Are we on the verge of a civil war?

for America
Why were YOU a moral failure?

Might be a sign that could start some conversations and teach morals to the heathen. Many Christians need to be taught basic right from wrong, then we can proceed to Bible study. Self consistency is the hallmark of integrity.
I stopped watching a long time ago for the same reasons. I think my initial interest came from the surprise of someone making sense while wearing camo.
He isn't looking to reach you or even me, the man cave image is largely contrived, he looks and speaks like many Trump supporters and the only chance they might get to see him and get sucked in is places like this. One heart and mind at a time. He says intelligent constructive things to largely ignorant people who think liberal is a curse word and not about liberty.
Freedom lmfao, I think that most people are delusional, freedom has never existed, our attention is being diverted, it always will be freedom lol, everyone doesn't realise that it's all control, it always has been, books religion, morals, all tools to be used.
I stopped watching a long time ago for the same reasons. I think my initial interest came from the surprise of someone making sense while wearing camo.
If ya wanna know the kinds of people who read Chomsky and other first order thinkers and bring the ideas down to where the rubber meets the road in a pragmatic fashion, he's your guy
He isn't looking to reach you or even me, the man cave image is largely contrived, he looks and speaks like many Trump supporters and the only chance they might get to see him and get sucked in is places like this. One heart and mind at a time. He says intelligent constructive things to largely ignorant people who think liberal is a curse word and not about liberty.
I have a high opinion of Beau...and no, he’s not trying to persuade *ME*...but I have made use of points he’s raised, he *has* in fact had thoughts that made sense to me that I *didn’t* have on my own, and he’s exactly the kind of voice I like to “boost the signal” for.

I don’t get the “man cave” take - that’s just a store room IMO, like dozens I’ve had and ‘man-cave signaling’ I can see...and those things IMO are all about signaling
I believe it is possible.
My family we're from Mexico and have seen what happens when government becomes corrupt.
I hope they don't take our guns we need to defend ourselves.
In Mexico the police are corrupt and no real way to protect yourself.
So time to stock up on ammo and .223 rifles.
I'm anxious to see your small arms skills stack up against our military
Smart , really smart:D
for America
Why were YOU a moral failure?

Might be a sign that could start some conversations and teach morals to the heathen. Many Christians need to be taught basic right from wrong, then we can proceed to Bible study. Self consistency is the hallmark of integrity.

they wish to have it all no negotiation; then move goal posts for previously agreed to terms..i find it very difficult to find common ground because of their double-think, double-speak..'do what's right for you' mantra is vile and i cannot live by those terms.
amazing how many still supported and voted for the person who let 'worse than the flu, you get it and you're the right person- you're gone..' 'wash over' us. 70M are okay with him..21% of our country.

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this doesn't end here.
Traveling memorials of a half million flags will become popular and students can set them out on civics education day. They can include a portable wall of 25,000 lies and a half million names, folded out from a shipping containers(s). A rich patron or crowd funding could finance many traveling memorials that would tour rural America. An education program.
Just trying to figure out what the path forward is.

From posts made by those on the left, such as @Padawanbater2 and @schuylaar, we can see that nothing they have to contribute in the is of value in the short term. Mostly, they want revenge. Fuck that. Those losers would have bungled the opportunity and delivered this country back to Trump if they had their way. To them, suggest that they learn how to win in districts that are not safely Democratic. The country is moving in their direction but they talk as if it's already there.

The United States is undergoing a transition perhaps no rich and stable democracy has ever experienced: Its historically dominant group is on its way to becoming a political minority.

