ya you twit. the motive is to hear what you think, has he condemn you for any straight forward answer . . . . ?
Cannado has over and over stated the purpose is to ask you questions and to hear your response, not drill you for your opinion, just underatand it . . .why do you think explaining yourself is only a pre cursor to an argument or typecasting?
he might jsut want to know how you think . . . BUCK Cheese others they might have an agenda, but i think Canndo actaully isd trying to listen to you, and you are jusr blowing him off, super disrespectfull, imho
"Ya you twit" You're no better than the people you condemn my friend, I'm supposed to address your concerns when your first sentence is ridicule? LOL
Remember when I said it's easy to discredit someone when they help you do it!