• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/


Being called godless certainly isn't an insult to us atheists.

And communism works for some people. Like most governments it can be horribly corrupted, but for small population it can work quite well.

I like the concept of rational anarchy myself, but I know that it's not something that could be realistically put to practice. But the concept is admirable.

If we're godless communists, does that make you a religious fascist?
im proud to be a godless heathen! capitalism is just as corrupted all it takes is money and lobbyist just like now. by the time a bill passes through all the greedy fucks it's a watered down hey we tried half ass peice of toilet paper. much like the healthcare bill.


Well-Known Member
It's no insult to me. I was raised a S. Blasphemist and wouldn't piss in a preachers mouth if his teeth were on fire. Spout your fire and brimstone crap elsewhere. Heaven or Hell...it's all about how you live your life here on Earth NOW!!!! There is no later. So keep putting your head down and ass up and you will eventually get screwed(just like the little Catholic boys!). It's all about Peace on Earth and showing Good Will to your fellow man/woman not just hoping.


Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
To me, being an atheist is extremely enlightening. Tyler Durdens quote from Fight Club puts it in perspective... "it's only when you've lost everything that you're free to do anything". Being a believer, you are confined to your little box of conformity, you believe what your told to believe because if you don't, you won't get into the special club after you die. If you simply question it you're risking your entry.

-for me, this is clear evidence of strike one. Only man could put such a rule into the requirement for belief. An omnipotent being wouldn't think of it and if it did, the consequences for questioning ones belief would be praised, not punished, for using that which your creater specifically gave to you in the first place. Knowledge. We wouldn't have it if we weren't supposed to use it.
Your explanation (everything follow "-for me"), actually hints at non-atheism. Rather it hints more at the perversion of religion by man.

While I am not an atheist - I do believe in God, I think too much of religion has been perverted by man so people will unquestioningly follow their church. I think living a "good/moral" life is much simpler than put forth by churchgoers.

I believe pursuing happiness and assisting others in their own pursuit of happiness is all that matters. If you think about it, this covers every tenet set forth by the Bible/Koran/Pentateuch etc. Respecting your self and other's is all that is needed in my mind to prove your faith to a higher being...

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34-35


Well-Known Member
There is a distinction between theism and deism though. A person can reject theistic gods and still believe there is something out there.

So you can end up with gnostic atheists, agnostic atheists, gnostic and agnostic theists, deists, etc.

So having common ground with a theist does not necessarily bring him back into the fold.


Well-Known Member
[You are a godless communist, and that's fine, but why do you feel the need to peddle your propaganda here? /QUOTE]
Jesus Christ! Just because we don't believe in talking snakes, arks, and all that shit you call us commies? Fucking religion is the main reason for most of the problems in this world. Isn't there a section for religious chatter on this site?

Propaganda? Jesus Christ!:confused:


You are a godless communist, and that's fine, but why do you feel the need to peddle your propaganda here?
Godless, yes, definitely. Communist? Not so much, I spend money I earned everyday, I'm pretty much a practicing capitalist, even if I don't always agree with the system... But thanks for your reply anyway, I was hoping you'd make an appearance. I started this thread with you and a few other people in mind specifically, hopefully a little of it got through. I'm sorry we're not all these terrible people your friends and parents told you atheists were, but that's life...

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vuAUI_0knfk&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vuAUI_0knfk&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Best scene ever!!

Being called godless certainly isn't an insult to us atheists.
And communism works for some people. Like most governments it can be horribly corrupted, but for small population it can work quite well.
I like the concept of rational anarchy myself, but I know that it's not something that could be realistically put to practice. But the concept is admirable.
If we're godless communists, does that make you a religious fascist?
Couldn't agree more with this post, you're already becoming a strong voice on the forum, good job keep it up! Can't even give you any more rep. :joint:

Your explanation (everything follow "-for me"), actually hints at non-atheism. Rather it hints more at the perversion of religion by man.
While I am not an atheist - I do believe in God, I think too much of religion has been perverted by man so people will unquestioningly follow their church. I think living a "good/moral" life is much simpler than put forth by churchgoers.
I believe pursuing happiness and assisting others in their own pursuit of happiness is all that matters. If you think about it, this covers every tenet set forth by the Bible/Koran/Pentateuch etc. Respecting your self and other's is all that is needed in my mind to prove your faith to a higher being...
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John 13:34-35
In a sense, I guess you could call me a diest, except in my own mind, the likelyhood of the Christian God or Muslim God or any of the other gods we've created is so unbelievably low, you might as well just go ahead and say I'm an atheist, like less than 1% low. Who knows though, there could definitely be some other unknown force or being out there somewhere in existence that we've never even concieved of.. Could be anything really...

The Good Doctor

Active Member
I just do not recall any story about anyone going into the woods or there own backyard and meditating on the infinite, and then coming up with.

There is nothing.

Then being considered enlightened, by anyone.

Even the Buddha didn't preach atheism. Nor Daoism, Satanism, Demonism, Shamanism, Confusism, the Vedas.

