Anyone know a good deer repellent?

shoot one deer and leave it where you cant smell it but close to your crop the cats and yots will eat on it a few days and keep the deer ran off till the weed grows some and that should stop them from munching on your weed for a few weeks.I never have deer bother my weed unless they step on it when its small.
shoot one deer and leave it where you cant smell it but close to your crop the cats and yots will eat on it a few days and keep the deer ran off till the weed grows some and that should stop them from munching on your weed for a few weeks.I never have deer bother my weed unless they step on it when its small.
ya I have more problems with small rodents,deer pretty easy to deal with.
I haven't read all the posts on this thread so dont know if this was advised yet,but heres a good way to keep deer from eating your young plants while out-backing it.Break off some pointed branches/limbs off the local shrubs and stick them in the ground (facing up) surrounding/covering you plant even as long as some light gets through.This will conceal them while still getting enough light to accumulate to there new environment.

If it is bright sun/hot out and worrying about exposure I even use branches with green leaves on them.By the time the leaves die they will have the full sun and your plant is naturally hardened off by then.You will eventually have to go back in a week or so but this is the best way to give them there start in the great outdoors IMO.
I haven't read all the posts on this thread so dont know if this was advised yet,but heres a good way to keep deer from eating your young plants while out-backing it.Break off some pointed branches/limbs off the local shrubs and stick them in the ground (facing up) surrounding/covering you plant even as long as some light gets through.This will conceal them while still getting enough light to accumulate to there new environment.

If it is bright sun/hot out and worrying about exposure I even use branches with green leaves on them.By the time the leaves die they will have the full sun and your plant is naturally hardened off by then.You will eventually have to go back in a week or so but this is the best way to give them there start in the great outdoors IMO.
That's what I used to do, exactly that. The bastards still can get their long neck in places, filled that with prickly vines.
Also transplanted thistles around, they make good deterrent and camo. Same structure as sativa

Deer also hesitate to jump a nearby second fence or barrier, even if both are low. They get that boxed in feeling.
(Thumper's moose will not even notice a double fence, they are like bulldozers on stilts when they decide to go somewhere.)
That's what I used to do, exactly that. The bastards still can get their long neck in places, filled that with prickly vines.
Also transplanted thistles around, they make good deterrent and camo. Same structure as sativa

Deer also hesitate to jump a nearby second fence or barrier, even if both are low. They get that boxed in feeling.
(Thumper's moose will not even notice a double fence, they are like bulldozers on stilts when they decide to go somewhere.)
The way I have heard the double fencing explained is they have to see a landing spot before they will jump. Many gardeners will do something like mason's line with strips of flagging tied to it for the 2nd fence. It just has to be something they can see as a barrier to landing.
Thanks for all your replies folks. I used a home brew version of liquid fence and used dog and human urine around the boundaries. also used wire mesh to obstruct the routes animals would have used to enter the area. sat up there with a rifle and a spot light for nights on end and never heard any animals approaching the area.
I leave the site alone for 3 days and I come back and everything was stripped down to the goddamned stems. deer shit all over the place. fuck it all. I put in over 1000 plants on that plot and put about 500 hours into it and I lost about 95 percent of it in the last 2 weeks of flower. there must be some high as fuck deer getting around in those gullies right now.
The deer at the buds? Usually once there resinis they won't touch it. Maybe someone robbed you and made it look like the deer did it. Probably said but I use human hair. I also have more problems with other critters. Like the damn raccoons claiming them and knocking them Also probably already said but normally there ate when there first put out.
yeah, deer ate the buds. could have been goats and deer but there were definitely deer up there on account of the deer shit and deer tracks. there were some goat tracks too, but way more deer.
Thanks for all your replies folks. I used a home brew version of liquid fence and used dog and human urine around the boundaries. also used wire mesh to obstruct the routes animals would have used to enter the area. sat up there with a rifle and a spot light for nights on end and never heard any animals approaching the area.
I leave the site alone for 3 days and I come back and everything was stripped down to the goddamned stems. deer shit all over the place. fuck it all. I put in over 1000 plants on that plot and put about 500 hours into it and I lost about 95 percent of it in the last 2 weeks of flower. there must be some high as fuck deer getting around in those gullies right now.
Feeling for you bro , that would be gut wrenching,
Thanks for all your replies folks. I used a home brew version of liquid fence and used dog and human urine around the boundaries. also used wire mesh to obstruct the routes animals would have used to enter the area. sat up there with a rifle and a spot light for nights on end and never heard any animals approaching the area.
I leave the site alone for 3 days and I come back and everything was stripped down to the goddamned stems. deer shit all over the place. fuck it all. I put in over 1000 plants on that plot and put about 500 hours into it and I lost about 95 percent of it in the last 2 weeks of flower. there must be some high as fuck deer getting around in those gullies right now.

Ouch! Sorry for your loss.
I learned this little trick about 5 years ago from someone on here. I haven't lost a single plant to Whitetail deer since and they are all over the place here in south central Illinois. Take fishing line (I use 10lb because that's what I do the most fishing with.) and build a fence with it around your patch. I just use weeds and trees as makeshift posts. Wrap the line around the tree/weed a couple of times and continue until you are back where you started. I do 3 strands. One at about 1.5 feet, 3.5, and the last one at 4.5. Piss, hair, etc. never did a fucking thing to deter them but the fishing line fence has never failed me. Plants get to 2 feet plus tall I take it down.
I'm an avid Whitetail hunter via bow and arrow. Hair, piss, etc. work great at keeping away mature bucks and does. However 2 yrs or younger deer simply aren't up to speed on survival skills hence it not being a viable solution.