Anyone want to tally the bailouts so far?


New Member
OK who out there wants to surf around and find the names of all the bailout companies and how much they got?

I'd like to know how much it comes to, but I don't know all the political sites to find the info.

Anyone want to do me a prop and find out? :-P :leaf:


New Member
AIG..... 85 billion

Citibank..... 20 billion

Wall Street..... 700 billion

GM..... 8 billion

So far that is 813 billion.

The current estimated population of the US is 305,533,387

If the 813 billion were given to the people instead of the corporations that would come out to an estimate of $2661.00 per citizen. Maybe they should give the money to us so we can go out and buy stuff and help out the economy. A family of 4 would end up getting $10,644. That would make a nice downpayment on a car, which would help everyone that wants it.

Please add any companies that I forgot, I know I didn't get them all.


Elite Rolling Society
AIG..... 85 billion

Citibank..... 20 billion

Wall Street..... 700 billion

GM..... 8 billion

So far that is 813 billion.

The current estimated population of the US is 305,533,387

If the 813 billion were given to the people instead of the corporations that would come out to an estimate of $2661.00 per citizen. Maybe they should give the money to us so we can go out and buy stuff and help out the economy. A family of 4 would end up getting $10,644. That would make a nice downpayment on a car, which would help everyone that wants it.

Please add any companies that I forgot, I know I didn't get them all.
Why in the world don't they give the money that they are giving to GMAC Finance to my son who is two car payments behind??? They'd still get the money.

Instead of bailing out the Mortgage Company, why not bail out the mortgagee, the poor guy who is behind in his house payments????


Well-Known Member
That's 800+ billion that we know of. They could be forking out more and not telling us. They won't even disclose which companies are receiving the money, they refuse to give out information.

So eh... at this point I don't care where it going, cause it's going to end up completely out of our hands eventually. I'm just waiting until they take it all and expect more from the taxpayers.


Elite Rolling Society
This is sort of like how Stalin took over Russia or Hitler took over Germany.
SOCIALISM plain and simple.
The goverment will run the banks, mortgage companies, insurance companies, the car manufactureres, and now the car finance companies. Who is next?


Well-Known Member
They shouldn't have given the money to the Banks if anything they should have payed 100k or 25% of your house off and required the banks to refinance you with the lower payment. That would have killed 2 birds with 1 stone. Offset the housing price slump and put money in our pockets, from lower house payments, for us to spend to get the economy going again.


New Member
They shouldn't have given the money to the Banks if anything they should have payed 100k or 25% of your house off and required the banks to refinance you with the lower payment. That would have killed 2 birds with 1 stone. Offset the housing price slump and put money in our pockets, from lower house payments, for us to spend to get the economy going again.
People losing their homes are not the ones to give money to. They have already proven their incompetence economically. You give money to PRODUCERS, not consumers. That's why Bush's last "rebate" (lawdy) did absolutely nothing....... out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
They shouldn't have given the money to the Banks if anything they should have payed 100k or 25% of your house off and required the banks to refinance you with the lower payment. That would have killed 2 birds with 1 stone. Offset the housing price slump and put money in our pockets, from lower house payments, for us to spend to get the economy going again.
Worst place to put it. You don't want to give it to the people at the very bottom. All it will do from there is go straight back to the corporations in the middle of the chain, and then maybe to their suppliers...

No, a better place to have spent the bail out money would have been on small US Companies that produce their products here.

Hell, There's 200,000 - 300,000 Private Practices (Doctors) in the country. Giving them a Million each would have only cost $200 - $300 Billion, and if they were forced to spend it on updating their offices it would have boosted our medical care, helped middle-sized firms like Boston Scientific and the BioTechs, and also contributed to Dow (Plastics), United States Steel, and on up the chain (and then back down the chain.)

This idea of putting money in the hands of the banks was STUPID, but putting it in the hands of the End Consumers would be even stupider. Too many of them are worried about losing their jobs, and instead of using that money to buy things they would have likely socked it away, or used it to pay off existing debts, which does not do jack shit to boost the economy. The houses and cars that were bought have already been produced, we need new goods to be produced and bought to get the economy going again.

No, the private practices, and the small businesses (specifically manufacturers with factories in the United States) would have been the best place to put the money. Many of those companies are lead by people that were their when those firms opened their doors and built the companies from the ground up. They aren't going to pull a Bank Executive and walk off with the money. They are going to invest it to grow their business, and thus provide more jobs, which will start a snow ball of additional jobs.

Of course, the politicians have their heads so far up the lobbyists asses that it's a miracle they haven't already effectively vanished from the Earth. It's bad enough that all they say comes out garbled due to the fact that their mouth's are full of shit.


