Anyone know a good deer repellent?

I've never seen them eat anything over a foot. They like them small and tender in my experience.

Agree. I told the OP an he said there eating the buds and all. I've grown for decades outdoors and never had a thing touch them once established and risining. Had raccoons or what ever dig them up and drag them a little ways away. I would just scan the area, usually corn field and always find them a few rows away. Sometimes I could save them most times not. Looks just like someone stole them. But the tracks and drag marks give them away. That is always the first night out too. Something new to them. I used chicken wire over top of them and around the ground for the damn what evers digging them up. I take them off at about 2ft also. I guess we got to remember there are a lot of different types of deer around the world. My experience with whitetail, they don't care for it. I got to worry way more about 2 legged varmint and Now it's legal here so no more late night water runs, thorn bushs, mosquito bites and whatnot. Them days are over!
As the title suggests, wild deer are starting to make an appearance and I need the best deer repellent money can buy or that man can make. I'm currently relying on bullets, which although the best deer repellent in existence is quite labor intensive as it involves sitting there all night. I have tried chopped onions and chilli powder mixed, not sure if it's making much difference. Any tips? nothing like a little cigar piss! Throw out a electronic call with this piss and they will avoid that area and move on. Good luck!
The best things to use in homemade repellant are garlic powder, the hottest chili powder you can find, even better some chili extract, essential oil. Most of the commercial deer repellants use mint essential oil. Deer ate half of my tomato seedlings last year, but I only lost one or two more after I started spraying that funky stuff on them. I'm actually mixing some up soon to protect my new baby trees.
Garlic spray works for me. Blend 1 bulb of garlic with a bit of water. Strain, put in 1 gallon of water. Add 2 teaspoons of dishsoap. Spray ground around plants and plants as well. This has worked for me for a long time.