Ask beenthere here!

ya you twit. the motive is to hear what you think, has he condemn you for any straight forward answer . . . . ?

Cannado has over and over stated the purpose is to ask you questions and to hear your response, not drill you for your opinion, just underatand it . . .why do you think explaining yourself is only a pre cursor to an argument or typecasting?

he might jsut want to know how you think . . . BUCK Cheese others they might have an agenda, but i think Canndo actaully isd trying to listen to you, and you are jusr blowing him off, super disrespectfull, imho

"Ya you twit" You're no better than the people you condemn my friend, I'm supposed to address your concerns when your first sentence is ridicule? LOL

Remember when I said it's easy to discredit someone when they help you do it!
so what he should have siad was, what strike ? like you . . so he could tailor his thoughts to a specific incident there for allowing him to micro manage an opinion that should be a generalization

man how is collective bargaining in any way a vague response to an opinion strikes as that is the purpose of the strike normally . . . . .workers rights i.e collective bargaining

was the answer to short or too general?
Canndo, you my friend are all talk.

You say you like your answers direct but you are one of the best spinners on this forum.
Go back to the Chicago teachers thread where I asked you to opine on the strike, you gave a vague answer about collective bargaining in general.

And then I was very specific on why they were striking, their reluctance to be evaluated based upon their student's performance
It should be fairly obvious, and if not, there is no harm in asking for clarification. Seems Beenthere, that you are edging up on a dodge. I have answered every question posed to me in my thread without much problem.

And so have I, your problem is, you don't like my answers.
"Ya you twit" You're no better than the people you condemn my friend, I'm supposed to address your concerns when your first sentence is ridicule? LOL

Remember when I said it's easy to discredit someone when they help you do it!

how is being called a twit being critical . . . .in other words i could use teh words smart ass,

as you continue to split hairs and avoid straight forward answers ..

and ya the guy posing that he can answer questions that does not answer any questions ,

is a smart ass as you once again invalidate everyone subject matter or premise before ever even attempting to flex your noodle

you are right "easy to discredit someone when they help you do it"

i think Beenthere is a google and wiki hack, thats why it takes so long to answer and requires a specific topic so he can Google it, when he actually has to summarize his acknowledged into a conclusion he avoids the issue and attacks the poster with agenda this and "i am entitled to answer whatever i want" even though he continues to profess that he is in this thread to answer questions .

keep stipulating how questions can be asked . . . .it only shines light on your hypocrisy
how is being called a twit being critical . . . .in other words i could use teh words smart ass, Critical, you mean derogatory? that's is what I was referring to my friend, are you denying it?
as you continue to split hairs and avoid straight forward answers .. Dude, what question, spit the damn thing out!

and ya the guy posing that he can answer questions that does not answer any questions ,

is a smart ass as you once again invalidate everyone subject matter or premise before ever even attempting to flex your noodle

you are right "easy to discredit someone when they help you do it"

When you start you question out by addressing anyone as a twit, you're already discredited yourself!
when you use every excuse to avoid being accountable for your own opinions and views you discredit yourself

i can be called all sorts of names . . . a dunce a fluffer i have even been told to kill myself on this forum it does nothing to deter my views . . .im am not a victim . . like you . . .. .

i dont get all emotional because someone is gonna disagree with me . . so now your poor little feelings are hurt about being called a twit(in reference to your inability to answer a question, lol) is the new excuse . . .next it will be my punctuation . . .or my miss spelled words . . .always another excuse as to why you are not ENTITLED to cooperate . . .or play by the same rules you ask others to play by
i think Beenthere is a google and wiki hack, thats why it takes so long to answer and requires a specific topic so he can Google it, when he actually has to summarize his acknowledged into a conclusion he avoids the issue and attacks the poster with agenda this and "i am entitled to answer whatever i want" even though he continues to profess that he is in this thread to answer questions .

keep stipulating how questions can be asked . . . .it only shines light on your hypocrisy

How many level headed people on here do you think will see that I've been barraged with a multitude of various questions and realize the meaningless of your quote above?
Critical, you mean derogatory? that's is what I was referring to my friend, are you denying it?
No i dont deny it, i called you a narrsist and a twit, how are those excuses to not do what you siad you woudldo . . . my opioon holds no weight to what you think?
Dude, what question, spit the damn thing out!
What do you believe that runs contrary to what big business would have you believe?
post 4
your answer
Define big business.
How do you deal with the moral dilema of voting for a man who has fabricated outright lies while his campaign has stated that that campaign does not intend to be held accountable for its own veracity?
post 23 . . . no answer
Do you believe global warming is a man caused or man exacerbated problem, why or why not.
post 25 no answer
How does keeping large amounts of money in an offshore account create jobs in America?

your answer
Your question is so vague my friend.
What kind of accounts are they canndo, are they offshore retirement accounts are they multi-currency accounts? And who are you to demand a private citizen to re-invest in American finances when you say he must? Fuck, you want socialism right now don't you!

then later

If lower taxes create more jobs Beenthere, then why havn't the lowest tax rate in 50 years created jobs in the last 3?
your response
Learn how to phrase a question properly canndo, you seem to be having a major problem articulating your messages.
Why are you a conservative Beenthere?
No answer
Are you a right wing authoritarian beenthere?
What are Romney's plans to spur the economy and how are they different from Bush's policies?
Why should we as a nation, with the debt we are in and knowing that we spend more on defense than the next 10 nations, spend even more on defense?
What would you, Beenthere, do about Iran's nuclear stance?
What is your definition of torture?

just a start . . . . .
How many level headed people on here do you think will see that I've been barraged with a multitude of various questions and realize the meaningless of your quote above?

how many people on here say they are willing to answer any and all questions . .. . . .and then dont . . .i think you created your own litte lie . .
Yes I do, and for good reason. Now are you going to answer any of the questions I posted?

Sure, as soon as you answer mine!

This is the kind of vagueness I'm talking about canndo, what damn questions are you specifically referring to? Cmon LOL

Geronimo and I have been waiting patiently on your thread for you to answer some questions and you've ignored them, but you're on this thread whining about the same thing!
Has his own thread to answer questions, still pulls a typical and avoids/words them in such a way that really isn't answering them. beenthere you are either A: a politician or B: planted here to sway votes

Sure, as soon as you answer mine!

This is the kind of vagueness I'm talking about canndo, what damn questions are you specifically referring to? Cmon LOL

Geronimo and I have been waiting patiently on your thread for you to answer some questions and you've ignored them, but you're on this thread whining about the same thing!

This isn't about canndo, even if he were to answer your questions. You clearly didn't answer his first
Sure, as soon as you answer mine!

This is the kind of vagueness I'm talking about canndo, what damn questions are you specifically referring to? Cmon LOL

Geronimo and I have been waiting patiently on your thread for you to answer some questions and you've ignored them, but you're on this thread whining about the same thing!

so basically if you didnt read it then he never asked the question . . . lmfao . . its only twelve pages took me very little time to find all the question you dogged or never even made an attempt to avoid . . .. but in all fairness you did answer like 5-6 questions .. . .

beenthere is just a lazy google wiki hack . . . .regurgitate much beenthere
how many people on here say they are willing to answer any and all questions . .. . . .and then dont . . .i think you created your own litte lie . .

I'll tell you what Samwell, you produce these questions I'm avoiding, if you can't, then I think it's perfectly fitting for me to tell you to STFU.
I'll tell you what Samwell, you produce these questions I'm avoiding, if you can't, then I think it's perfectly fitting for me to tell you to STFU.

Post #113. Try and keep up. Calm your little keyboard warrior fingers, read what was typed then answer accordingly. Or is that too difficult?
so basically if you didnt read it then he never asked the question . . . lmfao . . its only twelve pages took me very little time to find all the question you dogged or never even made an attempt to avoid . . .. but in all fairness you did answer like 5-6 questions .. . .

beenthere is just a lazy google wiki hack . . . .regurgitate much beenthere

Dude, I've got 12 pages to contend with, canndo has 4.

Where are you on his thread demanding he answer questions he's missed?