The Republican Party has treated Trump’s tenure more as an interregnum than a revival, a brief respite that can be used to slow its decline. Instead of simply contesting elections, the GOP has redoubled its efforts to narrow the electorate and raise the odds that it can win legislative majorities with a minority of votes. In the first five years after conservative justices on the Supreme Court gutted a key provision of the Voting Rights Act in 2013, 39 percent of the counties that the law had previously restrained reduced their number of polling places. And while gerrymandering is a bipartisan sin, over the past decade Republicans have indulged in it more heavily. In Wisconsin last year, Democrats won 53 percent of the votes cast in state legislative races, but just 36 percent of the seats. In Pennsylvania, Republicans tried to impeach the state Supreme Court justices who had struck down a GOP attempt to gerrymander congressional districts in that state. The Trump White House has tried to suppress counts of immigrants for the 2020 census, to reduce their voting power. All political parties maneuver for advantage, but only a party that has concluded it cannot win the votes of large swaths of the public will seek to deter them from casting those votes at all.

When Trump’s presidency comes to its end, the Republican Party will confront the same choice it faced before his rise, only even more urgently. In 2013, the party’s leaders saw the path that lay before them clearly, and urged Republicans to reach out to voters of diverse backgrounds whose own values matched the “ideals, philosophy and principles” of the GOP. Trumpism deprioritizes conservative ideas and principles in favor of ethno-nationalism.

The conservative strands of America’s political heritage—a bias in favor of continuity, a love for traditions and institutions, a healthy skepticism of sharp departures—provide the nation with a requisite ballast.

I see the glimmerings of an answer in this article. It covers a lot of ground, including examples in US history where once dominant factions reshaped themselves after political defeats. It warns that our Civil War was a result of inability of the Old South to do so. The last sentence that I posted from the article makes me think that there is a path forward for conservatives in this country to take back their party from Trumpism. US conservatism in the past held our elections system in high esteem but not Trumpism. The GOP could rebuild itself by discarding the most vile aspects of it -- ethno-nationalism. Witness the growing number of Hispanic voters and even some Black voters that crossed over to the GOP in this election. Diversity could save that party. Barring that, there might be other ways to peacefully negotiate the turbulence of change that is to come over the next ten years. I don't know what that is.
Just trying to figure out what the path forward is.

From posts made by those on the left, such as @Padawanbater2 and @schuylaar, we can see that nothing they have to contribute in the is of value in the short term. Mostly, they want revenge. Fuck that. Those losers would have bungled the opportunity and delivered this country back to Trump if they had their way. To them, suggest that they learn how to win in districts that are not safely Democratic. The country is moving in their direction but they talk as if it's already there.

The United States is undergoing a transition perhaps no rich and stable democracy has ever experienced: Its historically dominant group is on its way to becoming a political minority.

The Republican Party has treated Trump’s tenure more as an interregnum than a revival, a brief respite that can be used to slow its decline. Instead of simply contesting elections, the GOP has redoubled its efforts to narrow the electorate and raise the odds that it can win legislative majorities with a minority of votes. In the first five years after conservative justices on the Supreme Court gutted a key provision of the Voting Rights Act in 2013, 39 percent of the counties that the law had previously restrained reduced their number of polling places. And while gerrymandering is a bipartisan sin, over the past decade Republicans have indulged in it more heavily. In Wisconsin last year, Democrats won 53 percent of the votes cast in state legislative races, but just 36 percent of the seats. In Pennsylvania, Republicans tried to impeach the state Supreme Court justices who had struck down a GOP attempt to gerrymander congressional districts in that state. The Trump White House has tried to suppress counts of immigrants for the 2020 census, to reduce their voting power. All political parties maneuver for advantage, but only a party that has concluded it cannot win the votes of large swaths of the public will seek to deter them from casting those votes at all.

When Trump’s presidency comes to its end, the Republican Party will confront the same choice it faced before his rise, only even more urgently. In 2013, the party’s leaders saw the path that lay before them clearly, and urged Republicans to reach out to voters of diverse backgrounds whose own values matched the “ideals, philosophy and principles” of the GOP. Trumpism deprioritizes conservative ideas and principles in favor of ethno-nationalism.

