Anyone watching the Ahmaud Arbery murder trial?

Similar in that both killers had no business being involved
No they didn't. But rittenhouse didn't break the law doing what he was doing, the guys down south did.

If you agree with a leftist 99.9999% they'll argue about the .0001%. That's why they lost Virginia, all or nothing mentality with no tolerance for outside beliefs.
No they didn't. But rittenhouse didn't break the law doing what he was doing, the guys down south did.

If you agree with a leftist 99.9999% they'll argue about the .0001%. That's why they lost Virginia, all or nothing mentality with no tolerance for outside beliefs.
Keep grinding away on your propaganda organ. What do you get for it? A nickel per turn of the crank?
Sure bumpkin keep telling yourself you are the silent majority too
Of course Biden won, trump was an idiot that got unelected. That's why we're stuck with weekend at Biden's.

I don't have a horse in the race. All I want is government to leave me alone, I need nothing they have.
Part of the testimony showed that Rittenhouse brandished his gun at dozens of people in the hours prior to the shooting. The problem with this case is that they've eliminated common sense from self defense claims. At future protests you're going to see deranged right wingers put themselves in harm's way deliberately to provoke "self defense" shootings. If you brandish an gun at people in a crowd, someone is going to attack you, that's the only chance an unarmed crowd has of staying alive against a shooter.
Part of the testimony showed that Rittenhouse brandished his gun at dozens of people in the hours prior to the shooting. The problem with this case is that they've eliminated common sense from self defense claims. At future protests you're going to see deranged right wingers put themselves in harm's way deliberately to provoke "self defense" shootings. If you brandish an gun at people in a crowd, someone is going to attack you, that's the only chance an unarmed crowd has of staying alive against a shooter.
If I had been armed and saw a vigilante I would have become one
Don't forgive the state too much. Remember where this began?

Yet the theatrics from the defense have diverted scrutiny away from the seediness of the original prosecutor, Jackie Johnson, who in September was indicted on criminal charges for violating her oath of office and obstructing police when she allegedly showed the McMichaels favorable treatment and ensured they would not be arrested after Arbery's death...
...The case drew national outrage, though it initially received little public attention. Former Brunswick Judicial Circuit District Attorney Jackie Johnson ordered police not to charge Travis McMichael and allegedly gave the father-son pair preferential treatment, as Gregory McMichael used to work for her. She eventually recused herself. But the prosecutor she recruited to replace her, Waycross Judicial Circuit District Attorney George E. Barnhill, also had a conflict of interest—his son had worked with McMichael on a prosecution against Arbery, and before him taking over, Johnson failed to disclose that Barnhill had already told police not to place the men under arrest. In September, she was indicted for violating her oath of office and obstruction of police, and an investigation into Barnhill was still ongoing.

Such charges against prosecutors are almost unheard of.

No they didn't. But rittenhouse didn't break the law doing what he was doing, the guys down south did.

If you agree with a leftist 99.9999% they'll argue about the .0001%. That's why they lost Virginia, all or nothing mentality with no tolerance for outside beliefs.
At least “a leftist” will argue, which requires a basic amount of regard for the other’s views.

But all I have seen from the MAGA right is them telling the same worn tired obvious lies over and over with no regard to the actual questions.
Sooooo.....where them popup trolls at? They flooded within five minutes of the verdict in the other thread.
I'm guessing; most of them saw this as a shiny, new, bear trap sort of thread ..and saw it from a good country mile away!

"It was Trumps fault! er, Jan 6th Or ..Rittenhouse Or ...Republicans! Or .....did I say Trump? ..."

There you go ;)