Are Autos as Good as thier Photo Genes?

65 days of flower?

From seeds to harvest took 68 days outdoors plus 3 or 4 days germinated in jiffys, It could have some days more, but there was ambers already, and it smell and feel hard by this time, start of the hunting season was a factor, but it OK to me. 18lt pots, 39 degree north, they was planted outdoor the 4 August , they like low/medium ppm, but constant feeding, there is little window time to feed her, so soilless/hydro must go nice, or with lots of coco in there or whatever let you water more often, it will stink in the last two weeks, no soo louder (indoor is not the more discreet I guess) but strong and keep smelling in your cloths and full fill everything around. Its a very stoned high in medium to high dossage, but nice even strong mental rush that last around 3 hours and not always let you sleep at low dossage, extremelly creative, make you feel well but not very functional even in lower dossages, may be there some laugh burst with friends but is more feel all good and happy than laughing, not bad, it hits instant, almost fisrt hit, night time for sure. She is very fast you almost see it growing, there are weeks that you LST almost daily, nugs are not very fat but grinding nugs grows/open nice, nugs are fairly compact and doesnt feel bad yield wise, from 3 plants all of then looks the same and taste the same, fresh naturals strawberries and some flowers maybe lavander, almost like shower soap lavander a touch sour, need cure, I think nugs are dense enough to need some days aging to get smooth since after drying it feels a bit rough in lungs, not a big yielder but not bad too. The pic is from day 56.

That's so odd. For it happening only once all your other statements sound like a fact. So now you're saying it only stunts them if you fuck up?

Also the semi colon should be a period.
No, the second part would not stand on it's own without linking it with a semi-colon. Are you seriously that big a nit picker? Grammar Nazi.
That's so odd. For it happening only once all your other statements sound like a fact. So now you're saying it only stunts them if you fuck up?

Also the semi colon should be a period.
This is the bottom line: we're all here to help people, to share our experiences, what works, what doesn't work. I'm fairly certain that my lack of clarity in my original post is not the only non-factual thing ever said on this forum, including several things you've said also. You want to drop this or do we need to be enemies?
It WAS dropped but you're the one quoting posts from fucking DAYS ago.

Drop it. You were like 49% or less wrong, no biggie.
I was just ordering some seeds from Delicious Seeds and read something interesting: "
Stress severely affects flowering of automatic strains so optimum conditions will enable this plant to fulfil its potential.
For this reason, it’s better not to transplant and make sure it has sufficient soil." Dropped. BTW, I'm the grower; but my son is the major benefactor of it.
I was just ordering some seeds from Delicious Seeds and read something interesting: "
Stress severely affects flowering of automatic strains so optimum conditions will enable this plant to fulfil its potential.
For this reason, it’s better not to transplant and make sure it has sufficient soil." Dropped. BTW, I'm the grower; but my son is the major benefactor of it.
Yeah great quote from a breeder. I bet you believe their flowering times too.
I'm high right now, a vapcap m bowl, two puffs to straight ashes, kicks you like a donkey, Is not my kind but if you are the kind that like to do things beyond just sleep in the bed, or you live there, read there or something, try it, but carefull because the cerebral rush get in the midle of you and sleep, reading or even your partner, could be creative or crazy xD, you are not gonna go far, you are harmless and your body could freeze, most of you know that cold/freeze feeling in the onset that can be nice in hots summers nights and even in cold ones under the feather bedcover, carefull here because if you dont like it muscle issues wise, I know for first hand how much pain you can get in the freeze onset, low dossing is key or keep away, it last 15 to 20 minutes then body wise is lovely for such a nice kick, xD If there is next time to grow her, wich I dont think so, I will do the same, tie her down since 3rd node and all laterals and keep her parallel to the ground north pointing, in the 3rd/4rd week a nice lollypoping clearing all the weak flowers and branches thats all, seems to handle well and even like at some point temps under 14 celsiuss degrees wich could be nice outdoors. I'm a bit surpraised because its kick sooo nice for something that took such a little time, I just wish something that fast and fairly potent but with more sativa vibes
This is the bottom line: we're all here to help people, to share our experiences, what works, what doesn't work. I'm fairly certain that my lack of clarity in my original post is not the only non-factual thing ever said on this forum, including several things you've said also. You want to drop this or do we need to be enemies?
You want to become enemies because you can't admit you're wrong? It wasn't lack of clarity it was straight up wrong information. I gave multiple photo proof to back up my statement.

I'd love for you to point out the non factual things I've said though. I'm wrong daily, that's how we learn and evolve.
You want to become enemies because you can't admit you're wrong? It wasn't lack of clarity it was straight up wrong information. I gave multiple photo proof to back up my statement.

I'd love for you to point out the non factual things I've said though. I'm wrong daily, that's how we learn and evolve.
No, what I said was as much factual as not. Stressing an auto can stunt an auto; absolute fact. I'm not the kind of dingleberry picking person that enjoys picking on others; you know, "bullying".
The correct answer is....

There are no absolutes. It depends on what works for you. I've had bad photos and great autos...and vice versa. Like most things today....for a lot of people it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. I bought a 1/2 oz of wedding cake at a dispensary in Portland this weekend and it is probably the finest cannabis I have ever smoked...but that is due to genetics, and because it was grown from a clone in a commercial environment. Not necessarily because it was a photo.

The next best to the wedding cake that I have had was Mephisto 3 Bears OG that I grew myself...and it's an auto. What does that tell you? grow whatever is convenient for you. Photos take too long and are a massive pain in the ass. With autos its a 77 day commitment, followed by 7 days of hanging. Once in the jar at 65RH I can go on vacation. For most home growers, novices, etc., good autos are a no-brainer. In the auto world, nothing so far beats 3BOG for predictability and quality. I would put it as equal, or above, any photo I have grown.
The correct answer is....

There are no absolutes. It depends on what works for you. I've had bad photos and great autos...and vice versa. Like most things today....for a lot of people it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. I bought a 1/2 oz of wedding cake at a dispensary in Portland this weekend and it is probably the finest cannabis I have ever smoked...but that is due to genetics, and because it was grown from a clone in a commercial environment. Not necessarily because it was a photo.

The next best to the wedding cake that I have had was Mephisto 3 Bears OG that I grew myself...and it's an auto. What does that tell you? grow whatever is convenient for you. Photos take too long and are a massive pain in the ass. With autos its a 77 day commitment, followed by 7 days of hanging. Once in the jar at 65RH I can go on vacation. For most home growers, novices, etc., good autos are a no-brainer. In the auto world, nothing so far beats 3BOG for predictability and quality. I would put it as equal, or above, any photo I have grown.

Nail on the head.
No, what I said was as much factual as not. Stressing an auto can stunt an auto; absolute fact. I'm not the kind of dingleberry picking person that enjoys picking on others; you know, "bullying".

Then your opposing thumbs must be genetically crooked or something…. It is a realistic fact that autos much less “any plant “ can easily be transplanted without shock. Period.
No, what I said was as much factual as not. Stressing an auto can stunt an auto; absolute fact. I'm not the kind of dingleberry picking person that enjoys picking on others; you know, "bullying".

Of course you can, but just try it with autos and see what happens; they will stunt, and often nearly STOP growing.

I have tried it with autos and I showed proof of what doesn't happen like you claimed.

You stated transplanting an auto will stunt them. Not can, will. You stated that as a fact which just isn't true. Now you are saying it might possibly stunt them. Keep backpedaling.

I'm not picking on you or bullying you. I'm just pointing out what you said was wrong. You might be a little sensitive. I can see you're one of those types that can't admit to ever being wrong.