47. Are you going to be depressed and unable to function when Obama wins a second term?
Damn I feel old lmfao.
Claiming that you're old, but still using dumb acronyms such as lmfao seems contradictory. I'm not even thirty yet (close though) and I find that shit to be immature.Damn I feel old lmfao.
climate change is not a problem and we did not add to it.
there ya go, just summarized the whole debate from the side of an intelligent person.
Big business wants you to cling to a certain set of opinions and beliefs Beenthere. They spend hundreds of billions of dollars in order to have you believe what they wish you to believe. The very fact that you are incapable of understanding the question indicates that those billions were not wasted. All I have to say is, you are clueless canndo, you can't see that it is the federal government who is brainwashing big government loving sheeple into believing they are protecting you from the big bad free market.
What do you believe that big business would not want you to believe?
I've already answered that a few times canndo, please quit be disingenuous, I thought you were above that?
There, I fixed it for you. You had the first sentence right, you should have just stopped there.
How much does the federal government spend on PR beenthere? Because I "can't see" what you are lead to believe does not make me clueless. Again, how much does the government of the united states spend on PR?I've already answered that a few times canndo, please quit be disingenuous, I thought you were above that?
All I have to say is, you are clueless canndo, you can't see that it is the federal government who is brainwashing big government loving sheeple into believing they are protecting you from the big bad free market.
How do you feel about Romney's foreign policy?
I constantly see it argued that dems will make government bigger.. etc. However, Raegan made more government jobs than Obama has. http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/...agan-barack-obama-keynesian-economics.php?m=1 I don't mind my tax dollars going towards a strong military, I believe in peace by strength.
What do you think is an acceptable amount of government jobs, if any? I can't put a number on that because neither you or I are privileged with information to make that assessment. Do you think that a tax raise is ever warranted, note that Raegan also implemented the highest tax increase in history (at the time) in 1986. http://mises.org/freemarket_detail.aspx?control=488
LOL Am I suppose to spend time researching the real facts behind the TEFR act of 1982 and sort through the BS slanted information provided by your copy and past link while you stand by and think you have accomplish something? I also believe that the bottom 50% of wage earners should have some skin in the game and pay their fair share!
Adjusted to inflation, our minimum wage is lower than it was in 1968. If it were to be adjusted to equal of 1968, it would be at $10.25 +/- $0.25 (I don't remember the exact amount). What do you think ought to be done about this? I believe minimum wage should be abolished, The vast majority of economists believe that minimum wage law costs the economy thousands of jobs and the fact minimum wage drives some small companies out of business.
The tea party is one of the largest government "entities," for lack of a better word. If you align with the tea party, how do you respond to Nader's questions: https://www.commondreams.org/view/2010/10/22-9.