AR-15 stands for assault rifle 15

There is a bit of a kerfuffle going on at Newsmax as one of the articles said that the Highland Park shooter sprayed bullets into the crowd. "There is no way he could have sprayed bullets as it was not a full automatic rifle."

That's a major story for Newsmax
Friendly amendment, that is urban legend. It is designed to be as lethal as possible given it's other design goals such as weight, accuracy etc.

I don't disagree that a wounded soldier may require more care and resources but dead ones don't shoot back, ever.
Back during Russia’s Afghanistan war, there were reports of a new soviet field weapon, the AK-74, which was the AK-47 rechambered for a more powerful charge and different bullet design. As I recall, the point of the redesign was in fact to manipulate the center of balance of the bullet. The redesigned bullet capitalized on the tendency of narrower rounds (5.56 v 7.62mm) to tumble upon striking a flesh (gel) target. Reports out of Afghanistan were of sensational amounts of internal damage from penetration by the new round as it crawled around inside.

Bottom line is, *all* these cartridges were designed for BATTLEFIELD use. The entire point of a battle weapon is to take individual enemy soldiers out of the fight, whether it’s thru med-evac, kill shot, blood loss, shock, or organ damage. Taken as a whole, the US military decided it was an effective caliber & an effective firing platform. Now they’ve chosen a more powerful, more lethal battle caliber & firing platform - also intended for civilian sale.

OTOH, they’re less than stellar for hunting anything you want to eat or mount (from all reports I’ve heard: “yeah, you can, but…” isn’t a ringing endorsement) but they’re just fine for trash predators, vermin, & pests.

Of course, taking care of the occasional coyote, bobcat, or puma doesn’t require military grade preparation
Is rape assault?
Assault and battery, aggravated by sexual element

since you like existing definitions, assault is “putting one in a State of imminent fear for their safety and survival”. Menacing, threatening, screaming, cursing, stoning, brandishing a weapon, advancing on said person while armed, ALL are assault.

Physical contact makes it “with battery”, which is placing hands upon a person for any violent or criminal purpose; by extension, contact with & damage inflicted by weapons are also battery.

So, yeah: rape IS assault, AND it’s battery. Pretending she liked it/wanted it means less than zero.
Back during Russia’s Afghanistan war, there were reports of a new soviet field weapon, the AK-74, which was the AK-47 rechambered for a more powerful charge and different bullet design. As I recall, the point of the redesign was in fact to manipulate the center of balance of the bullet. The redesigned bullet capitalized on the tendency of narrower rounds (5.56 v 7.62mm) to tumble upon striking a flesh (gel) target. Reports out of Afghanistan were of sensational amounts of internal damage from penetration by the new round as it crawled around inside.

Bottom line is, *all* these cartridges were designed for BATTLEFIELD use. The entire point of a battle weapon is to take individual enemy soldiers out of the fight, whether it’s thru med-evac, kill shot, blood loss, shock, or organ damage. Taken as a whole, the US military decided it was an effective caliber & an effective firing platform. Now they’ve chosen a more powerful, more lethal battle caliber & firing platform - also intended for civilian sale.

OTOH, they’re less than stellar for hunting anything you want to eat or mount (from all reports I’ve heard: “yeah, you can, but…” isn’t a ringing endorsement) but they’re just fine for trash predators, vermin, & pests.

Of course, taking care of the occasional coyote, bobcat, or puma doesn’t require military grade preparation
Undergunned for the quarry you mention. A mountain lion center-hit at 200 yards with a 5.45x39 will probably die slowly of sepsis; awful way to go. For the cat I’d select nothing less than one of those nice new intermediate 6.5 cartridges for bolt guns. My take on hunting ethics. I don’t hunt so ymmv
There is a bit of a kerfuffle going on at Newsmax as one of the articles said that the Highland Park shooter sprayed bullets into the crowd. "There is no way he could have sprayed bullets as it was not a full automatic rifle."
fucking douchenozzle pricks. if they think semantics matter, then they're just fucking assholes.
Almost all people who die by gun are gun owners or their family.