Humph. . . obviously I could go on. Even most Scientists(Einstein lncluded) believe in "an impersonal deity/creator"


New Member
The definition of everything in the end is variable to some degree.

The non religious (myself included) have many sub categories.

Is Buddhism a religion? That's a tough call. It's a way of life, but there is no worship nor diety. Certainly no one worships Buddha

But as a whole, I consider myself to be an atheist. I do believe in the creation point, but cannot say with any certainty what was behind that creation point.

I don't believe atheists think there is "nothing". It's more the rejection of a personal G*D who created the universe for the express reason of Earth and man. It's an awful waste of space.:lol:

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
as an athiest for many years actually since i was 12
i never found peace in beleiving in something that is scientificly impossible
science being the study of the TRUTH
beleiving in a "mythical","magical",or "all knowing" deity is simply improbable
but hey people are entitled to religeon without being discriminated against right?
i mean it says it in the 1st ammendment

i do beleive in evolution and the "Big Bang theory"


Atheism helped opened my mind to all the bullshit that other religions perched about what's good and what's bad. But I do believe in a god and heaven but not in the picture frame of any religions around the world (as far as I know).


Well-Known Member
If the idea of "God" could be separated from religion, I would have a lot more time for the "God" believers.

I have space in what I believe for "God", but I want some proof, which can never be provided so I will continue not Believing in a "God"

What I have no time for, whatsoever, is organised religion who have hijacked the idea of a higher being and warped it into an image for people as a means of control.

Please people, shed the shackles of your oppressive religions, believe in a "God" if you must, but its time to realise that the religions are falsehoods to imprison your minds from logic, reason and progressive thought, that and to get your money.


New Member
It was much better when we kept our G*DS ups in the sky. Once we brought them down and made them in OUR image.... ahem.... all hell broke loose.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure which book this was in, as I listened to several audiobooks on my last road trip. Possibly The God Delusion, but if anyone else knows feel free to correct me.

It was mentioned that, while Buddha's philosophies were very open minded, he also happened to be a Prince and had the opportunity to walk away from his minimalist lifestyle at any opportunity. Had he been forced into poverty his outlook might have been very different, and the situation he was in could have been referred to as 'slumming' today.

Kind of takes the wind out of Buddhism's sails too.

edit: Now I've got this image of "Paris Hilton and Prince Buddha: The Simple Life".


Active Member
The definition of everything in the end is variable to some degree.

The non religious (myself included) have many sub categories.

Is Buddhism a religion? That's a tough call. It's a way of life, but there is no worship nor diety. Certainly no one worships Buddha

But as a whole, I consider myself to be an atheist. I do believe in the creation point, but cannot say with any certainty what was behind that creation point.

I don't believe atheists think there is "nothing". It's more the rejection of a personal G*D who created the universe for the express reason of Earth and man. It's an awful waste of space.:lol:
There's an old saying(paraphrasing because I can't remember) when meditating, if you see the buddha, kill him.


Well-Known Member
How many atheists does it take to change a light bulb?
Two. One to actually change the bulb, and the other to videotape the job so fundamentalists won&#8217;t claim that god did it.


Well-Known Member
So, I just checked the numbers on GodChecker today, and they're sitting at about 2850 deities. They still have a way to go, and haven't even nailed the 5000+ Catholic saints, but work's work, right?

It used to be that people believed in tons of gods. The Greeks believed in a dozen major deities and hundreds of minor ones.

The Norse even had two races of Gods.

But this has declined to the point where most of the religion on the planet has arrived at a single god.

So just a friendly message to the Christians and Muslims out there.

We're waiting. See you soon. If not this generation, then the next.

Oh, one last thing.

There will be cake.


Active Member
Stop spreading misconceptions about atheism religious people.

Still trying to preach your religion I see. All atheists are narcissitic cowards.

You don't just hate God and christians, you hate anything spiritual. And everone who thinks otherwise is considered ignorant and a fool (like 99% of people on this site and in the world, ever). Very sad for you to be so condisending.

You call the spiritual farytails, but you get so damn passionate in your arguments, you prove you really do beleive in a spiritual life. You simply chose to have contempt for spiritual things. That is the definition of atheism.

No one ever started a thread called "Why Tinkerbell?!.....Why?!" as an excuse to piss and moan about her lack of existence.

And why is that? Because Tink is one individual that TRULY does not exist, and everyone knows it. If you don't believe in God, than why do you spend so much energy talking about him? If you did not believe in His existence (like Tinkerbell) the point should be moot. You are all so clever.

Want to prove you believe God doesn't exist? Stop obsessing about Him. Then I may believe you. Nah. You're all still a bunch of narcissistic cowards.

Atheism is a religion much like fundamental christianity. Nobody is permitted to see things differently. If they do, they are just ignorant, fools, lost. And you are here to save us from our foolishness. All hail the atheists from whom salvation flows! You will deliver us from our ignorance! Bless your heart.

The dyslexic atheist went to hell and found out there really was a Dog. :-P

God exists, and you agree. Too bad you can't see it. :peace: