Anyone want to tally the bailouts so far?


New Member
Usually a President gets down the road a bit before the wheels fall off the cart ala George Bush.... but Obama is coming in a cart with no wheels already....and the scraping sound is starting to get on my nerves.... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:
Yeah, but all you "conservatives" will find a way to blame him (Obama) I'm sure. Lets see, If I called conservatives in general Buttwipes, would that be considered against the rules? I mean it's only an opinion and it isn't personal. OK, I guess I won't call them Buttwipes, I'll just have to think that to myself. ~LOL~.


New Member
What is good for the goose is good for the gander..... political lag cannot be suspended although I'm sure the media will cover as best they can for Obama. He is forming a recipe that will be economically inedible. No matter the taste the chorus will tell us its golden...till it rots on our plates.

That being said, there is always the variable of the global market affecting things beyond Obama's control. So far I don't see him taking any of that into account.... losing Richardson was not good for Obama at all. His replacement will be important.

out. :blsmoke: