AR-15 stands for assault rifle 15

Undergunned for the quarry you mention. A mountain lion center-hit at 200 yards with a 5.45x39 will probably die slowly of sepsis; awful way to go. For the cat I’d select nothing less than one of those nice new intermediate 6.5 cartridges for bolt guns. My take on hunting ethics. I don’t hunt so ymmv

Fuck you mountain lions! I hit one driving 2 years back and have been convinced they are out to get me ever since. Was going down the interstate coming out of the mountains and the thing jumped over the center barrier and landed right in front of me. Hit it and saw it go in what seemed like slowmo past my window, there were claw marks on the bumper and wheel well area. Then had two close encounters out hiking shortly thereafter.

Welp, that's my tale. Eat shit mountain lions, you majestic creatures.

*I pulled over initially after hitting it, then immediately realized it would be a bad idea to jump out of the car to check on a wounded mountain lion. I guess it ran off, we didn't see it back in the road, called the county sheriff and reported it.
Statutes in a dozen scattered cities & half-a-dozen states; legal language varies, so I offered a synopsis, but the laws themselves are there to be read by interested parties. A good dictionary may help - as does a working knowledge of British common law (the source & root of our legal system)

Also: trial transcripts, for understanding how evidence gets weighed, how courts instruct juries, how prosecutors construct cases & how defenders attack those cases; what gets objected to, what objections get sustained, and what’s up with that, You will learn A TON. Assault, simple assault, assault with a weapon, assault with battery, aggravated assault: digest a dozen or so cases in each category to get a feel for how the variations work in practice - in cities in different regions and population densities, too - and you won’t *need* a source, you’ll *BE* a source. And you will have come by it through your own honest effort and persistence, which is rather cool, too

Agreed. I don’t hunt, either…and I for sure would not trust a .223 to save me from a puma or bobcat unless I was lucky - and it would hardly be a clean kill at all (again, barring luck). I was remembering NRA guys & a few vets huffing and puffing about how you could TOO hunt with an AR - but like I mentioned, not one of them I ever challenged on it would pick one to go hunt anything with…except…you know…*liberals* & *RINO*s. ARs seem popular with the crowd that dislikes other people’s pets a lot, too, for some reason.

Full disclosure: I have a .223
The .223 is for taking out gopher.
Your repeating bullshit too rog. What do you think any centerfire hunting round does? How many people will a . 300 mag will go through after it goes from 30 caliber to the diameter of a dime. And at what distance? Lmao wound cavity lol
well then, lets get rid of all of the motherfucking rounds designed that way..problem solved.
no fucking need for that behavior, it ruins meat, ruins trophies, and causes excessive damage to people hit with them. so get the fuck rid of every single round designed that way.
The military uses fmj rounds. Anyone here that knows anything about hunting or shooting knows they are the worst choice for causing damage and large wound cavities like you say execpt when they strike bone. 99 percent its a cal diameter hole in and out
again, you have no fucking need for military one has need of it except the fucking military...that is the actual problem, fucking fat civilian fucks having the same equipment trained professional soldiers have, with absolutely not one fucking reason in the world to have any of it. civilians should have single shot weapons. period. and not one fucking handgun, anywhere, ever. no fucking reason, you aint in the army, and you aint a cop. if no one had handguns but the authorities it would make it a lot easier to pick out the fucking criminals carrying....
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The military uses fmj rounds. Anyone here that knows anything about hunting or shooting knows they are the worst choice for causing damage and large wound cavities like you say execpt when they strike bone. 99 percent its a cal diameter hole in and out
know what? this WAS pissing me i'm actually glad they're doing it, and i hope other shippers take it up as well. you want the fucking shit, go get it yourself.
The military uses fmj rounds. Anyone here that knows anything about hunting or shooting knows they are the worst choice for causing damage and large wound cavities like you say execpt when they strike bone. 99 percent its a cal diameter hole in and out
you are the reason i just had a change of heart. children and innocent people are being killed while congress does nothing and people like you yawn and argue about the fucking weapons they're using to kill those children and innocent shoppers and parade goers...fuck everyone trying in any way shape or form to condone or even explain why this weapon or that weapon does what the fuck ever...they ALL kill school kids, they ALL kill shoppers....they ALL have to go. no fucking pistols, at all. no fucking assault rifles, at all. single shot rifles and shotguns from here on out. that is the only acceptable answer, and it stops the fucking nitpicking bullshit.
Thats better. I prefer you say what you really feel than to argue the gun/ bullet matters much. You probably want shotguns removed as well to be honest though. I live in a shotgun only deer state and you should see how we can run a pump gun….
Fuck you mountain lions! I hit one driving 2 years back and have been convinced they are out to get me ever since. Was going down the interstate coming out of the mountains and the thing jumped over the center barrier and landed right in front of me. Hit it and saw it go in what seemed like slowmo past my window, there were claw marks on the bumper and wheel well area. Then had two close encounters out hiking shortly thereafter.

Welp, that's my tale. Eat shit mountain lions, you majestic creatures.

*I pulled over initially after hitting it, then immediately realized it would be a bad idea to jump out of the car to check on a wounded mountain lion. I guess it ran off, we didn't see it back in the road, called the county sheriff and reported it.
I'm pretty sure panthers killed most of my cats. We used to keep farm cats, from 15-20 most of the time. We fed them just enough to keep around, but not enough to keep them from hunting. Their numbers went from that to 1 in less than two months. No bodies found, no buzzards, no stink.

I saw two adolescents down at the river field two summers ago, a mile from the sandhill. BIL had to take his gamecocks off the tethers and build individual pens. He lost a ton of rosters before he did.
That is cool. Could you give me a spoiler though? If I do all that, and I am down to; will current law allud to anything other than offensive physical contact?
I thought I spelled that out, so thanks for the chance to clarify: “assault”, criminally, only requires the IMMINENT THREAT of violence in all the examples I’ve examined; a swing and a miss still counts as assault; a swing and a hit is “battery”. It is true that statutes could have changed over the years, but it’s not likely - just like the legal definition of *could* change, but probably won’t.

Saw a vid clip of a big guy in a big pickup trapped in his vehicle by an angry chicken; chicken never laid a beak on him, but if it were a human-on-human situation, truck guy could report it as assault.

So, yeah: laws will absolutely allude to “anything other than offensive physical contact”. THAT’s the spoiler.

Thanks for asking.


Pertinent extract:
Absent a statutory definition of assault, the courts have looked to the common law and have concluded that an "assault" is:

An attempt with force or violence to do a corporal injury to another; may consist of any act tending to such corporal injury, accompanied with such circumstances as denotes at the time an intention, coupled with present ability, of using actual violence against the person.
Guarro v. United States, 237 F.2d 578, 580 (D.C. Cir. 1956). But, of course, an assault can also be committed "merely by putting another in apprehension of harm whether or not the actor actually intends to inflict, or is capable of inflicting that harm."
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Gross negl
Thats better. I prefer you say what you really feel than to argue the gun/ bullet matters much. You probably want shotguns removed as well to be honest though. I live in a shotgun only deer state and you should see how we can run a pump gun….
I'm in a shotty state as well and have seriously been looking at some of the new inline muzzleloaders. I saw a review of a CVA shooting a 200 grain 40/45 sabot at around 2400 FPS. That's essentially like having a single shot 30-06.
Gross negl

I'm in a shotty state as well and have seriously been looking at some of the new inline muzzleloaders. I saw a review of a CVA shooting a 200 grain 40/45 sabot at around 2400 FPS. That's essentially like having a single shot 30-06.
I want a 50 caliber air rifle in the worst way