Attempt at making Lowryder2 seeds


Well-Known Member
Hey butters man been following bro and cant really help to much with the particulars on breeding man.. I can say thatfrom what i gather the strain ur wanting to carry the most characteristics in the cross from should pollinate the female of strain number 2.
Like my A (ssd) i used him to pollinate my chemdawg (B)in hopes to bring the flower times down on the chemdawg as well as catch better yields.
Im also going to cross them back the other way as well to see if i can bring the colors of the chemdawg to the ssd as well as maybe even bring the potency of the ssd up.
Im not really sure how breeding works to tell u the truth man.

I can say budders u would probably have alot more success using peat spounges or jiffy plugs man. They are alot more easy to use. All i do is just keep um moist and have never had any problems with um. I use tap water on them as well so u dont really have to dick around with presoaking in ph'd water. Although some do i can say at least with my swamp water ph'ing it hasnt been neccesary when using the plugs..
Still watching bro and if i can help out i will.


Well-Known Member
Hey butters man been following bro and cant really help to much with the particulars on breeding man.. I can say thatfrom what i gather the strain ur wanting to carry the most characteristics in the cross from should pollinate the female of strain number 2.
Like my A (ssd) i used him to pollinate my chemdawg (B)in hopes to bring the flower times down on the chemdawg as well as catch better yields.
Im also going to cross them back the other way as well to see if i can bring the colors of the chemdawg to the ssd as well as maybe even bring the potency of the ssd up.
Im not really sure how breeding works to tell u the truth man.

I can say budders u would probably have alot more success using peat spounges or jiffy plugs man. They are alot more easy to use. All i do is just keep um moist and have never had any problems with um. I use tap water on them as well so u dont really have to dick around with presoaking in ph'd water. Although some do i can say at least with my swamp water ph'ing it hasnt been neccesary when using the plugs..
Still watching bro and if i can help out i will.
You can use peat/jiffy sponges for hydro? For some reason I assumed that they were soil only. I'd like to find what kind of material that the aerogarden used as those were painfully easy to get going in my experience. Tempted to just buy the AG plugs and just use those as the growing medium (placed in hydroton rocks). Gotta do more research and experiment with more bagseed to get this down. I still have a crapload of rockwool to play around with. Thanks for the help man.


Well-Known Member
Today was a rough afternoon. I pulled everything outta the humidor as nothing remotely positive was happening. The one growth that I did have went completely brown on me (over heating maybe?). Total pain in the ass cause I still don't know where the mistake(s) I'm making are in this initial process.

My 1st grow, I used an aerogarden (AG). The AG doesn't use rockwool but more this spongey type material that you put the germed seed in. I had a 100% rate with that medium and will be doing some research to see if I can modify the AG plugs (that have that spongy material) to fit into the current DWC set up.

Until then, I have a boatload of rockwool cubes left to experiment with before I even think of germing another seed that I paid for. So, I've started germing some of the random bagseed that I've collected over the years (plenty of these to spare). I'll germ them, put them in rockwool and see what works to get this blindspot of mine down pat. Once I feel I have it down, then I'll germ the auto BB x Ak47. No use going through seeds that I paid for when I got plenty to spare that I got for free. God forbid these bagseed seeds take, I'll probably try and grow them out in some way shape or form. Don't want to let growing babies go to waste.

Here's my current list of possibilities that may be playing a role in the hold up between germ to initial early growth.

-- Not enough light on the h-dome
I currently only used 1 42w (actual wattage not equiv) 6500k light over the home made h-dome. That's not a whole lot I would think. I can very easily head to home depot or walmart to get more of that spectrum light bulb (just lower wattage...real hard time finding 42w or above in the 6500k spectrum in stores for some reason).

--Too Hot
I haven't put any temp measuring device in the h-dome to see how hot it is in there. At such a young age, my guess is that sprouts don't have any good system for processing things like excessive heat. The sprout that I did have recently ended up turning it's would-be leaves brown. At 1st I thought it was due toa struggle getting it's shell off but maybe it overheated?

