Well-Known Member
Undergunned for the quarry you mention. A mountain lion center-hit at 200 yards with a 5.45x39 will probably die slowly of sepsis; awful way to go. For the cat I’d select nothing less than one of those nice new intermediate 6.5 cartridges for bolt guns. My take on hunting ethics. I don’t hunt so ymmv
Fuck you mountain lions! I hit one driving 2 years back and have been convinced they are out to get me ever since. Was going down the interstate coming out of the mountains and the thing jumped over the center barrier and landed right in front of me. Hit it and saw it go in what seemed like slowmo past my window, there were claw marks on the bumper and wheel well area. Then had two close encounters out hiking shortly thereafter.
Welp, that's my tale. Eat shit mountain lions, you majestic creatures.
*I pulled over initially after hitting it, then immediately realized it would be a bad idea to jump out of the car to check on a wounded mountain lion. I guess it ran off, we didn't see it back in the road, called the county sheriff and reported it.