It's called natural selection.
Bullshit or you wouldn’t be crying about it . Take out suicide and start calling gang vio
Back during Russia’s Afghanistan war, there were reports of a new soviet field weapon, the AK-74, which was the AK-47 rechambered for a more powerful charge and different bullet design. As I recall, the point of the redesign was in fact to manipulate the center of balance of the bullet. The redesigned bullet capitalized on the tendency of narrower rounds (5.56 v 7.62mm) to tumble upon striking a flesh (gel) target. Reports out of Afghanistan were of sensational amounts of internal damage from penetration by the new round as it crawled around inside.

Bottom line is, *all* these cartridges were designed for BATTLEFIELD use. The entire point of a battle weapon is to take individual enemy soldiers out of the fight, whether it’s thru med-evac, kill shot, blood loss, shock, or organ damage. Taken as a whole, the US military decided it was an effective caliber & an effective firing platform. Now they’ve chosen a more powerful, more lethal battle caliber & firing platform - also intended for civilian sale.

OTOH, they’re less than stellar for hunting anything you want to eat or mount (from all reports I’ve heard: “yeah, you can, but…” isn’t a ringing endorsement) but they’re just fine for trash predators, vermin, & pests.

Of course, taking care of the occasional coyote, bobcat, or puma doesn’t require military grade preparation
tumbling bullets by design is a story told by the unknowledgable. The rate of twist in the rifling of a barrel and the weight of the projectile is what causes it. Its not by design. I have a bolt action 223 (same super powerful ultra deadly round as the ar15!) that will shoot up to about 62 grains fine but once the weight gets around 68 grains the bullets tumble and hit the target sideways. This is known as key wholing. Most of your statement proves to me you and however you get your info from knows jack about guns or their use. Designed for battlefield lol so was the 30.06 but its the most famous hunting cartridge in the country oh and so was a musket
Do you think tumbling bullets are accurate? Do you think the US plan was to hand their military an inaccurate weapon? Bullets tumble from guns for another reason too. The weapon needs cleaning.They tend to get dirty in battles or prolonged use
. . . . . . . .Take out suicide and start calling gang vio. . . . . . .
The craziness since covid has pushed self inflected gun deaths down to just over 50%. Down from the 64% that it has been for a long while. So it still being the majority of gun deaths, can not be taken out.

Everyone knows that handguns are the biggest killer. The AR type weapons and mass shootings get the press because it is usually white folks involved.

Going by the numbers, even with all the school shootings, school is the still safest place for kids. The most dangerous place you ask? Home. (that's where the guns are)
Not at any responsible home. Its quite obvious the majority of gun deaths are street crimes wether gang related or not after suicide. Suicide is just that and truly suicidal people will find a way regardless. It also imo highlights the mental illness in the country. You can’t really believe that people shooting themselves cleaning a gun or a child finding a irresponsible owners loaded gun make up any significant number. Not saying zero but…..
Do you think tumbling bullets are accurate? Do you think the US plan was to hand their military an inaccurate weapon? Bullets tumble from guns for another reason too. The weapon needs cleaning.They tend to get dirty in battles or prolonged use
those rounds don't tumble coming out of the barrel, they tumble when they hit flesh, causing large cavitation wounds that can do massively more damage than any pistol round. as a bonus, if they don't hit anything solid, they can pass completely through their target and wound or kill at least one more person...
so, as anyone can see, we all need that.
Statutes in a dozen scattered cities & half-a-dozen states; legal language varies, so I offered a synopsis, but the laws themselves are there to be read by interested parties. A good dictionary may help - as does a working knowledge of British common law (the source & root of our legal system)

Also: trial transcripts, for understanding how evidence gets weighed, how courts instruct juries, how prosecutors construct cases & how defenders attack those cases; what gets objected to, what objections get sustained, and what’s up with that, You will learn A TON. Assault, simple assault, assault with a weapon, assault with battery, aggravated assault: digest a dozen or so cases in each category to get a feel for how the variations work in practice - in cities in different regions and population densities, too - and you won’t *need* a source, you’ll *BE* a source. And you will have come by it through your own honest effort and persistence, which is rather cool, too

