


Anybody catch Pat Robertsons retarded ass claim that the earthquake in Haiti was because they made a deal with the Devil?

No shit, he actually said it...



Well-Known Member
Anybody catch Pat Robertsons retarded ass claim that the earthquake in Haiti was because they made a deal with the Devil?

No shit, he actually said it...

Interesting. I didn't realize that anybody paid attention to Pat Robertson. Well, he'll be happy to know he's not completely irrelevant...............yet. ;-)
Ahoy padawan....I used to be involved thick in the church when i was younger, like sunday school and that sorta shit (purely because of my parents). Never believed any of it for a second just acted to keep everyone happy...till i grew a bit older i realised the church was full of actors. Now my country is the world and my religon is to do good and be the way my entire family realised what a fuck up that whole experience they are all happier than ever before because they have become spiritual and not religous (which enables you to be and to do what truly makes you happy). peace


New Member
When I was too young to drive my life legally, I was expelled from school and served nine months in a kick-ass children's home (repeat Cannabis Offender) where we went to a different church every Sunday.

IT REALly opened my eyes.

Shut Up And Vote



New Member
Anybody catch Pat Robertsons retarded ass claim that the earthquake in Haiti was because they made a deal with the Devil?

No shit, he actually said it...

He has to say crazy stuff today to get news's pathetic.

Now he could have simply said France instead of the Devil (and would have been correct), and that may be what he meant, but that wouldn't garner the attention he craves. That guy needs deep therapy ... from some strippers.


New Member
U'd have to ask the writers ... but I'd suggest deciphering ur words for them, else they'll just chuck it in the trash can.


Well-Known Member

Opinions on the rise of atheism in America?

How long till atheists are the majority?
I was on the tube today ( in london ) and this suited and booted guy was on a northbound train coming away from the city, he was reading Dawkins "The selfish gene" i got on with my t-shirt which says " God may or may not exist - get over it " and i looked at him, our gazes met and gave each other a confident and sureing nod of acknowledgement to each other. It was good to see and i didint mean to quote this btw but i suppose its kinda relevant :D

EDIT: I also just realised how homo-erotic this sounded but whatever!!