aphids...like a LOT of them...2-3 wks from harvest...


Well-Known Member
what should i do, if anything?
i have two plants, both under tulle in a bed outside. they're both loaded with flowers, pistols are about 30% brown at this point. we have rain coming from helene tomorrow and saturday; next week is sunny all week with 75-80* temps. i'm hoping to harvest the second(ish) week of october, all things going as planned. i've had a few cats, budrot from them, picking that off as i see it. daily morning checks with it being this close to harvest...

today it seems that aphids have exploded on one of the plants. the other one is fine...so far.

i haven't been spraying anything on either plant; this is my first outdoor grow and we've been in a severe drought most of the summer, and with the tulle covering the plants i honestly haven't had any major issues. that is, until today.

should i just ride it out? spray them with a hose? ladybugs? wash after harvest? i'm also concerned that the aphids will move on to the other plant at this point. they're in the same bed, about 3 ft apart.

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Well-Known Member
I feel its to late for lady bugs get in there an squish as many as possible then spray the plant down with 3% peroxide repeat at least every other day dont let them get ahead of you.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Zymes, 2oz to a gallon of warm water. Spray at sunset till they’re at bay and you don’t see anything. Had the same issue, did this and cleared right up. Also killed the caterpillars, it’s a great product. You can also bud wash with it at harvest, good luck.