--Ghetto-assed Humidity Dome
My humidity dome was originally meant for holding brownies...not growing weed. Ummm, those brownies were really really good though. Maybe I should suck it up, and spend the $40 for the Germination Station. Given that it's my most expensive option, I'll rule out the other ones before spending $40 on this thing.

As I germ the bagseed, I'll experiment with tweeking each one, seeing what works and what doesn't. If nothing works, I'll aggressively pursue the other mediums that are available. Hopefully, I can start to get a more productive and exciting grow journal going for you guys

Happy 420 all! In an example of perfect timing, the weed from my 1st grow ever is finally ready to be smoked...on 420 of all dates.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yea man im talking about exactly that budders. Peat spounges. Thier are all kinds of them. Sicc is using the AG plugs. Im using botanicaires version of the peat plugs..
point is they are already PH'd. So all i do is ring them out in a bowl of tap water a few times. Squeeze a little bit of the excess water out of um and stick my tap root down into the hole. I take my thumbs and rip them open a bit and set my taps down into them so the seed is flush with the top of the plug or spounge. Then put it into the hydroton. Water them by hand with a tablespoon of water each day and usually have roots in as little as 2 days in the water.
Beats the crap out of ph'ing wool and the biggest problem with wool is overwatering from my experience..
Its almost impossible to overwater the plugs man.
Get some plugs bro trust me. I havent lost a seedling or clone in some time bro. And if i do its out of laziness or not taking my time really.

Hope that helps man. Id love to see an auto in DWC bro.


Well-Known Member
Yea man im talking about exactly that budders. Peat spounges. Thier are all kinds of them. Sicc is using the AG plugs. Im using botanicaires version of the peat plugs..
point is they are already PH'd. So all i do is ring them out in a bowl of tap water a few times. Squeeze a little bit of the excess water out of um and stick my tap root down into the hole. I take my thumbs and rip them open a bit and set my taps down into them so the seed is flush with the top of the plug or spounge. Then put it into the hydroton. Water them by hand with a tablespoon of water each day and usually have roots in as little as 2 days in the water.
Beats the crap out of ph'ing wool and the biggest problem with wool is overwatering from my experience..
Its almost impossible to overwater the plugs man.
Get some plugs bro trust me. I havent lost a seedling or clone in some time bro. And if i do its out of laziness or not taking my time really.

Hope that helps man. Id love to see an auto in DWC bro.
Sweet! Just order like a 100 of those things for like $20. Should be here in time for the seeds I have germing to get a tail and I can test'm out. Thanks for the tip.

Quick question you may know the answer to? In a dwc bubbler like I have, which do you think controls the size of the roots (and therefor buds as well) more...the actual size of the rez (gallons, liters) or the depth of the rez?:?::???:

My tubs are around the 3 gallon mark. But they are more SWC than DWC. The depth of my bin is only like 8" or so. Not sure how these roots work. If they grow more in a "free-falling state in the water", or if they just grow wherever there's space. Any idea?


Well-Known Member
Sweet! Just order like a 100 of those things for like $20. Should be here in time for the seeds I have germing to get a tail and I can test'm out. Thanks for the tip.

Quick question you may know the answer to? In a dwc bubbler like I have, which do you think controls the size of the roots (and therefor buds as well) more...the actual size of the rez (gallons, liters) or the depth of the rez?:?::???:

My tubs are around the 3 gallon mark. But they are more SWC than DWC. The depth of my bin is only like 8" or so. Not sure how these roots work. If they grow more in a "free-falling state in the water", or if they just grow wherever there's space. Any idea?
I have the same size tubs as you, so I know how you're thinkin... Basically, your root systems are going to be as big as your foliage. They won't take on the same shape, but they'll pretty much match your foliage so they can support the plant adequately. I don't know if I explained this right... I'm pretty stoned.


