• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

are people who truly belive the bible mentaly retarded?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Religion is just a guideline for living a moral & obedient life.
It makes a lot of people happy.. and a lot of people better.. but some take it too far.
You got to respect every mans religion.. sure I wish everyone can have a more technological mindset and bigger grip on reality but some just can't process it.
We all really don't know what were experiencing though.. So let's enjoy it..



Well-Known Member
Religion is just a guideline for living a moral & obedient life.
It makes a lot of people happy.. and a lot of people better.. but some take it too far.
You got to respect every mans religion.. sure I wish everyone can have a more technological mindset and bigger grip on reality but some just can't process it.
We all really don't know what were experiencing though.. So let's enjoy it..

I don't respect anyone's religion because they're unjustified beliefs. When an idea is worthy of respect, I'l respect it. Not because it offends people when it's disrespected but because it's earned respect in some way.

I also don't respect peoples beliefs in vampires, werewolves, zombies, Chutulu, or any other undocumented entity/being/creature. Want respect for what you believe? Earn it, cause there's no 'free passes' for me.


Active Member
Religion is just a guideline for living a moral & obedient life.
It makes a lot of people happy.. and a lot of people better.. but some take it too far.
You got to respect every mans religion.. sure I wish everyone can have a more technological mindset and bigger grip on reality but some just can't process it.
We all really don't know what were experiencing though.. So let's enjoy it..

Although I hold little respect for certain religions, I respect others right to believe whatever fairy-tale they choose. What I have a problem with are those who think they've got the right to ram their nonsense down others throats.


Active Member
Wow! How does this bloke keep his job? He can't run around speaking the occult [hidden] message behind the fairy tale. Revealing Truth is a dangerous game in religious circles.

brotes grandes

Active Member
If we are all the same then none of us are special. Tell that to your loved ones. The issue was fear, not where you took it. Regards DL
i didn't take it anywhere earth brother I stated simply a simple fact that fear is what we act and react to all the time ,apart from REAL love. Doesn't matter who you are coz our genetics are all the same. We are all special people on earth each one of us goes thru terrible problems and dramas and are special ourselves.
The people who made up this bible stuff knew how we function as a society along time ago when bible was written so they put fear into the bible and whole god thing as a form a control thru fear. You do not have to like me or agree with me I am a person with a voice and like you its my godly given right to say what I believe it doesn't mean anybody has to like it or believe it. have a nice day.

brotes grandes

Active Member
I tend to agree for the most part. Why do i eat, the fear that if i don't i might starve. Or... just hungry, but why? Because our body is telling us if we do not eat, we will feel pain. As we fear pain, most of us do, which is why we shy away from it for the most part. Why go to work, why go to the bathroom, why do this or that? Most of it is based on fear of what might happen if we either do, or don't do something.

But what about doing something out of love, compassion or empathy? Does that even exist? What we think we do out of empathy, is it because we genuinely feel empathetic? Nothing but love and compassion? Or do we do it because we empathize with the fear that is being felt by the other, and try to ease the fear being felt by the person we are trying to help.

I like to think that when i help someone, i do it because it makes me feel good... rather than based on fear. The other day i was eating out at the pizza hut buffet with my girl, the people next to us were kinda worn down, southern type if you know what i mean. They all ate a shit ton of food and got a bunch of drink refills, as they left they didn't leave a tip, but a man came walking back and threw a dollar on the table. I thought to myself, what fucking assholes! For real? They are gonna leave that and just split? So i snatched out my wallet, grabbed a five out and set it on the table next to the the other bill. I don't think anyone saw me, and it doesn't matter either.

I like to think i did that out of the kindness in my heart and how it would make that girl feel when she went back to that table expecting next to nothing finding something quite enticing awaiting her... rather than the idea of doing it out of fear.

It's a great question, and awesome idea to think about, how we derive our behaviors and why we do what we do, when we do it.

Great post Brotes. Got me thinking.

