Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

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Well-Known Member
LOL Now I'm someone else or two personalities.

This idiot is really an idiot.
the site admin has already told us that you are beenthere.

you got banned in early february and were complaining as phatfarmer two days later.

it doesn't take an einstein.


Well-Known Member
the site admin has already told us that you are beenthere.

you got banned in early february and were complaining as phatfarmer two days later.

it doesn't take an einstein.
You should probably tell on him. Oh wait, I bet you did already.. nevermind.


Well-Known Member
except for black people who want to sit down for a sandwich.
If a black person acted like you in my establishment I would tell them to leave. If a blue person acted like you in my establishment I would tell them to leave. If a green person acted like you in my establishment I would tell them to leave.

Every person who treated me decently would be welcome, skin color is not something that rules my life the way it rules yours.

Let's do an exercise. Let's follow h and see who the first person is who brings up race. I bet you win!! You like to win don't you?


Well-Known Member
If a black person acted like you in my establishment I would tell them to leave. If a blue person acted like you in my establishment I would tell them to leave. If a green person acted like you in my establishment I would tell them to leave.

Every person who treated me decently would be welcome, skin color is not something that rules my life the way it rules yours.

Let's do an exercise. Let's follow h and see who the first person is who brings up race. I bet you win!! You like to win don't you?
if skin color is not important to you, then why do you always defend the notion that it should be legal to discriminate against people solely on the basis of their skin color?


Well-Known Member
the site admin has already told us that you are beenthere.

you got banned in early february and were complaining as phatfarmer two days later.

it doesn't take an einstein.
Wait, what?

Are you saying that the admin here knows that a user is evading a ban, yet allows them to remain?

wtf was the point in banning them in the first place?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
if skin color is not important to you, then why do you always defend the notion that it should be legal to discriminate against people solely on the basis of their skin color?
Would you be ok with discrimination towards eye color? Only blue and green eyes allowed?


Well-Known Member
if skin color is not important to you, then why do you always defend the notion that it should be legal to discriminate against people solely on the basis of their skin color?
What you say here is already true " defend the notion that it should be legal to discriminate against people", it IS legal to discriminate based on millions of reasons. I believe you have a right to do this, well, because you do have that right. It's when you do it based on x,y and z that you get in trouble. I just think our laws should be uniform and equal for all.

I can discriminate if you have red hair, why should I be allowed to do that? Why should I be allowed to discriminate against right handed people? Why should I be allowed to discriminate against ugly people? Why can some business discriminate based on looks but others can't?

All I want is consistency and freedom, all you want is to control people.


Well-Known Member
What you say here is already true " defend the notion that it should be legal to discriminate against people", it IS legal to discriminate based on millions of reasons. I believe you have a right to do this, well, because you do have that right. It's when you do it based on x,y and z that you get in trouble. I just think our laws should be uniform and equal for all.

I can discriminate if you have red hair, why should I be allowed to do that? Why should I be allowed to discriminate against right handed people? Why should I be allowed to discriminate against ugly people? Why can some business discriminate based on looks but others can't?

All I want is consistency and freedom, all you want is to control people.
All he really wants is someone to talk to.

Its pretty obvious the Walrus is done with that part of the relationship.
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