New Member
Hey Jax, I wndered when you wre going to pop in here. I have to disagree with you on this one. Not all people who have lost / are losing their homes are irresponsbile. Some people get hit with catestrophic medical bills, others have watched their jobs ship on off over seas.

The corporations getting the bailout money have shown their lack of responsibility yet they still got the money. Should their CEO's really be making millions per year if their companies are in that bad of shape? Should they have been collecting million dollar bonus' while their budgets were crashing? That is fiscal irresponsibility to the highest degree.


New Member
Hey Jax, I wndered when you wre going to pop in here. I have to disagree with you on this one. Not all people who have lost / are losing their homes are irresponsbile. Some people get hit with catestrophic medical bills, others have watched their jobs ship on off over seas.

The corporations getting the bailout money have shown their lack of responsibility yet they still got the money. Should their CEO's really be making millions per year if their companies are in that bad of shape? Should they have been collecting million dollar bonus' while their budgets were crashing? That is fiscal irresponsibility to the highest degree.
I completely agree with you Miss.... but those failures (due to catastrophic unknowns) are a built in statistic.....meaning no matter what the economy....those unfortunate turn of events happen matter what the lending rate is..... that being said it is also a VERY small percentage of the troubles... no... most of the real estate debacle is from irresponsibility... on the part of Pol's, banks, and the consumers. Once the risk aversion had been released by the Govt. avarice, greed and stupidity was allowed to run its course unchecked by free market pressures.... and that's how you ruin a very good deal. yah know I had to chime in on one of your threads :mrgreen: ... ... ... ... out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I completely agree with you Miss.... but those failures (due to catastrophic unknowns) are a built in statistic.....meaning no matter what the economy....those unfortunate turn of events happen matter what the lending rate is..... that being said it is also a VERY small percentage of the troubles... no... most of the real estate debacle is from irresponsibility... on the part of Pol's, banks, and the consumers. Once the risk aversion had been released by the Govt. avarice, greed and stupidity was allowed to run its course unchecked by free market pressures.... and that's how you ruin a very good deal. yah know I had to chime in on one of your threads :mrgreen: ... ... ... ... out. :blsmoke:
How about unchecked by government regulations. Free market trade is the epitome of greed.


New Member
You have that EXACTLY backwards sir..... .... out. :blsmoke:
I doubt it. Laisse-faire capitalism is exactly the reason we are where we are, Capitalism without boundaries. Why did they do it??? Because they could. CEOs making multi-million dollar salaries and bonuses, Pure greed. There is no man worth a million bucks a year, period. Anything that pays that much is a scam.


New Member
I'm sorry but the true and OVERRIDING greed and irresponsibilty is with the Govt., not private enterprise. ..... out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I don't know, what could those CEO's have possibly done all year that was worth the millions in pay they received? Last year the CEO of GM received what was it, like 14 million dollars in pay and bonus'. Give me a break JAX, there is no job worth that kind of salary. Especially when taking in to consideration that they guy knew the company was heading down hill.

If it was their company that they started from the ground up with their own money, then yes, I could see being the owner of the company and making that much money. These dudes just sit in cushy offices and try to find ways to cut their workforce and doubling their employees workload so that they can get that new helicopter they've had their eye on. BIll Gates has a helicopter I want a heilcopter too.......wwwaaaaa.....wwaaaaaa..waaaaaaa.....


Active Member
Yea, I want one too !! The first mofos taking paycuts should be the top dogs for sure in any company if they have real intentions of saving it. But this is america we should all be able to go out there and make whatever we can !!


New Member
I don't know, what could those CEO's have possibly done all year that was worth the millions in pay they received? Last year the CEO of GM received what was it, like 14 million dollars in pay and bonus'. Give me a break JAX, there is no job worth that kind of salary. Especially when taking in to consideration that they guy knew the company was heading down hill.

If it was their company that they started from the ground up with their own money, then yes, I could see being the owner of the company and making that much money. These dudes just sit in cushy offices and try to find ways to cut their workforce and doubling their employees workload so that they can get that new helicopter they've had their eye on. BIll Gates has a helicopter I want a heilcopter too.......wwwaaaaa.....wwaaaaaa..waaaaaaa.....

Oh sweetie pie, don't focus on the CEO's salaries.... all that is gone over when they HIRE them.... they are there to do one thing .. PERFORM ... and they breathe rarified air ... i.e. they don't grow on trees like pol's. If they don't measure up, then it is a matter for the Board and shareholders ... no one else... certainly not for public fodder news entertainment. It's all a diversionary tactic anyways .. divide and conquer, nothing new.... don't fall for it.

out. :blsmoke: