I'm sure I missed plenty of bud sites. I don't see any seeds yet but I'm not really sure if I'm supposed to or not at this point. Her taproot showed in late March so she's pretty much at the 2 month mark now. Normally we'd be looking at harvest pics about now but the early stunting and temporary death issue delayed this a bit. She's still probably about 3 weeks away or so (barely any trichs on the leaves).

The other set of pics is of the auto blueberry x ak47. They are currently 3 weeks old and I haven't had a single problem with this grow and feel it is coming along very nicely. They're floating around 400ppm (mostly of the hydro grow big) and seem happy. As you can see there is a runt in there and I'm not exactly sure what the problem is here. It might just be a slow grower. I certainly have no intention of merci-killing any of these plants after the whole ET thing that happened with my LR2 female. No signs of gender on these yet but with 4 plants I'm sure I'll get at least 1 female and 1 male to create some good seedage.

One area of slight concern is the presence of little tiny red bugs in the grow room. I know, I could be spider mites, the dreaded enemy of any grow room. Only thing is, they are not on the plants at all. I've inspected the plants (both the lr2 and the auto BBxAKs) and nothing. I feel that they may be clove mites or something of a less harmful nature. Should they be spider mites, I will have a seriously big problem with my lr2 who is so close to finishing flowering. Again, no signs of damage or bugs on the plants yet so I'm not stressing...yet. I did read about this thing called No Pest Strips which is supposed to work wonders but can't find it in any stores as of yet.

Oh yeah, ambient issues. My temps run consistently around 80-83 degrees in the room with about 50% humidity. Not bad considering all of the lighting and no exhaust. I will be looking to move future grows in my basement which is about 20 degrees cooler and 10 points higher on humidity. The summer here will be very hot and I won't be able to keep everything at 80 for too much longer. I'll be looking to make some sort of grow tent (or buy if I can find a cheap one) when this all moves down there. Thanks for checkin in all.



Well-Known Member
Okay, minor crisis today. The auto bb x ak' see how the top of the dwc is all white? Well, apparantly the color white doesn't keep sh$@ out for light. So, I come home today and find algae all over the place. Luckily, I had another dwc (with a slightly bigger rez size) ready to go already. I washed the roots off of the plants and they should be fine. This dwc is definately light proof. Disaster avoided luckily. I do have to start creating much bigger dwc's given that my lr2 female is going through a rez's worth of water each day...and I have 4 auto bb x ak's in this one! Fortunately, I have more horizontal space issues than I have vertical issues so I can go as deep as I want (that's what she said) with the dwc's. Otherwise, everythings still lookin good.


Well-Known Member
lookin great man, everything is goin perfect.

plants are so damn healthy!

whats the secret haha, good to hear to got home in time, could have been a mess


Well-Known Member
The lr2 is doing fine as usual. A new problem has arised.

Out of the 10 auto bb x ak47 seeds, i was succesfully able to get only 4 to properly germinate (my fault on the other 6 pretty much). These plants are now starting to show gender. 3 are definate males!:wall: The only one I don't see signs of gender on yet is the runt of the litter in the previous pictures. This is probably a good sign as I have always been able to identify males quicker than females and they are all the same age. So once again, I cannot just have an easy seed making grow. Has to be suspensful of course! Regardless, I will still keep all 3 males and let them grow their full course to collect pollen. If the runt is a female, no problem cause she'll be in a foursome in that small DWC:hump:. There will be tons of seeds of auto bb x aks. If the last one is a male, i will still grow all out to maturity and collect pollen. Then I'll have a decision to make. I can either
A) Order more auto bb x ak47 seeds (fem'd this time)...or
B) Utilize my lowryder 2 seeds that I will get from the current female. This brings up a topic that I will have to research a bit. Crossing an auto bb x ak47 with a female lr2. As i stated in an earlier post, i have been disappointed by the lack of info about crossing various strains/genetics of marijuana on the web. Not sure what the worst that could happen would be. Either way I'll get auto seeds that are smokeable.

Option C) would be to just harvest the seeds from the lr2, grow out my male auto bb x ak's and collect pollen...and then start up the white widow, whine rhino grow from those seeds I got last month.

