Are we on the verge of a civil war?

'Putin's NOT quitting': Kremlin insist the Russian president, 68, is in 'excellent health' and denies he will quit in January amid claims he has Parkinson's - as it's revealed he will get life-long immunity from prosecution
  • Prominent critic has claimed Putin, 68, is 'suffering from Parkinson's disease'
  • Suggested his family - and lover Alina Kabaeva - urged him to quit in January
  • Kremlin has dismissed claims as 'nonsense' saying Putin is in 'excellent health'
  • The leader is also seeking life-long immunity in new bills introduced this week
  • Putin would become a senator for life and receive state perks after office
My thoughts? It won't be a "civil" war. Not making a joke. What I mean is it wont be just repubz vs dems. Other countries that can't stand him will get behind all the democrats. Do you think Canada or Mexico will want trumpers to be in charge of America? England? France, Germany or Japan?

Trump has Russia, we have China. I like to think in much bigger terms :blsmoke:
Dont be foolish There will be no war. If there was it would be Russian and Chinese together trying to divide and conquer America theyre not our friends by any means. It wont happen because our citizens are all heavily armed as well our military stationed globally. Trump will be imprisoned for trying to usurp the presidency mark my word
We're already in a Civil War, and actually have been in one since at least 1860/1964 when there was simply an attempt to address Decades of Abuse towards American citizens, in this case specifically Black Americans.

How did that work out for the Black community?
How did that work out in Boston/Atlanta/Montgomery?
They fucking rioted then over desegregation & it continues to this day.
Yea, I predict violence in/on the news any which way this election turns out, because that's simply who we are.
Fucking sad fact

^^ THIS ^^...people only imagine the civil war’s been over - as a lifelong southerner from the days of segregation, I give you my word, the rebel slavers NEVER gave up. We’ve watched them get within arm’s reach of finally winning that bloody mess, only to see them pushed back in ‘18 and again, now. The most recent push began when SCOTUS desegregated the schools and the comfortable white folks said “aw, HELL no!”...and it’s not over with this election, it will continue until they’re pushed out of congress and the state houses ong enough to make the actual changes that need making. This is the ‘end’ of the beginning: the fight begins in earnest w/ Georgia’s two senate runoffs in January.
While I generally like this guy for the most part, he's not really telling me anything I don't already know so I've pretty much quit watching him
He is educational and can reach those who need it, he has his head screwed on right. Beau is effective at what he does speaking from his "man cave", winning hearts and minds. Sometimes the only exposure the Trumpers get to different POVs is here, I like to leave these things and my rantings on these threads in an effort to reach some, one heart and mind at a time Napsalot, it's gonna be a while before Uncle Sam reaches safe harbor.

This will go on for awhile and a way forward must be found, these people must be reached, their needs meet, but their hatred thwarted. It's not red state vs blue state, it is urban vs rural and small towns, a correct paradigm is a beginning, next determine why this is so.
I believe it is possible.
My family we're from Mexico and have seen what happens when government becomes corrupt.
I hope they don't take our guns we need to defend ourselves.
In Mexico the police are corrupt and no real way to protect yourself.
So time to stock up on ammo and .223 rifles.
I believe it is possible.
My family we're from Mexico and have seen what happens when government becomes corrupt.
I hope they don't take our guns we need to defend ourselves.
In Mexico the police are corrupt and no real way to protect yourself.
So time to stock up on ammo and .223 rifles.
America just got rid of corrupt government, at least the administration part, Joe's presidency will be like Obama's, clean as a cat's asshole. If the FBI puts you on a terrorist watch list they will take your guns and .223 ammo, no flying either. No difference between a "militia" and a middle eastern terrorist group as far as I can see, both are bearded fanatics with no brains.