---Greatest, i guess if you want to pm me a link to your awesome thread starter i'll check it out on my down time if you want.
no worries ZS
I think if its out of true love from your heart and you not wanting anything from it and its in your intent then it's a different thing. Love vibrates on a higher level and if you coming out of love then its a wonderful thing ..did you put the tip there out of love or did you do it to make her feel better?.If it was out of anything else then love I would say fear as you didnt want her to feel like shit cleaning up someones filth without something to make it a bit better?.. It's kind of like when someone is talking to you and a lil bit of their spit lands on you or face you kind of dont say anything to them coz you don't want them to feel embarrassed,its a fear yes I no it sound dumb but just one of many and they range from small things like that to big fear society keeps functioning in and mostly because of government agencies.. If We don't eat were are told we will die,I have seen proof of monks in Tibet only eating a few grains of rice n water over a month period proving that food is not needed for us to function and its only a old belief pattern we are holding onto. These monks got 95% of their energy to function thru meditation and channeling energy into "food". I know fear is holding everybody back to do what ever they want and it's sad but unless people stop believing what they are told or hear and until we start new patterns of positive thought what we have now is as far as our race will go.
I go to work at a job i hate out of fear of if I don't i won't have any money.
I eat because im told if I don't i will get sick and die -( that for me is changing now and I'm only eating when I NEED it,once a day).
I exercise coz if I don't later in life I could get sick as a result of unhealthy younger life style I was told
I don't want to upset my misses coz I don't want her angry at me
If i don't believe in god or follow his ways I'm a bad person and will go to hell
I do my job at work properly out of fear that I can be replaced anytime
There is alot more but I'm just trying to show a pattern that fear is our first function period. And also it is related to this topic just off a bit :)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
If i don't believe in god or follow his ways I'm a bad person and will go to hell
The sick thing about many religions, is that even i you are a good person, yet you don't believe, you still go to hell. What a bunch of shit eh?

When i do good, i feel good. When i do bad, i feel bad. That is my religion. No god needed.

brotes grandes

Active Member
Really there is no bad and no good there is just what is. We as humans put to much into things and take the true nature away from things. In nature when we see a tiger stalk and hunt and kill it we get upset and some of us turn away and can't look for a few different reasons but in that we are not seeing that for what it really was,nature and life in full swing and that's how we should function not with all these thoughts of negative actions or feelings or ideas of prosper etc etc. We feel good and bad depending on our moods n feelings etc and in that's alot of fears we function on. If you honestly get happy and feel good when you do good then that is good ,its just that sometimes we are automatically switched on and in need of validity that when we do good we get recognised for it and that's good and you feel good but really you don't need my thanks or anyone else's you are a good person and its not easy living today and we are all doing a good job so give yourself a clap and hug koz YOU is where your world and life begins and ends. I know its hard to understand and I get alot of hate for the way I think but there is no right or wrong that's all man made and ideas of how we should function as a society but I don't hate pedos,rapists,theifsmurderers and so on I just know that that's life theres people like that all over earth and its not wrong or right and I have no right to judge I am just a human like these people committing them but I just choose not to do those or similar things and where ever I can be positive be positive and make my life and my loved ones happy and seek for the truth in things. There is times where I get angry or sad or call people a dickhead or fwitt but I am still human and I do still fear like everybody else here.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
The sick thing about many religions, is that even i you are a good person, yet you don't believe, you still go to hell. What a bunch of shit eh?

When i do good, i feel good. When i do bad, i feel bad. That is my religion. No god needed.
In this thread there is now this idea of heaven and hell being states of mind. God is the best state of mind possible. Books have been written to help people get to that place / state / stately manner? I'm sure we can agree that the major sins are based in common sense. If you do "this", then "this" will happen as a result. YouTube is FILLED with examples of people who don't get that idea. Those glaring examples usually end in some type of painful consequence / hell. Hell can be physical when you think of it as pain. Hell can be non-physical when you think of it as emotional pain. The same could be said for heaven. I've been there (it seems) with sex, and I've been there with a relationship. Interesting 'dualities' for terms, to say the least.