I guess there's really no bad option here so I'll just wait and see. Pics coming this weekend. You'll be able to see how I managed to nute burn the hell outta a couple of the male auto bb x aks...Oops!


Well-Known Member
Srry to hear about the males man, they usually show first like you stated, so that one has to be a female, havnt heard too much on crossing with lr's, but you can always tried, will be posted for pics


Well-Known Member
your plant reminds me of my lowryder 2 grow, good luck with the seed run, Im trying the easyryder this time (ak x lr2) and indica fem pack g.


Well-Known Member
your plant reminds me of my lowryder 2 grow, good luck with the seed run, Im trying the easyryder this time (ak x lr2) and indica fem pack g.
Haha. They look like cousins. Good luck with the easy ryder (& good luck with the odor...that one's supposed to be harsh).


Well-Known Member
Well, we're on week 9 by my count and she's getting ready. Trichs are only 30% cloudy, 70% clear. So we're still looking at 2.5 to 3 weeks by my estimate. The main cola continues to thicken and the surrounding leaves are gettin real frosty:clap:

The 1st two pics show the main cola. In the other pics, you can probably notice some pretty heavy discoloration on some of the fan leaves. Almost looks like rust. I'm really not sure what this is from yet but I'm gonna have to do some detective work a little later on. Any ideas? These pics are from today.

pH= 6.8
PPM= 600
Temp= 84d
Humidity= 40%



Well-Known Member
And here are the others I have brewing. I really thought that 3 outta the 4 were male but with today's rez change I was able to get a much better look at the "3" males. Fortunately, 1 of them is female. Up close it's pretty obvious as her pistils are huge. This is a very good thing as not only is this a 2nd female in this grow but this one is considerably bigger than the female runt, which will provide better genetics in the seeds. As such, I will grow all 4 plants out to maturity in this seed making run. Both males look healthy with good node spacing (one of them looks like it'll be a giant). I'm not planning on doing any lollipopping in this grow as it is mainly for seeds.

Pic 1) The giant least the biggest of the 2 I have here. Lots of pollen sacs.

Pic 2) This is the 2nd male in the grow. A little shorter and less developed than his brother. Note the nute burn (i think) on that bottom leaf.

Pic 3) This is the female that I originally thought was a male (:dunce:). Taller and more full than the other female in this grow. She's shorter than the males. At least for now.

Pic 4) Here is the runt that is the clear female. This one just doesn't seem to want to burst with growth. That being said, she looks healthy enough.

These were all taproots between 5/11 and 5/13. So this is almost at week 4. Although this is an auto strain (which usually finish in 8), this combo strain is a 10 week grow...6 more left...I hate being patient.

Given that they are in flower now, I have removed the AG hood light and put in some heavy duty CFLs (2700k) with reflectors.

Week 4
pH 5.8
PPM 350 (FF hydro nutes)(2 tsp GB : 1 Tbl BB)
Temp 84d
Humidity 40%



Well-Known Member

Things still going real well. I got lazy this week and didn't check ph or ppm every day. Just added water and nutes today. Trying the lady at 1150 ppm. It's up there but I'm hoping she can take it and give one last big push for bud production. The trichs are 100% cloudy at this point. I would imagine some mixture of amber and cloudy next weekend. I'll need to start to flush soon. It dawned on me that I won't really have the water curing option on this grow. Since there will be seeds, I don't need any germinating while water curing (that would be a disaster for my purposes). I'm sure she's also been pollinated by the male auto bb x auto ak's at this point but those seeds won't be to maturity and will never germ. Basically, that's how I'll be able to tell which are pure lr2 seeds and which are the immature non-germing crosses. Everything on this plant is huge basically and I realize that I may have grossly underestimated the size of the lr2 strain. Glad I ran into a big one before I chose a new grow space. With harvest not but about 2 weeks away tops, I will have to start looking into the ebb and flow systems that have been so widly heralded by some of the more serious growers at this site. Seems to be the best way to pack them in together tightly and maximize light and space with the 200+ seeds that I am anticipating. I hope to eventually cross these pure lr2's with the Super Silver Haze to try and bring down it's amazing 12 week flowering period. Curious to see what I get outta that.

