• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Are you scared of terrorist?

Are you scared of Terrorists?

  • I am afraid of terrorist. Government Can protect me.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I am afriad of terrorist. Only I can protect myself.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am not afraid of terrorist. Government Can protect me.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I am not afraid of terrorist. I can protect myself.

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • I am not afraid of terrorist. No one can protect me.

    Votes: 15 50.0%
  • I am afraid of terrorist. No one can protect me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That would all be true if your definition of terrorism is: Doing anything I don't like.
The governments of sovereign nations cannot be called terrorists, but instead tyrants. By your definition the USA would have cause (Since we are in the war against terrorism) to begin getting approval to invade each and every one of these countries in order to "Democratize 'em" and save them from themselves. If the governments of those countries aren't directly harming us in some way, we should not interfere. Tyrannical rule has been shown to be followed by a long period of peace when a countries citizens finally take things into their own hands.
when the government in question funds clandestine extra-national paramilitary organizations who's prime objective is the murder and kidnapping of people in other countries they are state sponsors of terrorists. (in b4 CIA, CIA is not dedicated to the destruction of a people, or the use of random violence against preschools)

using the silly slogans of "war on terror" to reducto ad absurdum my statements is very weak. when a state sponsors a terrorist group or harbours them in their territory, that state should feel the wrath of the offended nation, not claim innocence and hide behind useless UN resolutions and other forms of mindless jibber jabber.

your assertion that we should "democratize them" is another failed attempt to erect a straw man. the ass kicking they receive should be followed by a sudden departure, and a warning that should we have to come back, the clowns in power will fall, and their entire nation will be under new management, whichever management cares to take over. under these conditions state sponsorship for terrorist organizations will dry up quickly, as in the case of the philippines, once abu saif is rooted out they would certainly not invite them back in, or mexico, where the death by hellfire of the naro-warlords would allow the feeble and pathetic mexican government to finally get back to strongarming their peasants the way a semi-socialist plutocracy is intended to be.

i dont give two squirts of piss if mexico wants to be run by the seven families, or a socilaist dictator, or the catholic church. as long as they keep their shit on their side of the border i dont give a fuck.


Well-Known Member
the presence of aluminium and steel accounts for that possibility, and no reputable source has ever asserted that there was any large rsiidue of thermite especially not the "nano thermate" claimed by loose change versions 1-3, nor any cutting of beams by any force other than shearing
Not entirely true there was some cutting during demolition, the conspiracy nuts saw some pics of it and ran with it


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
OKC is already said and done. Lol live footage. Alright well I can see theres no point to go on here.
no OKC is not over and done with, mcveigh was either a patsy, or part of a group of conspirators. there are more suspects at large and there are too many questions left unanswered by the official report.

yes, live footage. there is such a thing you know...

and yes, i have no illusions of convincing anybody that 9-11 was not some grand conspiracy, and i likewise have no desire to eve utter the phrase "Truther" in any but an ironic sense. many sensible people think like you do, i am just not one of them.

i believe neil armstong did walk on the moon
aliens are not abducting hillbillies for an afternoon of ass-play
there is no evidence that mermaids are real
dinosaur fossils are NOT just jesus testing our faith
evolution is not a crackpot theory
intelligent design is not a theory, its a crackpot cunard
the flintstones is not a documentary
lee harvey oswald was not a lone gunman
the vietnam war was not a police action
the korean war did not stem the tide of socialism except in south korea
japan did not bomb pearl harbour in retaliation for nuclear attacks on hiroshima and nagasaki
the holocaust is not a myth
the cloud sutra is not a divine document
neither is the koran
neither is the bible
neither is the torah and talmud
attacking terrorists is not terrorism
bombing a preschool is never an act of war
dumbasses who stand in proximity to terrorists should not be surprised if they also get blown up.


Well-Known Member
Back to the OP, I'm not scared of terrorists. My country has a neutral foreign policy which means the "terrorists" have no qualms with us.

Why would they attack someone who isn't their "enemy"?

Mull that over for a while.


Well-Known Member
i dont give two squirts of piss if mexico wants to be run by the seven families, or a socilaist dictator, or the catholic church. as long as they keep their shit on their side of the border i dont give a fuck.
Unless of course there are some Al Qaeda members hiding out somewhere there, in that case kill em all eh?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Unless of course there are some Al Qaeda members hiding out somewhere there, in that case kill em all eh?
more reducto ad absurdum.

when will you learn that this only makes the user look like a dolt?

have the us troops turned everyone in iraq into soylent green?

did i miss the genocide in afghanistan?

has all of yemen been carpet bombed with FAE devices and atomics while i was in my garden?

nope. didnt think so.

perhaps when the cia or nsa or mi6 finds a terrorist we can call in a "NoDrama Strike" and you can drown them in your tears of sympathy from 40,000 feet. after all, everybody but terrorists knows how to swim...


