Are organic nutrients better for cannabis plants compared to synthetic ones? Why or why not?


Well-Known Member
I feel that organic nutrients are absolutely better for cannabis plants, but a lot of excellent growers who are passionate about growing and rightfully proud of the cannabis that they grow feel that synthetics are best. You will never find a consensus on what is best among growers. You should do some research, maybe do some reading about organic vs synthetic in horticulture in general, doesn't have to be cannabis, and get a feel for what appeals to you. And/or try growing both ways and get a feel for it.
But usually, if you ask that question on a forum you'll get a bunch of back and forth, some arguing, and sometimes some hurt feelings.


Well-Known Member
'Better' in what way? they get the nutrient elements they need either way but the organic nutrients need to break down first and Yield is not as good as using synthetic nutrients either.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
A plant may not notice the difference but the soil does!

Organic feed should technically provide a healthier soil compared to salt based nutrients.