Undergunned for the quarry you mention. A mountain lion center-hit at 200 yards with a 5.45x39 will probably die slowly of sepsis; awful way to go. For the cat I’d select nothing less than one of those nice new intermediate 6.5 cartridges for bolt guns. My take on hunting ethics. I don’t hunt so ymmv
Agreed. I don’t hunt, either…and I for sure would not trust a .223 to save me from a puma or bobcat unless I was lucky - and it would hardly be a clean kill at all (again, barring luck). I was remembering NRA guys & a few vets huffing and puffing about how you could TOO hunt with an AR - but like I mentioned, not one of them I ever challenged on it would pick one to go hunt anything with…except…you know…*liberals* & *RINO*s. ARs seem popular with the crowd that dislikes other people’s pets a lot, too, for some reason.

Full disclosure: I have a .223
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Undergunned for the quarry you mention. A mountain lion center-hit at 200 yards with a 5.45x39 will probably die slowly of sepsis; awful way to go. For the cat I’d select nothing less than one of those nice new intermediate 6.5 cartridges for bolt guns. My take on hunting ethics. I don’t hunt so ymmv

I could hit a mountain lion anywhere I want and kill it straightaway at 200 yds. with my archaic 1951 SAKO .222Rem.
The craziness since covid has pushed self inflected gun deaths down to just over 50%. Down from the 64% that it has been for a long while. So it still being the majority of gun deaths, can not be taken out.

Everyone knows that handguns are the biggest killer. The AR type weapons and mass shootings get the press because it is usually white folks involved.

Going by the numbers, even with all the school shootings, school is the still safest place for kids. The most dangerous place you ask? Home. (that's where the guns are)
Wait, wait, wait…as a means of self-demise, handguns are rather less difficult than some approaches: death by police is available free in most areas, and works mighty well for some; death by vehicle forces someone else into your trip - or at least imposes your trip on them - maybe even killing them, and you haven’t even gotten on the same page with them about it. Poison is tricky and icky, and very few people (I hope) spend much time trying to make them work, but even so, if life’s that bad already, do you really want to take a belly-flopper into making it all much worse - getting ‘enough’ to give you pain & suffering but not enough to make it stop? Self-Hanging is a well-known stunt with poor results, and throwing yourself off of or out of something has the same disadvantages as poison. I don’t think wrist-slashing is a thing anymore, and it’s so theatrical….

The main drawback with firearms for self-disposal is clean-up, and there’s just no way to make it less than incredibly rude. The shock of discovery. The horror as it sinks in. The need to DO SOMETHING. The grasping at straws. The coming apart. The ’how to NOT touch the gun’.

Other than that, though, it seems pretty effective
those rounds don't tumble coming out of the barrel, they tumble when they hit flesh, causing large cavitation wounds that can do massively more damage than any pistol round. as a bonus, if they don't hit anything solid, they can pass completely through their target and wound or kill at least one more person...
so, as anyone can see, we all need that.
Your repeating bullshit too rog. What do you think any centerfire hunting round does? How many people will a . 300 mag will go through after it goes from 30 caliber to the diameter of a dime. And at what distance? Lmao wound cavity lol
The military uses fmj rounds. Anyone here that knows anything about hunting or shooting knows they are the worst choice for causing damage and large wound cavities like you say execpt when they strike bone. 99 percent its a cal diameter hole in and out
Statutes in a dozen scattered cities & half-a-dozen states; legal language varies, so I offered a synopsis, but the laws themselves are there to be read by interested parties. A good dictionary may help - as does a working knowledge of British common law (the source & root of our legal system)

Also: trial transcripts, for understanding how evidence gets weighed, how courts instruct juries, how prosecutors construct cases & how defenders attack those cases; what gets objected to, what objections get sustained, and what’s up with that, You will learn A TON. Assault, simple assault, assault with a weapon, assault with battery, aggravated assault: digest a dozen or so cases in each category to get a feel for how the variations work in practice - in cities in different regions and population densities, too - and you won’t *need* a source, you’ll *BE* a source. And you will have come by it through your own honest effort and persistence, which is rather cool, too

That is cool. Could you give me a spoiler though? If I do all that, and I am down to; will current law allud to anything other than offensive physical contact?