Are we on the verge of a civil war?

we mostly agree.

I don't think freedom is a dream. Freedom is an aspiration. For everybody to be free, we need to be able to live with each other, make room for each other, accommodate each other. If one is like BBQ man, to whom freedom might mean white power, then maybe he will just have to sit on it.


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Not to be too is behind all of this. It's a fight as to who will make the rules and us depending on our values, deciding which is most benign....
My response to the murder of George Floyd was to get out and protest police brutality against Black people along with millions of others. We aren't demanding money. We object to police harming the people they are supposed to protect. We want the justice system to be reformed and not money. So, yes you are being cynical.
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My response to the police officer was to get out and protest police brutality against Black people along with millions of others. We aren't demanding money. We object to police harming the people they are supposed to protect. We want the justice system to be reformed and not money. So, yes you are being cynical.
I believe in idealism and that we hold these truths to be self evident....I'm with you. There's just a lot more going on than that. We are electronic compromised. Your cell phone is a walking analytics broadcaster to a whole host of interests. Marshall McLuhan is rolling in his grave and Lincoln and Jefferson are crying somewhere
Not to be too is behind all of this. It's a fight as to who will make the rules and us depending on our values, deciding which is most benign....
I think it depends on what you mean by 'money being behind all of this'.

Someone earlier mentioned how it is impossible to plan ahead as a business in Trump's America. Everyone needs stability in their everyday lives and businesses need it to make longterm decisions. They would trade a increase in their taxes for more stability. So a lot of them did invest in getting Biden elected. They did it to counter the trolls like the Koch bro that have been unloading billions for decades to keep power in their tiny demographic's hands as long as possible.

But, the Republicans scam was hijacked by the Russian military and we got stuck with Trump. Trump who is so inept he let us all in on the con and now we know about it. And we can start standing up to the propaganda that we are being spammed with.
I believe in idealism and that we hold these truths to be self evident....I'm with you. There's just a lot more going on than that. We are electronic compromised. Your cell phone is a walking analytics broadcaster to a whole host of interests. Marshall McLuhan is rolling in his grave and Lincoln and Jefferson are crying somewhere
I don't carry a cell phone for that reason. Nobody HAS to carry a cell phone. Nobody HAS to sign on to Facebook. Why people give up their rights to privacy is beyond me. I acknowledge their right to do so. Nobody has said I had to.

We should at least have the rights to privacy that Europeans have. There are politicians who agree. We have the power to make this change. So, I disagree that freedom is an illusion.
I know we have all probably been thinking this for awhile now. But with this election going on and everything that's been playing out in the world I can't help but think about it again.

Trump Jr just made a Twitter post insisting america goes to war over the election and supposed "fraud".

The whole nazi vs BLM and all this crap man...

Bottom line. What do you guys predict is going down because we'd be foolish to think coronavirus was it...

Only if Trump wins the rest of the battleground states by surprise and wins the election.
Relax. No war if we remain civil. We could use some culling of the herd. But not by those methods. Take a hit and think about de escalation. Not fighting a yet to materialize threat. The idiots will climb back in the holes. Stop feeding the egos. LOL. We will be fine if we are decent and realistic.
Relax. No war if we remain civil. We could use some culling of the herd. But not by those methods. Take a hit and think about de escalation. Not fighting a yet to materialize threat. The idiots will climb back in the holes. Stop feeding the egos. LOL. We will be fine if we are decent and realistic.
What about free mandatory marijuana therapy for them?