I am starting to believe that the literalists of religions must be secret scientists :)


Active Member
D619 didn't know what you meant at 1st by 'brainwashed'. Are you suggesting some are still programmed to fear despite rejecting their indoctrination? Interesting.
The two base emotions are love & fear. Some think it's love & hate. That would be incorrect. Hate comes from fear. All emotions stem from love & fear.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Just because you don't believe in god, does not mean there isn't one. Just because you believe in god, does not mean there is one...

It's THAT fucking easy to understand, yet too many lie to themselves, tell themselves they know the truth with certainty, when the truth will always remain;

Me, you, everyone, we could all be wrong. Just something you gotta deal with if you get tired of pretending you are certain of something you cannot be certain of.


Active Member
You just can't let go of this 'pretending' nonsense Z S. An inability to even conceive an understanding of Life without fear is your perspective. You saying those who do not fear for the immortality of the soul are pretending is like me saying that you really didn't enjoy your last sexual encounter, you were just pretending. A sexually inept & impotent guy with a small dick, whose only experience is with disinterested prostitutes, just can't conceive how sex could be enjoyable from his perspective. No matter what you say, he continues to repeat "Stop pretending". Your being that guy.
You do not know what I know. You do not know what I've experienced. I didn't really want to reveal this on this forum [can bring out the mentally unwell] but I'm the guy you call when you have the worst kind of negative entity/energy in your home. I get to deal with the worst, when the 'White Lighters' & the churches fail. Stuff that make grown men shit themselves, especially the "I never believed in this stuff before, I thought it was bs" types. One family I helped had the official Catholic exorcist sent to help, within minutes he turned pale & fled the home muttering "It's evil, it's evil." over & over. haha, pussy. You have no idea of the hierarchy of the spirit world. I've seen & experienced that which you couldn't comprehend. There is Truth & there is Higher Truth. One cannot understand the latter without knowing the former. Authentic faith is - Knowing. What do you know Z S? You know fear. Now you can LEARN authentic faith - if you choose. That's what it boils down to, choice. You choose fear.
"You asked what if this is all a dream"? A mystic said 'Imagine a shadow puppet show. We are the shadows, the puppet our sub-conscious, the puppeteer our over-soul [true self]." haha There are some questions that can't be answered in this reality.I have no need or desire to know everything. One 'day' I will, but it's not going to happen here where many vibrate at a lower level. Some questions are irrelevant, no-one will ever have all the answers in this dimension. I only need to know what I need to know.
The mystics have told us for eons that this world is an illusion, [a reflection of our loves, our fears, our desires, our understanding &, most importantly, our awareness] that the real world is where we exist between incarnations [the almost infinite layers of 'reality' that lead to Nirvana, Heaven, Valhalla etc.]
There is no such thing as reality, only perception. Reality changes as our perception changes. You acknowledge that fear represents a lack of knowing. You can't imagine a fear free existence because, apparently, you don't know much [or enough].
I'd appreciate it if you can stop telling me that I'm pretending, it's insulting. I've faced death, I did not fear it. If not for the fact I had a young child at the time I would've looked forward to & embraced the death of this mortal vessel. Released to continue my journey.
I was given 3 years to live 13 years ago. 100% of those with my disease are dead within 3 years of diagnosis. If I feared my demise I'd be one of the '100%'.

Death is just another beginning.


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
You must have a lot to contend with, claiming that everyone else in the world who does not believe what you believe is absolutely wrong and are living their lives based on fear. When i am merely stating the fact that, well, there is a possibility that all of us are wrong about what we think we know about this existence and reality.


