Anyone watching the Ahmaud Arbery murder trial?

So I’ve only just seen the video where they incriminate themselves and the old fat nazi boasting about how he would have shot him if he had a line of sight, they talking to the camera like “well we seen him and old cletus shot him in the chest” I don’t know what these fucking red necks call themselves but stupid cunts would be a good start. They’re gonna have to pay off the aryan brotherhood to get through prison. Don’t forget to tat them eyeballs pussys
All I want is government to leave me alone, I need nothing they have.
you don't need streets, street lights, water, sewer, national and state parks, state and local police, the armed forces?
you must have your shit together, post some pics of your self sustaining compound you never have to leave? maybe a few pics of your private security force? your sewage treatment facility?
you don't need streets, street lights, water, sewer, national and state parks, state and local police, the armed forces?
you must have your shit together, post some pics of your self sustaining compound you never have to leave? maybe a few pics of your private security force? your sewage treatment facility?
That pic would include Rob tracks around the perimeter wanting in. To bad they have “no Sasquatch’s allowed” signs, that’s their right.
Part of the testimony showed that Rittenhouse brandished his gun at dozens of people in the hours prior to the shooting. The problem with this case is that they've eliminated common sense from self defense claims. At future protests you're going to see deranged right wingers put themselves in harm's way deliberately to provoke "self defense" shootings. If you brandish an gun at people in a crowd, someone is going to attack you, that's the only chance an unarmed crowd has of staying alive against a shooter.
But yup MAGA!!! It sure seems great is the new fucked up.
you don't need streets, street lights, water, sewer, national and state parks, state and local police, the armed forces?
you must have your shit together, post some pics of your self sustaining compound you never have to leave? maybe a few pics of your private security force? your sewage treatment facility?
ringworm is making a comeback in the south. We had eradicated it 50 years ago but the "less government" folks let builders send sewer lines into drainage trenches and it's back.

So, maybe he doesn't need sewage treatment. He might even benefit from ivermectin. The problem is, those worms will rot where they die and cause skin abscesses. But a tough guy like him can deal with it.
Its sad that those guys have to do time. Tbh im not so proud of our country right now. What kind of world have we created that we cant protect our neighbors/neighborhoods. 2024 isn't approaching fast enough!!!!!!!!

No it's sad an unarmed man was chased down and murdered by three racist pigs.

It's also sad that they are not eligible for the death penalty because if there was ever a case for capital punishment this is one.
Its sad that those guys have to do time. Tbh im not so proud of our country right now. What kind of world have we created that we cant protect our neighbors/neighborhoods. 2024 isn't approaching fast enough!!!!!!!!
Protecting their neighborhoods from a black kid running away from some gun toting idiots yelling at him from their sweet truck with a confederate flag sticker?

What is it that you think the kid they murdered did?