Well-Known Member
Okay. Small yet big development. My runt that I was just letting sit in the system, that I changed rockwool for and put in a new's alive? Not sure how but it is most definately alive. I left it in the dwc system figuring what the hell, can't do any harm. I thought it looked a little bigger yesterday but the leaves look like such shit that I figured I was imagining things. Today, I planned on taking it out of the dwc and shutting the whole operation down until I figured where all of the mistakes were happening. When I took it out, I pulled the rockwool up and noticed just a little thread of root dangling. Probably no more that a 1/2 inch out of the rockwool. This root was nowhere near the base of the rockwool when I transplanted it to the new rockwool cube. And worse yet, I've barely been ph'ing the system. As you can see from the pic, she's (hopefully) in rough shape. Obvious yellowing on the leaves. But those leaves are definately bigger than they were just a couple of days ago. I ph'd the water, added just a hint of nutes (veg) to speed her up a little, and put it back in the system. My attempt at making lr2 seeds may not be officially dead just yet! Now I'm in a mad rush to pick up a new filter for my humidifier (mine won't work until I change the filter). Sadly, with spring upon us, Walmart isn't selling the filter replacements to the humidifiers anymore...just the dehumidifiers. I order some online a few days ago from amazon so they should be here shortly. My humidity in the room is only like 28% and that ain't gonna be good enough. With any luck, I can get this op up and running again. And yes, the plant in the pic is actually 1 month old. Sad but true. At this point, if it's female, it's gettin pollinated no matter how pathetic it may be. My guess is that it's the technique and not the genetics that are the problem. I'll update in a few days as once that root hits the water it should take off.



Well-Known Member
Okay. So things have been going well for the past few days. Ph'ing daily. Her/His roots just hit the rez water which is freakin wonderful. Now it can really take off and give me one last shot at getting an LR2 to pollinate.

So for those of you keeping score. I started with 10 lr2 seeds. Got a male right off the get go but barely got any pollen from him. Then was able to germ 9 other seeds but nothing sprouted while in the humidity dome. Kept one sprout in the dwc just for the hell of it. It died (essentially), turned all sorts of funny colors, and has now come back to life:spew: and is all of about an inch tall despite the fact that it's over a month old.

So yeah, that's how my grow's been going so far.

Remember those bagseeds that I put in a p-towel to germ and try to get them to sprout (to correct the mistakes I was making with the lr2's). Well, only 1 germinated (today finally). I just put it in a sponge thingy (props to onthedl0008 for that one) and now it is in the "humidity dome of failure" (as I've been calling it). If it looks like the roots are making their way through this sponge thing quickly, I will insta-germinate the auto blueberry x auto ak47 and get this operation up and runnin agian.

I still don't have any exact answer as to what will happen if I take male pollen from the auto bb x auto ak47 (f1) and pollinate a female of the same strain. Plan on doing it anyway and figuring stuff out as I go along. What the hell?...I already managed to create a zombie plant. It can't get much wierder than that.

I'll have pics up of the zombie-plant tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics. She's small. She's old. She's a zombie plant.:shock:

Just changed the rez today and carefully added some nutes (ppm of about 60...yeah, I'm taken it real easy). The stem is real, real weak. Not sure why. Fan on it 24/7. Guess I can't ask too much of it at this point. Anything that turns out to be female at this point will be a success given all that's gone down.

Temps are in low 80's for the most part. Humidity was good until today (it got cooler where I'm at) when it dropped down to 23%! Still waiting on the humidifyer filters so I can start controlling this a little more.

As for the germed seed that I put in the new jiffy sponge thing. Well, not much is really happening there. It's in the h-dome under a 42w CFL 6500k spectrum. It may be too hot in there at points but that's just a guess. Can't tell if the roots are making it anywhere in the medium. Basically, all I see is the guard leaf thing trying to come out. It's yellow in color and not fully unfolded to let the actual initial leaves out to get light. Looked real healthy after day 1 in there. Then we hit the weekend when it was almost 90 where I live. Ambient temp in that room must've been high. I'm obviously very hesitant to start germing the auto bb x auto ak's. Don't want to blow through any more seeds that I already have. Anyone know the ideal temp/humidity for the inside of a humidity dome? Am I supposed to be adding water to these jiffy sponge things?

