Anyone want to tally the bailouts so far?


New Member
Well, there are tons of CEO's doing just great.... and of course like the president of may be blamed for things out of your control.....but that's one of the compensations...the perks. The greater the risk or responsibility, the greater the perks. Otherwise we'd all just become tradesman and wear funny hats.....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well, there are tons of CEO's doing just great.... and of course like the president of may be blamed for things out of your control.....but that's one of the compensations...the perks. The greater the risk or responsibility, the greater the perks. Otherwise we'd all just become tradesman and wear funny hats.....

out. :blsmoke:
Strange, my response was because sometimes the surest way to make a problem go away is to throw money at it, instead of letting it stick around to make the situation worse.

I mean, I figure that's got to be one the biggest reasons for the golden parachutes. Makes sure that the CEO gives up all the stock options with out a fight, and some of the stock options granted probably puts the golden parachutes to shame.

Though I think all this corruption had to have started with Babe Ruth, entertainer who started it all by getting paid more than the president...

Of course, that's being unfair to Babe Ruth, but still what makes a person need more than the absurdly outrageous salaries that the President and his Court (Congress) collect?


stays relevant.
Hey Jax, I wndered when you wre going to pop in here. I have to disagree with you on this one. Not all people who have lost / are losing their homes are irresponsbile. Some people get hit with catestrophic medical bills, others have watched their jobs ship on off over seas.

The corporations getting the bailout money have shown their lack of responsibility yet they still got the money. Should their CEO's really be making millions per year if their companies are in that bad of shape? Should they have been collecting million dollar bonus' while their budgets were crashing? That is fiscal irresponsibility to the highest degree.
It's true... Not everyone losing their homes is incompetent with money...IMO, that's sort of a dick thing to assume.


New Member
It's true... Not everyone losing their homes is incompetent with money...IMO, that's sort of a dick thing to assume.

asked and answered grow tech...... as I already stated, the amount of loans given to people who had NO business borrowing skyrocketed under Clinton. While I agree that not everyone (of course) made their own bed in this calamity, enough did sign the dotted line with stars in their eyes. When these horrid loans pushed by the Govt. FULL TILT and were allowed to be packaged with other loans, the well began to be poisoned. the rest is pretty much all domino effect.

The Govt. got involved in the real estate market and SCREWED it all to hell and back........

out. ;blsmoke:


New Member
We need add another 4 billion to the tally. Chysler got 4 billion yesterday.

That changes the tally to $2674 per person in America if they would have given it to the people instead.

I'm getting out my pitchfork, I'm sharpening the tines, I'm making torches too.


New Member
Oh Miss, this thread is going to last for four years......:mrgreen: You might just surpass "wake n bake" if Obama gets reelected :lol:

Don't forget GM & Chrysler will be back AGAIN when Obama takes office. Did you see where the UAW reneged on their pledge to become competitive with salary? They agree to the terms so the govt. gives the money up, and then say FU when they get it. Talk about a dinosaur system....time is well past.


out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
How about unchecked by government regulations. Free market trade is the epitome of greed.
LMAO one of the dumbest things you've said and thats saying alot. Come back in two weeks since that'll be how long it'll take for you to get your head out of your ass.


Well-Known Member
I doubt it. Laisse-faire capitalism is exactly the reason we are where we are, Capitalism without boundaries. Why did they do it??? Because they could. CEOs making multi-million dollar salaries and bonuses, Pure greed. There is no man worth a million bucks a year, period. Anything that pays that much is a scam.
Incorrect again. The reason the economy is in the tank is because the politicians thought it was their job to enable individuals to buy houses even though those individuals couldn't afford it.
Do you even read the News?


New Member
Jax, I know this will go on for years. Give one company a bailout and all the rest come flocking with their hands out. It's like winning the lottery, suddenly you have relatives you've never heard of. :mrgreen:

I guess you don't read the news parker. People have a lot easier time paying their home loans when their jobs aren't being shipped off shore.


New Member
Jobs are shipped offshore because of many reasons...always money is included in the equation (of course). if Obama will wake up and reduce capital gains tax rates and quit double taxation on corps., they will come back, along with foreign investment. I'm not going to hold my breath tho.... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I think things will continue to go downhill at an amazing rate. Corporations are taking their bailouts and then flipping the government the bird. This shit won't stop until the people take to the streets and start burning shit down. Isn't it nice to live in the middle of nowhere. :bigjoint:


New Member
Damn straight...and I do. I moved off the coast years ago.... my guns are oiled and ready, sound Gabriel's horn Miss.... :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Elite Rolling Society
NEW YORK ( -- Sitting down? It's time to tally up the federal government's bailout tab.
There was $29 billion for Bear Stearns, $345 billion for Citigroup. The Federal Reserve put up $600 billion to guarantee money market deposits and has aggressively driven down interest rates to essentially zero.
The list goes on and on. All told, Congress, the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve and other agencies have taken dozens of steps to prop up the economy.
Total price tag so far: $7.2 trillion. Now comes President-elect Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan, some details of which were made public on Monday. The bill is getting awfully close to $8 trillion.


New Member
Exactly why my assets have been moved months ago.... hoo boy ... hang on folks, it's gonna be a nasty decade.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Globally, things are getting much worse, which means instability, which means war..... luckily we elected a combat vet with 40 years of public service and a patriot.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
This should make all of you socialists that post here happy: The headlines in our local paper today read ... "Obama proposes a major income tax cut."

Med, are you listening? :lol:



New Member
Usually a President gets down the road a bit before the wheels fall off the cart ala George Bush.... but Obama is coming in a cart with no wheels already....and the scraping sound is starting to get on my nerves.... :lol:

out. :blsmoke: