Are unprotected classes fair?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I'd like to work for someone like you. If I made you millions, I bet you wouldn't care if I came to work dressed like Hitler, stache and all. As long as you don't have a plan for using XyclonB, everything should be cool. That's where I want to live.


Well-Known Member
I'm part of three unprotected classes: vegan, long hair and marijuana user. All three of those you can discriminate against. But the moment you call it religion or race, you get in trouble. Chicken or pork meat on my desk,funny. But Arab/black, hate crime.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm not in Massachusetts. But if I did, according to the cencus I would like it. Ecspecially since it doesn't take 700 billion out of Medicare like how Obamacare does.
And why are we talking about Romney all the sudden? What does that deflection have to do with Obama and his failed policies?
Good point. We can talk about Romney's failed policies in a short time if he is elected. Speaking of deflection, how 'bout that "free healthcare" Romney put in and that GOLDMAN SACHS thingy?


Ursus marijanus
I'd like to work for someone like you. If I made you millions, I bet you wouldn't care if I came to work dressed like Hitler, stache and all. As long as you don't have a plan for using XyclonB, everything should be cool. That's where I want to live.
lol! I would only use Zyklon B if it came in a fancy bottle with ossum graffix like AN "cosmetanicals".
But even if you made me millions, I'd take issue with your dressing like Hitler. I have direct ethnic issues with that bastard. cn

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Personally I wouldn't care if you came to work dressed like Stalin to clean my toilets for minimum wage. Even though that bastard killed off nearly all my ancestors. If you think he had good fashion sense, more power to you.


Ursus marijanus
Both those guys' fashion sense was a bit, uhm, uniform for me. But a bathroom cleaner called Josef Stallin' ... has real potential. Might we market it as an Ethnic Cleanser? cn

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
That's why I only use a phone to post. I can do it when I'm bored, on the shitter or to put myself to sleep in bed. Otherwise I look like that pathetic bastard.


Well-Known Member
Character - "In matters of style, swim with the current: In matters of principle, stand like a rock." Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
poor little cunt doesn't want to talk about romney's failures as governor nor does he want to talk about his plan to take $716 billion out of medicare not because we're overpaying, but because he needs it to give tax breaks to his wealthy buddies.


poor little cunt.
If we are overpaying into medicare so much why does the congress vote year after year to override medicare cuts?


Well-Known Member
Who cares what you look like. Its all about whats in between your ears, thats all that matters. People move to America and establish residence here and then vote; but they are participating in the electoral process with no clue about how our government works or functions.
Appearance is a qualification for many jobs. And legal, also.


Well-Known Member
I don't think any of these are "classes". A feature of class is very limited intermobility. The three distinctions you've listed ... can be discontinued essentially at whim. What is to elevate your contention from a simple instance of assumed victimhood? That's not a slam, but a genuine question. I belong to two of the three categories you listed. But I don't for a moment feel that the two (my pot use and my quite long hair) in any way consign me to a class. cn
That would be the pot-head hippy class. Meetings are first Saturday of the month. Would you like to sign up for the newsletter? Seriously, religion can be changed at a whim, but is still a protected class.


Ursus marijanus
That would be the pot-head hippy class. Meetings are first Saturday of the month. Would you like to sign up for the newsletter? Seriously, religion can be changed at a whim, but is still a protected class.
This might be a cavil, but religion isn't a class. The religious, being people, might ... but does religious participation make for a social class? I am not convinced. The practice of religion does not seem to be restricted to any socioeconomic or ethnic group in the USA today. It crosses all barriers.
However I'd be interested in your counterpoint. cn


Well-Known Member
This might be a cavil, but religion isn't a class. The religious, being people, might ... but does religious participation make for a social class? I am not convinced. The practice of religion does not seem to be restricted to any socioeconomic or ethnic group in the USA today. It crosses all barriers. However I'd be interested in your counterpoint. cn
Religion is one of the Federally protected classes. Not whether one is religious, but the tenants of some religions must be accommodated for. Examples: Muslims must be given multiple prayer breaks during the work day. A Christian church can not refuse to hire a Hindu janitor.


Well-Known Member
So not one individual here has chosen addressed the fact that my "unprotected status" under both the "Whistle Blower" and "Harassment" laws of this country are unquestionably related directly to, and only, my RACE, SEX and AGE. Furthermore, how is it that most large US corporations have programs in reference to these laws that they all called "integrity" programs. If these laws and programs were honestly titled as "affirmative action" my "ignorance of the law" would not have changed the lives of my family and I. Am I not a clear victim of bigotry and inequity in the law here?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
That's why I maintain these classes are bullshit. If Zenu entrapping thaetans in volcanos is protected, why not vegans, pot heads or emo bitches who can get cutting breaks?


Well-Known Member
what a surpise. canna sylvan trying to shove veganism down peoples throats.

I ate chicken tonight. Meat is good. Do you think the bird had hopes and dreams before it's head got chopped off? I hope so. I wish I could have been the one to slaughter the bird. Or at least watch.

For breakfast today I'm gonna have eggs, bacon, sausage, and ham. Nothing but animal for breakfast. No breads or potatoes. Just animal. And I think I'll eat some turkey at lunch and cow for dinner. Mmmm dead animal tastes good.

If it didn't have a face then it's not on my plate!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I forgot why you're the only one on my ignore list.Thank you for reminding me!Vegan food just tastes better, doesn't give you health problems if you indulge and won't get parasites.Without asshats like you,parasites would feel lonely.Humans yummy!


Active Member
a racist christian reconstructionist is lecturing us about respect - in crayon no less.
that's how you would describe 99.9% of the people you have ever spoken to.... ever think that just maybe its you who is looking at things backwards instead of all the rest of us?

anyways, back on topic. How do you feel when a hardcore christian is all in your face you gotta be saved or your going to hell?

That's the same way others feel when you constantly tell them how your an atheist, a vegan, or gay. Basically anything you are preaching, people are going to get tired of hearing.

Just thought that might offer some insight as to why so many people seem to irrationally "attack" you for your veganism, its not because we have any problem with vegans, we are just sick of people who are on there high horse about this or that and will not let it go.