Ask beenthere here!


You've asked me about ten or more questions on top of others in the last hour, if i happen to miss one are you going to whine and cry that i don't address your questions?

Of course I will beenthere.

What is your definition of a right wing authoritarian?
It's easy to invalidate someone when they help you out.
No offense!

being able to invalidate another is no indication of usefulness in a discussion where you are promoting your ability to answer querstions

more like a tool to push peoples buttons while you play word games
Learn how to phrase a question properly canndo, you seem to be having a major problem articulating your messages.

I would love to see you answer the question as posed. If you see an ambiguity in the question, identify it and answer both ways. It would be the polite thing to do. To reject a question as incorrectly formatted is something that is annoying in a computer and unacceptable in a claimant to human status. cn
I would love to see you answer the question as posed. If you see an ambiguity in the question, identify it and answer both ways. It would be the polite thing to do. To reject a question as incorrectly formatted is something that is annoying in a computer and unacceptable in a claimant to human status. cn

its something an elitist does, they dont have to answer a question unless it is wrapped in a pretty bow and with a card that has a yes or no response in side
Why should we as a nation, with the debt we are in and knowing that we spend more on defense than the next 10 nations, spend even more on defense?
its something an elitist does, they dont have to answer a question unless it is wrapped in a pretty bow and with a card that has a yes or no response in side

The most interesting questions are not yes/no imo. A question that requires a paragraph to answer will probably lead to the respondent actually saying stuff, e.g. about his philosophy. That's the payout here, and as beenthere has committed to answering questions, I want to see good faith there. This means taking on the essay questions "as provided". cn
There's motive behind it, believe me.
If I miss a single question or don't answer it the way he likes, I am avoiding questions.

ya you twit. the motive is to hear what you think, has he condemn you for any straight forward answer . . . . ?

Cannado has over and over stated the purpose is to ask you questions and to hear your response, not drill you for your opinion, just underatand it . . .why do you think explaining yourself is only a pre cursor to an argument or typecasting?

he might jsut want to know how you think . . . BUCK Cheese others they might have an agenda, but i think Canndo actaully isd trying to listen to you, and you are jusr blowing him off, super disrespectfull, imho
canndo, is asking a barrage of questions really the best tactic? cn

I want to get them in the thread, he can take his time if he wishes. Beenthere is avoiding most of them anyway and he will likely claim that he just "missed them" and I am asking too many. Most of them are questions I asked him previously in one context or another and he didn't answer them then either.
There's motive behind it, believe me.
If I miss a single question or don't answer it the way he likes, I am avoiding questions.

Very well, I will ask no more until you have answered them. So far as your answering the "way I like". I like direct answers. I have tried my best to ask them so that they can be answered directly, not with another question, not with a diversion, not with emotional content.
There's motive behind it, believe me.
If I miss a single question or don't answer it the way he likes, I am avoiding questions.

My recommendation then is to go through questions in the order posed. I will pose one and hope that you will eventually provide a forthright answer.

I have seen you in the past defend trickle-down economics as effective. I would like you to elaborate upon that, preferably with examples. cn
I would love to see you answer the question as posed. If you see an ambiguity in the question, identify it and answer both ways. It would be the polite thing to do. To reject a question as incorrectly formatted is something that is annoying in a computer and unacceptable in a claimant to human status. cn

Please Canna, I'm not not going to waste my time guessing what people are asking, hell, the majority of people asking me questions are not what you would consider political allies. And you want me to be polite? Do people that call me derogatory names and mock my spelling and grammar deserve kindness or respect from me? You're joking right?
My recommendation then is to go through questions in the order posed. I will pose one and hope that you will eventually provide a forthright answer.

I have seen you in the past defend trickle-down economics as effective. I would like you to elaborate upon that, preferably with examples. cn

Fair question, I will get to it.
Please Canna, I'm not not going to waste my time guessing what people are asking, hell, the majority of people asking me questions are not what you would consider political allies. And you want me to be polite? Do people that call me derogatory names and mock my spelling and grammar deserve kindness or respect from me? You're joking right?

It should be fairly obvious, and if not, there is no harm in asking for clarification. Seems Beenthere, that you are edging up on a dodge. I have answered every question posed to me in my thread without much problem.
Very well, I will ask no more until you have answered them. So far as your answering the "way I like". I like direct answers. I have tried my best to ask them so that they can be answered directly, not with another question, not with a diversion, not with emotional content.

Canndo, you my friend are all talk.

You say you like your answers direct but you are one of the best spinners on this forum.
Go back to the Chicago teachers thread where I asked you to opine on the strike, you gave a vague answer about collective bargaining in general.