Back to this zombie plant. I have no idea how old she/he is in plant years. Technically, she's about 1.5 months old. But, she was stunted so bad and did nothing for like a month of that time period. Autoflowering strains begin to flower based on their age rather than light cycle. But I'm curious about how autoflowering strains recognize their age...particularly when they've been stunted for so long. In terms of height and overall development, my male that lived looked that at about the 3 week mark. I'll probably think about starting up the 150 hps in the next couple of weeks. I would like to see some signs of flowering first though. That hps is gonna run hot depending on the weather where I'm at and I'm in no rush to add heat stress to the list of problems with this.



Well-Known Member
Hey all,
It's been awhile since I've given an update (didn't want to jinx the grow). So, the zombie plant is growing real strong right now. And, it's officially a girl! Which basically means that I was succesfully able to salvage this clusterf*** of a seed-making project. I just pollinated some of her bud sites yesterday. Once I see a little more growth I'll pollinate the rest of her with the remaining pollen from a male.

Judging by the looks of her, she's probably about 5-6 weeks old at this point. She's sittin pretty under the 150hps right now with some side lighting that I'm using on her and a new humidity dome that I have some auto BB x auto AK growing in. I've gone through 3 auto bb x auto ak seeds already with heavy germination problems (they start to germ and then the taproot turns brown for god knows what reason...has anyone else ever had this problem? I was thinking some sort of infection). Hopefully I can get that grow going soon and get some of those seeds as well.

I also have some white widow and white rhino seeds coming from attitude tomorrow (have to go pick them up at the post office:shock:).

Now back to this grow. I figure she probably has about 3-4 weeks left. Since this is my 1st seed grow I'm gonna have to read up on when to harvest the seeds so that I get the most mature seeds outta this that I can. And to further complicate things, my auto blueberry x ak's will be sharing a grow space so I have to avoid pollinating my lone lr2 girl with any of the pollen from that grow. And then, I can start the SOG with any combination of those seeds I want. Her smell is impressive for her size. I'm just using a glade plug in at this point but I don't need to cover up too much smell. I'll update once a week to show her progress and will definately give a seed count that I harvest. Thanks all.



Well-Known Member
Things are still looking good here. She's up to 350ppm and eating up all she can. I'm taking it easy on the nutes as I'm really not looking for bud so much here so why use up precious, pricey nutes for just seeds. She is showing some signs of stress from pH fluctuations (at least that's my gues from looking at pics). I have been keeping her a little too close to the 5.5 side of things throughout the grow and given her age, she probably needs closer to 6.0 at this point. The nutes keep the pH nice and stable at least though. She's drinking a ton! One plant in a 3 gallon rez and I'm adding water ever other day. She cleans through the nutes quick too. Got her up to 350ppm last night and this morning the rez was down to 300ppm. I don't see any buds yet but I'm curious to see if I will given that I pollinated her a week ago. Overall, she looks happy.

The auto blueberry x ak47's are looking good too. Got 2 in the dwc system already, another 2 in the h-dome (new and improved), and 3 more seeds germing as we speak. I will definately be making seeds with these one's too but I'll want to pull bud off this time as well. My germing/h-dome woes have ceased finally. I think the issue I was having was in using tap water to germ in the p-towel. Since I switched to ph'd distilled water and started using the new plugs (which are WAY better than rockwool), everything has been fine.

The mailman had a pleasant package for me as well this week. Well, actually I had to go pick it up at the post office (:shock:). I now have my attitude seeds here. The stealth was great and was even better than when I ordered from them last time and paid an extra $25 for "extra stealth). It was about 9 days from when I ordered them. Not bad at all. I got 2 of the Greenhouse Seeds fem'd mix packs. There's 5 seeds to a pack. I got the Black & White mix pack, which is 3 white rhino fem'd seeds and 2 white widow fem'd seeds (can't wait to try these 2). The other was there Sativa Mix. All fem'd seeds of Super Silver Haze (psyched!), Arjan's Strawberry Haze, Arjans haze 1, Nevilles haze, and Hawaiian snow. I'm holding off on all of these seeds as I can't really throw in a 12/12 cycle yet with the autos. I'll grow the autos for awhile and eventually purchase a 400w MH/HPS grow bulb to start a seperate grow on some of these seeds. I will definately be doing cloning and SOG on the white rhino and super silver haze. The others I'll have to wait and see about space issues. The best part about these seeds...they are all colored! Looks like pop-rocks...not beans. Apparantly someone came up with the idea of putting a rooting hormone on the outside of seeds to increase germ rate and early growth success rates. Absolutely brilliant idea (if it works). They also threw in a fem'd g13 Pure Gold (I got one with my last purchase too) and a fem'd G13 Blue Venom seed which I know nothing about.

I'll have pics of the lr2 grow, the auto bb x ak47, and the colored beans later on today when I'm not feeling so lazy.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Not feeling so lazy anymore. A whole day of drinkin and smokin has done me some good.

Pic 1) This is the general set up for now. On the extreme left, the H-dome is under the aerogarden light (nothing there right now). The middle is the general flowering spot (has the 150w hps right over it). In the middle, you can see the plate and bowl that I'm currently germinating in. Behind that, you can see the zombie chic plant who is doing very well for herself. On the right you can see the auto bb x ak47 grow going. I put the other 2 that I had in the h-dome into the dwc as the roots were coming out already. And yes...that is a freaking flip flop covering the other 2 holes in the dwc unit. G-H-E-T-T-0. That's just how I roll.

Pic 2) Here's a close up of her. I can see why she didn't die earlier now. She's 1' tall now and a very nice specimen of her kind. Whatever damage her zombie state did, she has fully recovered and then some. I can see why lr2's are used to create so many of the auto- strains. Any cross with a good yielding strain & I can see loads of bud. Not a bad mother to have at all.....the plate & bowl are nice too.

Pic 3) Here are the colored seeds from attitude. They were $38 each and fem'd seeds.



Well-Known Member
Almost bad news today. I added water to the pollinated lr2's rez yesterday morning. Forgot to add more water to the 2.5 gallon rez this morning and just remembered a little while ago. It was 90 degrees here today. It was completely dry.:shock: It was 90 in there today, with the closet door open. She drank up a 2.5 gallons of water in about 1.5 days she was so hot. The plant still looks good and the roots appear to be intact and not dry and brittle. I immediately added more DI h2o and added some nutes and hygrozyme to assist in any needed recovery. I think she'll be okay but I had no idea that she could possibly drink THAT much this quickly. I'll post a pic of her tomorrow. She's a big one. about 16" and still growing and actively flowering. She's only under one 150w hps and a few daylight cfls (next to her as they are currently vegging the auto bb x ak47.

Gonna have to look into a grow cab/tent to move this down to the basement.


Well-Known Member
Hello I just wanted to stop by and let you know I have new pics up in the 7th week White dwarf autoflower (mix of lowryder and white widow)

CLick the picture to see more!



Well-Known Member
Here she is. Changed the rez today and added more nutes. Again, the rez was practically empty. So she's basically drinking 2 gallons a day at this point. Her root mass is frighteningly large. If this zombie plant wanted to take over the could:shock:

The other pics are the auto bb x ak's. Lookin good so far.



Well-Known Member
Hello I just wanted to stop by and let you know I have new pics up in the 7th week White dwarf autoflower (mix of lowryder and white widow)

CLick the picture to see more!

Lookin good Growth! Sorry to hear about the brief plant problems but she's clearly recovered. Probably only put off harvest a couple a weeks for ya at most. Beautiful.