Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
when the government in question funds clandestine extra-national paramilitary organizations who's prime objective is the murder and kidnapping of people in other countries they are state sponsors of terrorists. (in b4 CIA, CIA is not dedicated to the destruction of a people, or the use of random violence against preschools)That would all be true if your definition of terrorism is: Doing anything I don't like.
The governments of sovereign nations cannot be called terrorists, but instead tyrants. By your definition the USA would have cause (Since we are in the war against terrorism) to begin getting approval to invade each and every one of these countries in order to "Democratize 'em" and save them from themselves. If the governments of those countries aren't directly harming us in some way, we should not interfere. Tyrannical rule has been shown to be followed by a long period of peace when a countries citizens finally take things into their own hands.
using the silly slogans of "war on terror" to reducto ad absurdum my statements is very weak. when a state sponsors a terrorist group or harbours them in their territory, that state should feel the wrath of the offended nation, not claim innocence and hide behind useless UN resolutions and other forms of mindless jibber jabber.
your assertion that we should "democratize them" is another failed attempt to erect a straw man. the ass kicking they receive should be followed by a sudden departure, and a warning that should we have to come back, the clowns in power will fall, and their entire nation will be under new management, whichever management cares to take over. under these conditions state sponsorship for terrorist organizations will dry up quickly, as in the case of the philippines, once abu saif is rooted out they would certainly not invite them back in, or mexico, where the death by hellfire of the naro-warlords would allow the feeble and pathetic mexican government to finally get back to strongarming their peasants the way a semi-socialist plutocracy is intended to be.
i dont give two squirts of piss if mexico wants to be run by the seven families, or a socilaist dictator, or the catholic church. as long as they keep their shit on their side of the border i dont give a fuck.