Well-Known Member
I find that the "god concept" interesting in how many ways it has emerged in the history of humanity. It is not rational to believe in the bible. It is clearly an exception that society affords unfairly to strict believers to engage in what they do without questioning. I do not see religion as helpful to humanity, it is divisive, simplistic, anti-intellectual, and impossible to prove. Taking the bible as fact is symptomatic of mental illness but cultural and familial participation makes it uniquely its own. Faith is not knowledge, nor is it good to act as such. The bible is not a historical document, it is not holy, it is a plagiarized version of many other religions of the Bronze age nothing more.


Active Member
Z S, what I believe is what I believe. You do not know what I believe yet you insist on telling me I could be wrong. Anyone who has experienced what I have would also hold my beliefs. I've given examples & you ignore them. I'm a slow one fingered typist. I've written lengthy posts yet your responses indicate that you didn't read anything I wrote.
I have built my personal belief on a foundation of basics. I believe I'm a part of a Higher Power. Because I'm part of a Higher Power, that means this Universe has been created fair & equal. Iow, our Creator is pure, a 'God' of Love if you will. 'Evil' lives in the hearts & minds of men not the Eternal.
I could give you examples to demonstrate what reinforced that belief but I can see I'm wasting my time. It is suffice to say that I believe what I believe to the core, there is no doubt, despite you insisting to the contrary. That is what I choose. If you want to believe that we're really in a Matrix movie then go for your life, think as you please, but why this incessant need to bring others down? As I said before, misery loves it's own company.
You are not even arguing from a fixed position "I don't know fuck-all but I know your wrong." speaks for itself.

For goodness-sake mate, do yourself a favour & do something about filling the void left by your indoctrination. Or easier still, become an atheist :)



Active Member
Yeah that's right burgertime but the Born-agains refuse to see the bleeding obvious, they refuse to even look at the evidence. Even the Catholic church admits that the Bible is historically inaccurate. The whole Virgin birth in humble surrounds, the 3 wise men, the miracles, the crucifixion, rising from the dead 3 days later etc. fairy-tale is the basis to at least 6 religions that pre-date christianity. Only the names were changed to hoodwink the 'sheep'. Anyone interested read 'The Bible Fraud' by Tony Bushby. All his books are backed by historical records & church archives. If anyone, like me, are/have broken through christian indoctrination, you will be glad you read this book.

I hate to say this but organised religion is not only good, but necessary for some societies, usually unevolved backward ones. Ones that need to be told if you rape, steal, kill, the boogy man will come & get you when you die. If their that stupid then serves them right haha. Most of us know that organised religion is about control, power over the masses. What is called a necessary evil. Society that self governs/regulates it's own moral code out of plain simple commonsense doesn't really need organised religion because they have evolved beyond the need. "No need for religion too, Imagine...." JL.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
You are not even arguing from a fixed position "I don't know fuck-all but I know your wrong." speaks for itself.
I do not claim to have knowledge where ignorance only resides. I do not know whether or not you are right or wrong Grey, i only know that the possibility will always exist that you may/might be wrong. And to ignore that fact, only reveals the desperation you have that your beliefs be certainly true without room for doubt. To refuse to become conscious of the fact that your ideas contain the possibility of being wrong, reveals to us the fear you have about being wrong. Instead of facing that fear, you ignore it, and you pretend it is not there, so you can continue to pretend you are certainly right... when in all actuality, you may very well be wrong.

Close your eyes, cover your ears, refuse to acknowledge the fact that there is a possibility that you may be wrong, and you do not have to face your fears. It is a scary fact to face mind you, but when you do, you'll be thankful you don't have to hide anymore.

Here is a short, beautiful 5 minute video that may help you understand further.


"You see, one thing is, i can live with doubt, uncertainty and not knowing. I think it is much more interesting to to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong. I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things. But I'm not absolutely sure of anything and there are many things i don't know anything about."


Well-Known Member
There is no certainty, only varying degrees of probability.

There is a 99.999999999~ ad infinitum, % chance of a pen falling to the ground when I release it from my hand.

This should not be confused with certainty.