Well-Known Member
more reducto ad absurdum.

when will you learn that this only makes the user look like a dolt?

have the us troops turned everyone in iraq into soylent green?

did i miss the genocide in afghanistan?

has all of yemen been carpet bombed with FAE devices and atomics while i was in my garden?

nope. didnt think so.

perhaps when the cia or nsa or mi6 finds a terrorist we can call in a "NoDrama Strike" and you can drown them in your tears of sympathy from 40,000 feet. after all, everybody but terrorists knows how to swim...
Nice ad hominum to counter what you consider to be absurd. Between Afghan, Iraq and Libya just how many civilians/terrorists/guys with black hats have been killed so far?


New Member
one just has to think for a moment terrorism is it not to promote fear amoung everyone for instance USA uses these tactics very well controlling there citizens for one.
and trying to control other nations ?? like lets put 2 carriers off some coast line
threaten another country with either military or sanctions against them ????? which americans have done so well in the past has turned into there failure as of last 10 years, for instance USA threatens to start a fight with pakistan , China in turn stands up to usa and puts fear right back in USA by saying you enter pakistan it will be classified as a act of war on china last time usa got warned like this was cuban missile crisis , china went on nuclear readyness usa pulls away there threat was just that China threat was real
USA threatens to attack Iran / invade ????? Russia/ China counters usa by saying DO NOT GO THERE

As you can see the tactic of terrorism is being countered by actual resistance by strong military backing from china and Russia stoping any advancement of usa

After 911 which i firmly believe was a inside job it struck fear into american citizens and with public uproar allowed usa to start wars in the name of terrorism and national defense
but again the citizens woke up and thought this is not good and started questioning why are we there ( Iraq )
so after few years of none terrorism in USA
USA decides to put a scare into the citizens yet again by saying these uni bombers are implanting bombs in there body
Alert alert home land security gets more money the citizens are more controlled and this is where you are today lol
just look funny at a airport and see where you end up
Is usa in a crisis now are you being monitored



lets control the the people from out of control taxation policy and stop them from forming some kind of rebelion against the government to hold the constitution


New Member
PS: i always wondered what usa would do if china and russia parked 4 - 5 nuclear subs and a carrier or two off the coast of california
of course in neutral waters


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Nice ad hominum to counter what you consider to be absurd. Between Afghan, Iraq and Libya just how many civilians/terrorists/guys with black hats have been killed so far?
an ad hominem would be declaring "you are a dolt", not, "statements like that make the speaker look like a dolt"

very much in the same way nancy pelosi insisting we must pass obamacare so we can see whats in it doesnt make her an illiterate idiot, it just makes her sound like a buffleheaded moron.

also remember it all depends on who is serving up the numbers. since al quaeda aand the talibs dont wear uniforms or have dogtags we can only count the dead, and ascribe them with either civilian or combatant labels.

the other side will of course declare all the dead to be innocent victims of imperialist aggression. in a representative republic we must put our trust in our leaders and try to keep an eye on them so they dont get out of hand. with the exception of a few HIGHLY PUBLICIZED incidents the troops are doing a good job of minimizing real civilian casualties. when the terrorists observe the same courtesy then you will have a reason for your outrage. until then, war is hell, and its better that hell be over there than over here.

even the french agree with that idea now. Even The French.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
PS: i always wondered what usa would do if china and russia parked 4 - 5 nuclear subs and a carrier or two off the coast of california
of course in neutral waters
this is not a whodunit, its an itsobviouswhodunnit. the navy testing ranges at point mugu, and in the channel islands, at andrews air base and the 29 palms marine base all engage in tests of missiles, and NEVER report them to the press unless they are trying to score points with the public.

russia has had missile subs parked off the east and west coasts in the past but they no longer consider the us a threat to their way of life now that socialism and communism are debunked.

china has not subs capable of reaching the us much less stationing themselves for long term missions of anywhere but taiwan, and they would certainly be unable to do so undetected. further, chinese nuclear missiles are unable to launch from any of their current obsolete subs (lol diesel)


New Member
this is not a whodunit, its an itsobviouswhodunnit. the navy testing ranges at point mugu, and in the channel islands, at andrews air base and the 29 palms marine base all engage in tests of missiles, and NEVER report them to the press unless they are trying to score points with the public.

russia has had missile subs parked off the east and west coasts in the past but they no longer consider the us a threat to their way of life now that socialism and communism are debunked.

china has not subs capable of reaching the us much less stationing themselves for long term missions of anywhere but taiwan, and they would certainly be unable to do so undetected. further, chinese nuclear missiles are unable to launch from any of their current obsolete subs (lol diesel)
for your information have a read china has the worlds biggest sub fleet

