Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

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What you say here is already true " defend the notion that it should be legal to discriminate against people", it IS legal to discriminate based on millions of reasons. I believe you have a right to do this, well, because you do have that right. It's when you do it based on x,y and z that you get in trouble. I just think our laws should be uniform and equal for all.

I can discriminate if you have red hair, why should I be allowed to do that? Why should I be allowed to discriminate against right handed people? Why should I be allowed to discriminate against ugly people? Why can some business discriminate based on looks but others can't?

All I want is consistency and freedom, all you want is to control people.

the racist who wants to make it legal to discriminate against black people on the sole basis that they are black is accusing me of wanting to control people.

ginwilly the racist snitch wants david duke to be allowed to open his whites only restaurant because freedom.
Whenever I have a shitty day at work, patients get to me, the old trick knee starts howling, I can always come here and realize "well shit, at least I'm not buck".

yeah, i bet it would suck to be young, healthy, attractive, height-weight proportionate, growing weed for a living, with almost unlimited free time to explore your interests, and plenty of money.
Cool, so a grand would be a drop in the bucket. To get 10 grand back would be a wise investment.

All you have to do for this deal is to be telling the truth, I can't believe you haven't snap called already. Well yes I can, you are actually a lying snitchbitch...

Just curious, have you reported this bet to the mods yet trying to get it removed before everyone sees that you can't tell the truth for 10 to 1 even? cause that's what a lying snitch would do, so I'm guessing yes?

greatwhitenorth, a name which just happens to appear in 7 variations on stormfront, seems to think it's OK if we call each other snitches.

that goes against everything cannabineer believed in, but as a liberal, i like to change with the times.

so i am just gonna keep reminding everyone that you snitched when i called you out as a pedo and GWN is protecting your pedo status.

and no, i am not gonna give GWN the opportunity to give you any of my money as he has proven himself to be one of the most biased mods this site has ever seen.

even i was a less biased mod than he was.
greatwhitenorth, a name which just happens to appear in 7 variations on stormfront, seems to think it's OK if we call each other snitches.

that goes against everything cannabineer believed in, but as a liberal, i like to change with the times.

so i am just gonna keep reminding everyone that you snitched when i called you out as a pedo and GWN is protecting your pedo status.

and no, i am not gonna give GWN the opportunity to give you any of my money as he has proven himself to be one of the most biased mods this site has ever seen.

even i was a less biased mod than he was.

I'm saying I didn't, and am offering you 10 to 1 odds on that fact.

Shit, offer me 10 to 1 and it's on, I can't believe you are turning down free money. Oh wait, that's right, you are lying again.

I've also noticed you like to talk about me in a lot of posts and even made a thread about me, it got me to wondering. Do you think about me away from the forum too? I mean when you are away from the forum and not sleeping. You've got it bad for me don't you, you want some ginwilly willy.

If you don't want GWN to give out your snitch count, ask any mod with the ability to find out. If you are telling the truth, it would seem like you might make a little effort for 10k FREE!!

You could just come clean, drop out of the thread and pretend you don't see this, or any other of a thousand ways to back out of this. The fact you keep posting, yet not accepting free money makes me smile. You are so easy, all I have to do is hand you the shovel...

Know why? you dumb
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I'm saying I didn't, and am offering you 10 to 1 odds on that fact.

Shit, offer me 10 to 1 and it's on, I can't believe you are turning down free money. Oh wait, that's right, you are lying again.

I've also noticed you like to talk about me in a lot of posts and even made a thread about me, it got me to wondering. Do you think about me away from the forum too? I mean when you are away from the forum and not sleeping. You've got it bad for me don't you, you want some ginwilly willy.

i know you think about me when you're not on RIU, you even think about calling the FBI on me when you're not on RIU.

that makes you quite the snitch. way worse than reporting inappropriate posts on a pot website.
here let me help chickensnitch

i could use a little help, gotta pickaxe 16 feet of hardpan to a depth of about 12'', approx 16'' wide tomorrow. then of course, gotta go lug the cinderblocks home, and then three trips to get enough 3/4'' mountain granite gravel to level things out and secure the blocks.

but if i were to enlist help, it would be someone young and healthy, not old and overweight (and drunk).
I don't think I've ever seen a bigger whiner, UB is constantly calling people derogatory and slanderous names but cries like a little baby when the shoe is on the other foot.
It's getting pathetic.

let's examine the two names you hate when i call you:

1) beenthere: the site administrator himself identified you as beenthere, so i can't really help you there.

2) racist: you cite jared taylor and victor thorn, what else is there to say?
I try to treat others with respect until otherwise given a reason not to. Once I realized he was just a pathetic creepy stalker and not a dangerous creepy stalker I started giving him what he gives me.

He's funny when his shit is handed back to him. I can't count how many times he's mentioned me in threads the last two days. I'm so far in his head living rent free it aint even funny.

I own you snitchbuck. You can't go a day without obsessing on me.
he's back on my ignore list, actually he's the only one.
I'm tire of the countless alerts and messages from him.
his crap is so redundant, it doesn't even amuse me anymore.
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