As for the auto bb x auto ak's, they look great. The runt looks stunted (for reasons unknown to me). The female is starting to flower away. Both males are giants now. I just shook them both over the females today and it appeared to be snowing for a little while. Pretty cool looking. The females leaves and flowers are covered in pollen powder now and those males have plenty more pollen to donate. Keeping them all in the same room as there is no reason to remove them at this point. I just brought their ppm up to 450ppm. The humidity in the room is starting to creep over 60% so I will have to get some absorbent material in there to protect against mold and such. Over all, they are doing extremely well and have been very easy to grow thus far. Thanks for stoppin in and sorry about the lack of pics this week. I'll post some mid week.


Well-Known Member
I made the call last night. 30% amber on the trichs, seed pods looked well developed. Here are her final pics before the chop. Not too bad for a plant that died for a month.:clap:

She definately suffered from heat stress towards the end of this grow but I'll have that solved next time.



Well-Known Member
Okay. So we can put a rover on Mars but have invented anyting that does manicuring bud for us?! The manicuring on this mother plant took a littel of 4.5 hours (yikes). I still don't really feel that I have the feel for manicuring just yet but this looks better than my last attempt (still some confusion about what goes when). I basically chopped a crapload of the leaves coming right off of the stem and am storing them in freezer bags for hash or something of the sort (got 2 full ziplock bags of em from this plant alone...the big bags).

Did I luck out or what?! To think, this girl was my last shot at having a female LR2 to make seeds with. I am VERY thankful for getting this mother plant. And the seeds...well, it looks like seeds galoure on this girl. Mostly on certain branches that I intentionally pollinated quite heavily. No definate count on the seeds yet. I will let those buds dry and cure as usual and count when done with this.

In terms of amount. Well...Holy sh%#!! I had no idea that this plant could be this good of a producer. When I started this, I was just hoping for an ounce (lol). I have WAAAAYYY more than that. Granted it will probably lose about 75% of its weight in the dry and cure process but I'll still be over the 2 oz mark by my estimate. All I have to say is, thank you Fox Farm nutes!!! Can't even imagine what Advanced Nutes would do to this baby?!

Pic 1&2) These are pics when I was like 1/4 or 1/3 the way through the chop and manicure. I was pretty blown away already and hadn't even gotten to the beast of the main cola yet. (pic of remainder of plant and the yield from just the portion taken off).

Pics 3&4) There it is. The main cola. That thing is so ridiculously dense the pics don't do it justice. Heavy as hell too! That alone will probably be 1.5 oz itself when dried. The other buds on the plant are a bit whispy. Not too dense. That main cola though. Forget about it! A-rod could use that thing! No seeds on the main cola (intentionally done). Can't wait to start lollipopping these plants on the next grows so they all look like that.

Pic 5) Final result before drying. I don't think I'll need to buy for quite some time.

Pic 6&7) Here's some that I put in for a water cure (ran out of room on the hangers). #7 is the remainder of the plant that I'm really not going to do anything with. I've pulled the seed pods off of it but the buds are just too whispy to do anyting with so I'll just let them go.

The buds are now hanging by...well...hangers in my bathroom (coolest place in my crib). Gotta run to home depot now to buy crap load of absorbent powder as the humidity is over 60% there (yikes). Don't want any mold on these babies. I'll dry them for a couple of days and then put them in paper bags for a few more before putting them in their mason jar homes for a few weeks. The water cure will finish much quicker so I will be posting a smoke report in about 1 week.

This grow was pretty crazy and I certainly fell in love with DWC. Definately came a long way since the aerogarden. I still have the auto bb x auto ak's going. I'll have to do maintenance on them tomorrow (gotta remove the males cause they're sucking up all of the water). For next grow, I have seriosly been considering Ebb and Flow systems like Al B and Gypsy use but I am still undecided. Gotta do more research 1st as these results with this DWC are freakin great and far exceeded my expectations. Feeding, pH, and humidity were much less of an issue this go round. Germinating was a huge problem as was the initial humidity dome stages. Gotta get these parts down solid if I want this to take off more consistently and get my SOG op going.