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
one just has to think for a moment terrorism is it not to promote fear amoung everyone for instance USA uses these tactics very well controlling there citizens for one.
and trying to control other nations ?? like lets put 2 carriers off some coast line
threaten another country with either military or sanctions against them ????? which americans have done so well in the past has turned into there failure as of last 10 years, for instance USA threatens to start a fight with pakistan , China in turn stands up to usa and puts fear right back in USA by saying you enter pakistan it will be classified as a act of war on china last time usa got warned like this was cuban missile crisis , china went on nuclear readyness usa pulls away there threat was just that China threat was real
USA threatens to attack Iran / invade ????? Russia/ China counters usa by saying DO NOT GO THERE

As you can see the tactic of terrorism is being countered by actual resistance by strong military backing from china and Russia stoping any advancement of usa

After 911 which i firmly believe was a inside job it struck fear into american citizens and with public uproar allowed usa to start wars in the name of terrorism and national defense
but again the citizens woke up and thought this is not good and started questioning why are we there ( Iraq )
so after few years of none terrorism in USA
USA decides to put a scare into the citizens yet again by saying these uni bombers are implanting bombs in there body
Alert alert home land security gets more money the citizens are more controlled and this is where you are today lol
just look funny at a airport and see where you end up
Is usa in a crisis now are you being monitored



lets control the the people from out of control taxation policy and stop them from forming some kind of rebelion against the government to hold the constitution
russia has it's own problems to worry about, and china will sing a different tune when they have to face the terrorist threats in their lands. this is why i advocate securing our own country rather than others, it makes us the big easy to reach target instead of the other natiions who spend all their time blaming the US for terrorism. even france has identified the source of their domestic terrorism problem, and is taking measures to stamp it out.

if we pull back and defend our country, russias chechnyan problem will scorch their balls all the wat to moscow, and china will face the first organized violent threat they have seen since embracing maoism. in case you dont know, china annexed a central asian moslem nation, ethnically cleansed it to a stunning degree, and now oppresses those people just like they do the tibetans. if the US and western europoe tend to their own borders, china will learn what the rest of the world already knows even if we dont want to admit it, mohammedan extremists are not satisfied with their own land, they want everyone else to fall under their dominion too. china has baked a pie made form their own foolishness and even when the uyghurs take back their land afgahnistan mujahadeen style, and then press hard against the softest bits of chinese anatomy they can reach. watch how fast the wall of a Thousand Li gets rebuilt. of course the chinese will not be chastened for their evil of building a wall to defend their racist borders against their innocent uyghur invaders who only want to have a better life... as their new mandarin overlords. ohh how sweet when history repeats.


New Member
again your talking about china a country that's bin around what 5000 years ??? Usa 229 years ???? again you make it sound like there raciest yet one has to look in your own back yard to see actual racism. ??? and greed

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
they are deisels. the chinese have no nuclear subs. sonar operators asleep at the switch doesnt equal chinese technical expertise. it is well known that our detection equipment is largely ineffective against diesel subs running on electric motors, but their electric capacity is very limited, and their diesels have short range without refueling. the pentagon is well aware that diesel subs can be much quieter than nuclear subs, but only for short periods.

the chinese claim of having 2 subs capable of nuclear missile launches is disputed by most reputable sources. chinese missiles capable of carrying their warheads are too large for diesel subs to carry, and they would have to surface to launch. their subs do not have the fuel capacity to reach their conventional missile's short range, and certainly would be unable to escape detection over any extended period.

china's sub fleet is alleged to be fairly large, but the soviet union managed to hyperinflate their forces quite easily for decades due to the willingness of the defense department to accept these figures without question. these falsehoods would have been easy to overturn but that would have reduced the impetus to build more tanks and planes to keep up with their phantom forces.

on a side note, it was only through sheer luck that the mexican navy was able to discover and capture a diesel sub run by the colombian cartels to smuggle coke and heroin.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
again your talking about china a country that's bin around what 5000 years ??? Usa 229 years ???? again you make it sound like there raciest yet one has to look in your own back yard to see actual racism. ??? and greed
china cant be racist because you claim that the US is racist. nice logic.

also, the peoples republic of china has only been around since the late 40's. they have no claim on 5000 years of chinese history, since they declared it all to be counter-revolutionary and tried to destroy it all

google "the cultural revolution".

the PRC has been in the greed business since they drove chiang kai shek to formosa.

also, Tienanmen Square. sorry comrade. your argument is flawed


Well-Known Member
this is not a whodunit, its an itsobviouswhodunnit. the navy testing ranges at point mugu, and in the channel islands, at andrews air base and the 29 palms marine base all engage in tests of missiles, and NEVER report them to the press unless they are trying to score points with the public.

russia has had missile subs parked off the east and west coasts in the past but they no longer consider the us a threat to their way of life now that socialism and communism are debunked.

china has not subs capable of reaching the us much less stationing themselves for long term missions of anywhere but taiwan, and they would certainly be unable to do so undetected. further, chinese nuclear missiles are unable to launch from any of their current obsolete subs (lol diesel)
The People's Liberation Army Navy's submarine fleet includes at least two nuclear-missile launching vessels.