Are we on the verge of a civil war?

We're already in a Civil War, and actually have been in one since at least 1860/1964 when there was simply an attempt to address Decades of Abuse towards American citizens, in this case specifically Black Americans.

How did that work out for the Black community?
How did that work out in Boston/Atlanta/Montgomery?
They fucking rioted then over desegregation & it continues to this day.
Yea, I predict violence in/on the news any which way this election turns out, because that's simply who we are.
Fucking sad fact
Be happy and stay safe. unfortunately, getting together with family over the holidays will be on hold this year.

in case we haven't realized, it's travel patterns. in the beginning the true hotspots were all within major air hub now it's those 'get togethers' coming from all over, getting infected, and then bringing it back to their town and then spreads from there because there can be a huge lag in infectious > symptoms and then it's way too late.

everyone is safer at home and stopping the spread until we have a federal program of testing, tracing and supplies..infectious are the worst it's ever been.
This is America, boyo
Money is behind EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING!!!!!!.
Fuck morality
Give me the cash, or get the fuck out of my way.
That is America's true founding principle.

you also have no rights unless you can afford an attorney..for all our international friends? America is a lie..have you ever heard of The Truman Show?
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America is in a cold civil war and has been for awhile, there is nothing new in this, the election merely brought clarity to the national situation. Only one side is waging cold civil war and they are the fascist side, since their support of Trump after four years defines them as such, not me. The republican side or a large portion of it opted out of liberal democracy when they support unconstitutional action, law breaking, election cheating and election repudiation. Liberal democracy is incompatible with fascism, in the end it must be one or the other and this is the real problem America faces. A bare majority of Americans actually believe in liberal democracy and almost half of the country does not, they claim to, but their votes say otherwise. The choice was stark and clear, there was no doubt about the facts for any intelligent reasonable person. The deaths of 223,000 Americans made no difference at all to almost half the nation, if you don't care about each other how can you love your country?

I remain hopeful however, once the passions and tribalism subside a bit, Trump brought the level of fear in the nation to a fevered pitch and it had it's effect. Joe is calm for a reason, once you allay their fear you can open up the minds of some, but you can't push them too hard too quickly. Once there is a little distance from Trump and there is a bit more historical narrative and criminal court cases. The most important thing is Trump will be gone from the presidency and soon after that public view, Donald will be in prison and America will live, even if many Americans won't.

If Joe can knock down covid in 3 months and get things back in order by summer it will help the democrats a lot. Joe will be a president and he will lead and he is starting already, masks can save over 100,000 American lives and if a normal American president can save 100,000 American lives, I would suggest nobody get in his way or you will be behind razor wire or in jail.
Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!
Americans decent & realistic?
C'mon man, wake the fuck up.
It will never, ever, happen ( @least a majority)

did you see my post on the stanford prison or milgrim experiments? 65% of people will follow an authoritarian model if told to by someone in a lab coat 'it's okay' or 'you must continue' while administering pain as a negative conditioning to the wrong answer (milgrim).
I remain hopeful however, once the passions and tribalism subside a bit
I envy your optimism, because I have none.
Tribalism going away?
Fat fucking chance.
We fucking HATE neighboring states,
I hate fucking 1/2 the South, like Texas/Florida/Kentucky for example (Georgia get's a pass for now :) )
There really is no United States, only ethnic/economic enclaves looking out for they're own self-interest.
I envy your optimism, because I have none.
Tribalism going away?
Fat fucking chance.
We fucking HATE neighboring states,
I hate fucking 1/2 the South, like Texas/Florida/Kentucky for example (Georgia get's a pass for now :) )
There really is no United States, only ethnic/economic enclaves looking out for they're own self-interest.
Remember all those red state governors who played ball with Donald and let their states die? What effect would there be if some states indicted Donald for second degree mass murder based on the Woodward tapes? Think these clown republican governors will tow the fucking line if some from justice mentioned the feds might also be thinking about mass 2nd degree murder charges against Donald and them, perhaps a conspiracy? It is a crime to lie to the FBI some governors and other state officials should remember this.

So you think these red state fucks won't cooperate eh? Don't get in Joe's way when there are 100,000 lives on the line and it's his watch, if you though Donald was something, these assholes respond well to fear, Donald proved that. Don't forget the stakes you are playing for, forget being nice, being liked is not a priority in this matter.
I envy your optimism, because I have none.
Tribalism going away?
Fat fucking chance.
We fucking HATE neighboring states,
I hate fucking 1/2 the South, like Texas/Florida/Kentucky for example (Georgia get's a pass for now :) )
There really is no United States, only ethnic/economic enclaves looking out for they're own self-interest.
Optimism is the only way forward, if Joe wasn't optimistic, he would not have bothered running, things looked pretty bad for him awhile back when he was trying to get the nomination while broke.

Sometimes you also have to be a bit unreasonable when dealing with the unreasonable, Joe is a nice guy, but when he gets a good look at what Donald did, he will not be pleased. Joe is gonna get control of covid ASAP, don't get in the fucking way, Christ help you if you do.