Thanks to all who participated and checked out this grow. Sorry it took sooo darn long but I finally hit the finish line. Please feel free to leave any comments and suggestions (especially for the manicuring part which probably still needs improvement). Thanks again.:blsmoke::mrgreen::weed:

And especially thank you to the mother plant. I have dedicated a post to you my fallen mother in my next post:clap:



Well-Known Member
Freakin can't find a place in my house without high humidity (lowest is 67%...with absorbers in the room). Aside from using a dehumidifier, anyon have any tips for lowering humidity?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Okay. So we can put a rover on Mars but have invented anyting that does manicuring bud for us?! The manicuring on this mother plant took a littel of 4.5 hours (yikes). I still don't really feel that I have the feel for manicuring just yet but this looks better than my last attempt (still some confusion about what goes when). I basically chopped a crapload of the leaves coming right off of the stem and am storing them in freezer bags for hash or something of the sort (got 2 full ziplock bags of em from this plant alone...the big bags).

Did I luck out or what?! To think, this girl was my last shot at having a female LR2 to make seeds with. I am VERY thankful for getting this mother plant. And the seeds...well, it looks like seeds galoure on this girl. Mostly on certain branches that I intentionally pollinated quite heavily. No definate count on the seeds yet. I will let those buds dry and cure as usual and count when done with this.

In terms of amount. Well...Holy sh%#!! I had no idea that this plant could be this good of a producer. When I started this, I was just hoping for an ounce (lol). I have WAAAAYYY more than that. Granted it will probably lose about 75% of its weight in the dry and cure process but I'll still be over the 2 oz mark by my estimate. All I have to say is, thank you Fox Farm nutes!!! Can't even imagine what Advanced Nutes would do to this baby?!

Pic 1&2) These are pics when I was like 1/4 or 1/3 the way through the chop and manicure. I was pretty blown away already and hadn't even gotten to the beast of the main cola yet. (pic of remainder of plant and the yield from just the portion taken off).

Pics 3&4) There it is. The main cola. That thing is so ridiculously dense the pics don't do it justice. Heavy as hell too! That alone will probably be 1.5 oz itself when dried. The other buds on the plant are a bit whispy. Not too dense. That main cola though. Forget about it! A-rod could use that thing! No seeds on the main cola (intentionally done). Can't wait to start lollipopping these plants on the next grows so they all look like that.

Pic 5) Final result before drying. I don't think I'll need to buy for quite some time.

Pic 6&7) Here's some that I put in for a water cure (ran out of room on the hangers). #7 is the remainder of the plant that I'm really not going to do anything with. I've pulled the seed pods off of it but the buds are just too whispy to do anyting with so I'll just let them go.

The buds are now hanging by...well...hangers in my bathroom (coolest place in my crib). Gotta run to home depot now to buy crap load of absorbent powder as the humidity is over 60% there (yikes). Don't want any mold on these babies. I'll dry them for a couple of days and then put them in paper bags for a few more before putting them in their mason jar homes for a few weeks. The water cure will finish much quicker so I will be posting a smoke report in about 1 week.

This grow was pretty crazy and I certainly fell in love with DWC. Definately came a long way since the aerogarden. I still have the auto bb x auto ak's going. I'll have to do maintenance on them tomorrow (gotta remove the males cause they're sucking up all of the water). For next grow, I have seriosly been considering Ebb and Flow systems like Al B and Gypsy use but I am still undecided. Gotta do more research 1st as these results with this DWC are freakin great and far exceeded my expectations. Feeding, pH, and humidity were much less of an issue this go round. Germinating was a huge problem as was the initial humidity dome stages. Gotta get these parts down solid if I want this to take off more consistently and get my SOG op going.

Thanks to all who participated and checked out this grow. Sorry it took sooo darn long but I finally hit the finish line. Please feel free to leave any comments and suggestions (especially for the manicuring part which probably still needs improvement). Thanks again.:blsmoke::mrgreen::weed:

And especially thank you to the mother plant. I have dedicated a post to you my fallen mother in my next post:clap:
damn butters that shit looks like sum dank!!!!!:joint:good job man stop by my new thread when u get a chance:peace: