Anyone know a good deer repellent?

I'd love to fence it, I've actually got an electric fence controller - the problem is this site is exposed enough as it is and I'm worried about do gooders spotting it. this shit is still illegal in my little corner of the world.
I can see how that would be a problem... Not sure what to tell you then. Maybe go back to the predator pee and put it in a spray bottle and just spray it everywhere in the area...
As the title suggests, wild deer are starting to make an appearance and I need the best deer repellent money can buy or that man can make. I'm currently relying on bullets, which although the best deer repellent in existence is quite labor intensive as it involves sitting there all night. I have tried chopped onions and chilli powder mixed, not sure if it's making much difference. Any tips?

Blood meal on the perimeter. Deer don't like it. Draws in predators, deer don't like predators.
I shoot one deer a year, maybe two if my family over the hill wants some venison. If the freezer was full I wouldn't be stalking this buck. I'd never shoot a deer just purely to keep it from getting into a crop.

Glad to hear it; soz for my reply. I had visions of you sitting in a high seat, shooting everything that moves and looks slightly like a deer. This is what they do round these parts (northern Europe), so I was a bit pissed when I wrote my reply.

Anyway, now that peace btw. Us has been established, I suggest a deer proof fence, but fold and bury about a foot of the fence outwards, so they can’t dig their way in. Attach some feedsacks or rubbish sacks to the fence; the rustling of the bags frightens them.

Or get some mean looking dawg like this one; she looks cute, but howls like wolf.

Hope u don’t lose ur crop...


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Spread moth balls around the grow, the smell burns their nose. Also you can put a barrier around the plants using monofilament fishing line. The can't see the line and when they bump into it freaks them out.

Moth balls only a buck a box at the Dollar store.
I can respect your thoughts on that one. I kind of feel bad for all those neutered moths too.

I only know that because i was going to hang net bags full of them around my plot(moths=bud worms as you know) after a little research,I realized I'd possibly do unnecessary damage to everything around them(especially during/after a rainfall)
This is what I use. Works good, but you have to reapply after a rain.

Glad to hear it; soz for my reply. I had visions of you sitting in a high seat, shooting everything that moves and looks slightly like a deer. This is what they do round these parts (northern Europe), so I was a bit pissed when I wrote my reply.

Anyway, now that peace btw. Us has been established, I suggest a deer proof fence, but fold and bury about a foot of the fence outwards, so they can’t dig their way in. Attach some feedsacks or rubbish sacks to the fence; the rustling of the bags frightens them.

Or get some mean looking dawg like this one; she looks cute, but howls like wolf.

Hope u don’t lose ur crop...
We have way too many deer here in NW Florida. I don't kill them for eating my weed, but I have shot a few over the years in my pea patch. Deer, as do most mammals, reproduce according to their food supply. We have ag land, and land for hunting all around us. The deer eat the crops, and also have food plots and corn feeders from the hunters. It's not uncommon for us to see several sets of twins per year. You need to keep your doe numbers low and your bucks will be bigger. Everyone wants to find the prized buck, but no one wants to manage their wildlife to get them.
Spread moth balls around the grow, the smell burns their nose. Also you can put a barrier around the plants using monofilament fishing line. The can't see the line and when they bump into it freaks them out.
the fishing line works well especially in guerilla grows, just gotta remember its there or pain is soon to come...
Personally I've never used the fishing line, just read it somewhere and it made sense.

I have (and do) used the moth balls though, and it does not not take many, and the scent will last several months. I put a few about 10 foot or so out from the crop and then about a 100 feet out from there, I throw one out about 20 or 30 feet apart in a circular pattern around the crop.

Spark up
Spread moth balls around the grow, the smell burns their nose. Also you can put a barrier around the plants using monofilament fishing line. The can't see the line and when they bump into it freaks them out.

I have had the fishing line backfire on me but it can work. I spread my plants out so used fishing line around each individual plant, the deer bumped one line and charged a different direction right into one of my plants and destroyed it, it even charged through the 4ft chicken wire I was temporarily using until the plant got bigger.
What about planting things along the border of your property that the critters enjoy more, they will go to those instead of eating your cash crop. I also like the idea of traps, if I weren't in such a populated area I would have them everywhere, not to kill but to scare anything off.

dog hair works pretty good.lots of things will work for deer till they get used to the smell out in the bush one needs to change things up different smell every couple weeks.
Good idea, never thought about dog hair, now I know what to do with the hair after the wife vacuums the carpets.