If lower taxes create more jobs Beenthere, then why havn't the lowest tax rate in 50 years created jobs in the last 3?
Learn how to phrase a question properly canndo, you seem to be having a major problem articulating your messages.
If lower taxes create more jobs Beenthere, then why havn't the lowest tax rate in 50 years created jobs in the last 3?
Here is what you are missing; Mitt Romney does NOT use the "peoples money", it's his money because this is not a fucking socialist country my friend. What a private citizen legally does with his money is between him and HIS money.
Now unless you have proof that Mitt Romney does not take money out of those offshore accounts and re-invests in businesses in America, you have no right to assume!
Learn how to phrase a question properly canndo, you seem to be having a major problem articulating your messages.
Here is what you are missing; Mitt Romney does NOT use the "peoples money", it's his money because this is not a fucking socialist country my friend. What a private citizen legally does with his money is between him and HIS money.
Now unless you have proof that Mitt Romney does not take money out of those offshore accounts and re-invests in businesses in America, you have no right to assume!
We cannot prove such a thing on a year over year basis because we only have a single year of his tax returns and he is unwilling to give us more. We must therefore presume that he does not remove money from those offshore accounts as he put them there for a reason and the reason still exits - lower taxes.
My question remains, how does millions of dollars in an offshore account create jobs in America?
If most of those offshore accounts are retirement accounts, your questions are mute!
Your question is a fucking red herring canndo! LOL
Are you saying that Mitt Romney is obligated to invest his money in an economy where he disagrees with current policy? FUCK LOL
Are you sure you're 50? You don't act it. I would have guessed 26-30
Are you sure you're 50? You don't act it. I would have guessed 26-30
Are you sure you're 50? You don't act it. I would have guessed 26-30
If most of those offshore accounts are retirement accounts, your questions are mute!
Your question is a fucking red herring canndo! LOL
Are you saying that Mitt Romney is obligated to invest his money in an economy where he disagrees with current policy? FUCK LOL
Almost 50, and I know you won't believe me but I've never outright lied to anyone on here about what I do or who I am.
A mute question is one asked by a dumb person right? oh, you mean Moot, having no further relevence. Wow, you sure pwned me there canndo!
But I am asking the same question. It doesn't matter if it is retirement or not, Nor is it a red herring. the question is quite simple andI doubt it can be any more easily framed.
How does money in an offshore account create jobs in America? I am not "saying" anything and I am certainly not claiming that Romney is obliged to do anything at all with his money.
WSJ, RT, and us.gov and you?Where do you get the majority of your news and information?
Are you a right wing authoritarian beenthere?
he invalidates you before ever even attempting to answer your question . . . . . narcissist much