Are you better off today, than you were 4 years ago when Trump was POTUS?

"Contrary to the popular narrative of homeless people moving to California, the study found that nine out of 10 people experiencing homelessness in California are residents of the state. Four out of five people reported being homeless in the same county they previously had housing in."

Thank you for this, ill read through the rest of it, seem like a good study.

Here is the part I would like to see updated:

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Last housing is the part that I think needs a more longitudinal look at. Where were they living before that, how many 'steps' did it take for them to become homeless, did they experience it as a kid, and at all stages map out their movements across the nation that has led to them being in that state/region/etc.

Ill have to keep reading to see if say someone goes and 'lives' with a friend because they fell on hard times/left a bad situation, if that counts as last time they were 'housed', but if that is the case, this is not really answering the deeper question of the movements of people and how they came to be in Cali.

Also I will be interested if they mention the timeframe people were homeless prior to them answering the questions. I would guess that longer term homeless people tend to be a little underrepresented because of just any of the possible things they are/have been dealing with throughout their lives making it hard to get much out of them.

It is interesting though thank you for the link.
In an area where the public visits every day. Funny that no fingerprints were found on that bag.
My first thought when that story came out was that Roger Stone was up to more dirty tricks. Roger Stone was the guy who earned his nickname as the dirty trickster as a Nixon follower in 1972 when he made a donation to Richard Nixon's primary opponent in the name of the "Young Socialists Alliance" and then used that information as a way to smear the guy he gave the money to as taking money from socialists.
My first thought when that story came out was that Roger Stone was up to more dirty tricks. Roger Stone was the guy who earned his nickname as the dirty trickster as a Nixon follower in 1972 when he made a donation to Richard Nixon's primary opponent in the name of the "Young Socialists Alliance" and then used that information as a way to smear the guy he gave the money to as taking money from socialists.
That's exactly the kind of thing this almost certainly is. No matter how obvious the ploy -- and I don't think anybody actually thinks the bag came from somebody inside the Whitehouse -- people can ask "what about that bag of cocaine found in the Whitehouse?" without being called a liar. They can be called mendacious or reasonably called a troll or the tool of a troll but it's still a fact that the bag was found there. It's up to everybody else to see it as the bullshit it is.

But still, a bag of coke without any fingerprints on it? I don't think anything more needs to be said. People can connect the dots on their own. Let's just let that fact sit next to the fact that the bag exists, shall we? Let's turn this dirty trick around and let people wonder who is playing who.
That's exactly the kind of thing this almost certainly is. No matter how obvious the ploy -- and I don't think anybody actually thinks the bag came from somebody inside the Whitehouse -- people can ask "what about that bag of cocaine found in the Whitehouse?" without being called a liar. They can be called mendacious or reasonably called a troll or the tool of a troll but it's still a fact that the bag was found there. It's up to everybody else to see it as the bullshit it is.

But still, a bag of coke without any fingerprints on it? I don't think anything more needs to be said. People can connect the dots on their own. Let's just let that fact sit next to the fact that the bag exists, shall we? Let's turn this dirty trick around and let people wonder who is playing who.
It was me... My day was kinda wide open, and I didn't have anything else to do. Just wanted to see where this went. But seriously,... Cali is hard. My son went out there about 6 years ago for rehab, got clean, and is working 2 jobs to make it still. He got dropped off there with no ID, SS card, Drivers Lic, nothing... because he had been arrested here in OK so many times, he had nothing. Just a plane ticket, and a 6 month rehab session. After that, he got booted out, and had to find a way to make it. .. which he did, and Im proud that he isn't living in a tent. Im sure he did things he's not proud of, but he is making it. Not easy by any means, but he works his ass off. I may text him every couple of months, and he may text back within a week or so. I went out to San Diego to see him for the first time in 5 years.... he looked rough for 34 years old, I'm not gonna lie. Side note: I hate San Diego.
FK. all the minutae,SIMPLE,I hit the pillow knowing a decent,empathetic human being is in the Oval Office,no grandstanding,palace intrigue(soap opera) dramatics,w/historical knowledge and a sane perspective.I'm better off just for THAT,not even counting policies that actually make some sense and are not PR stunts.ONE SEC of STATE,DEF,CH. of STAFF,etc,etc,etc, in 4 yrs. under Biden WOW what a contrast to Trump's freakshow carousel.
But... I digress. It's too late. Millions have come across, and unnoticed. And not just Mexicans. In a nutshell, the diluted rate has become so saturated that the Elite have control now. The American Dream is dead. They will soon have control over your everyday life, your finances, your assets, your worthless money, your location, likes, dislikes, buying habits, and we will all be cogs in the the Machine to make them richer. Soon, you will own nothing. They will. AI is just one of thier tools to make you influential, profitable, worthless, and eventually, disposable.
@cannabineer and @hanimmal.. While Im on a roll here. I respect both of you for you contributions to this sector, but I do have a question that I would like to ask. During this Admin, we have had 6-7 ( can't remember ) Federal Rate hikes to "cool" the economy. Now.. If memory serves me well, American spending is good for the economy. Why would they raise rates to a level that makes buying a used car out of reach for a lot of people?... or Mortgages for home buyers?.. How does that help the economy? I understand we need a balance in that. You can't have the Federal Reserve at near zero, but why the flux?... even back in the 70's they had Mortgage rates (although much cheaper homes) in the 13-18% range on short term loans. But now, we see around 7-8% rates for new Home Buyers, and about the same for Used Car buyers.. which compared to prices, you can buy New at Incentivized rates and get a New one for about the same payment. So what would be the motive to try and slow down consumer spending? ... simply because they can't afford it? I can't figure out this part of rate hikes if the economy was doing well with consumer spending. Is it the fact the that like in the 80's, consumer spending was in a feeding frenzy, and extended credit got out of control and resulted in unpaid debt?, and now (like then) they are trying to recoup the losses by slowing down spending, but at the same time raising rates to make up for the loss as well??
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BTW.... I just got censored... I have a missing post after #214.... which is a new #215.... Come on Admins.... you're starting to look like the NWO.
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