The conservative strands of America’s political heritage—a bias in favor of continuity, a love for traditions and institutions, a healthy skepticism of sharp departures—provide the nation with a requisite ballast.

I see the glimmerings of an answer in this article. It covers a lot of ground, including examples in US history where once dominant factions reshaped themselves after political defeats. It warns that our Civil War was a result of inability of the Old South to do so. The last sentence that I posted from the article makes me think that there is a path forward for conservatives in this country to take back their party from Trumpism. US conservatism in the past held our elections system in high esteem but not Trumpism. The GOP could rebuild itself by discarding the most vile aspects of it -- ethno-nationalism. Witness the growing number of Hispanic voters and even some Black voters that crossed over to the GOP in this election. Diversity could save that party. Barring that, there might be other ways to peacefully negotiate the turbulence of change that is to come over the next ten years. I don't know what that is.
Study and homework are required to understand the new data we have to work with. We must use our natural inclinations of logical analysis and formulate a plan. This plan will include a strategy for the bigger picture of winning the social war, as well as tactics and these must be based on what is effective and works. Test, feedback, adjust and test again, model if you can and quality statistics are the only truth.

The war is not about harming these people or even manipulating them, it is about understanding them and meeting their needs whenever we can. Know where to draw the line though and make it a hard one, there is no compromising on bigotry and racism, the Black democratic caucus is too strong and has put up with too much bullshit.

Like any terrorist group, you must cut them off at the knees with their base of more moderate support by settling genuine grievances.
America just got rid of corrupt government, at least the administration part, Joe's presidency will be like Obama's, clean as a cat's asshole. If the FBI puts you on a terrorist watch list they will take your guns and .223 ammo, no flying either. No difference between a "militia" and a middle eastern terrorist group as far as I can see, both are bearded fanatics with no brains.
Cloud cookoo land, have you read about the deaths over the last two hundred years, a heart you say, I have plenty of heart, my ancestor carried Robert the Bruce heart to the holy land, also my ancestors died in the two great wars, my brother's have master's degrees, so there is a heart and brains I suppose, but I am not arguing, good luck to you my friend.
Cloud cookoo land, have you read about the deaths over the last two hundred years, a heart you say, I have plenty of heart, my ancestor carried Robert the Bruce heart to the holy land, also my ancestors died in the two great wars, my brother's have master's degrees, so there is a heart and brains I suppose, but I am not arguing, good luck to you my friend.
A warrior's strength is in his heart and head, not his arm or even the arms he is carrying. The first line of defense is your country, then your state, then your county, and after that your community, finally your own front door. That is the proper way of things, the second amendment was about responsibilities to the community and using your arms under the command of that community, that was why there is an individual right to bear arms. The 2nd is about love and putting it on the line, putting others first and self sacrifice, arms were merely the means to accomplish this ultimate end.

Know why you are fighting and what for. Liberals fight for freedom under the constitution and the rule of law, something bigger than even their individual rights, just because you have a right to do something, does not mean that you should. Sometimes we have to put others before ourselves and believe it or not, that is when we are at our happiest.
Study and homework are required to understand the new data we have to work with. We must use our natural inclinations of logical analysis and formulate a plan. This plan will include a strategy for the bigger picture of winning the social war, as well as tactics and these must be based on what is effective and works. Test, feedback, adjust and test again, model if you can and quality statistics are the only truth.

The war is not about harming these people or even manipulating them, it is about understanding them and meeting their needs whenever we can. Know where to draw the line though and make it a hard one, there is no compromising on bigotry and racism, the Black democratic caucus is too strong and has put up with too much bullshit.

Like any terrorist group, you must cut them off at the knees with their base of more moderate support by settling genuine grievances.
I'm more into a healing analogy than a war one. Like a major organ of the body politic, the Republican Party has to heal itself. They have plenty of ability to do so, maybe not the will just now. But that's my hope. I see no way for Democrats to win them over. Ironically, crossover conservative Hispanic and Black voters might be their and our saving grace.