Anyone else have trouble sleeping?


uhm your food choices are defiantly contributing to your sleeping issues for sure the celexa may also be playing a role but lets start with the green tea
green tea has more caffeine than coffee, I would suggest 1 bag and no coffee ,or have a coffee and no green tea one or the other
Water is good keep drinking it you need it.
your dinner is terrible, you need the calories but youre giving yourself bad calories full of retarded amounts of sugar.

Switch from boost to a protein shake instead , boost is not that great and does have sugars, its basically a added vitamin chocolate milkshake not good for you
switch to something like Vega one, or a plant based protein shake, why plant based? because youre not using it to loose weight or gain muscle like whey protein youre going to be using it to get your added nutrients your body is desperately craving.

you need a high calorie healthy dinner, homemade if its going to be pasta it needs to be whole wheat.
no mcdonalds, no butter chicken donairs or pizza.

youre also starving yourself, which is also contributing to your sleep issues, your body is going into starvation mode only eating one dinner a day which is causing your internal clock to be completely fucked up
im juicing for 10 days the fist day i feel like eating eggs steak and all kinds of shit i cant take this madness but i gota say i slept like a baby yes cant sleep either it suck but for this first day ever it felt better than the best sex incounter ever i was drooling on my pillow like a big fucken putle and i woke up not once in the night the other thing about this juice thing i never wake up with a wo??? and this very thing happend??? its been ages since something so crazzy good has happend to me i dont know what it is this vegitable juice but im going threw with draws beer with draws, coffie with draws fuck i having mood swings i cant take it no more but something is happening to me like i cant fucken put my finger on it but its crazzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im juicing for 10 days the fist day i feel like eating eggs steak and all kinds of shit i cant take this madness but i gota say i slept like a baby yes cant sleep either it suck but for this first day ever it felt better than the best sex incounter ever i was drooling on my pillow like a big fucken putle and i woke up not once in the night the other thing about this juice thing i never wake up with a wo??? and this very thing happend??? its been ages since something so crazzy good has happend to me i dont know what it is this vegitable juice but im going threw with draws beer with draws, coffie with draws fuck i having mood swings i cant take it no more but something is happening to me like i cant fucken put my finger on it but its crazzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

juicing makes everyone go through crazy bullshit for at least 2 weeks before they see results and if they do int hat time, they see little ones but are so irritable about the cravings and othe things they dont notice
i usualy go to sleep at 2 a.m. or later and wake up 7:30 and water plants outside and wake up about 3 times walk around grab something to eat, use the restroom and noses or the dogs wake me but nope not last night i sleept like a teen age kid that sleep in for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I I know my dinner is redonk! I have not been in the mood to cook, even though I am a cook. I'm gonna get some salad/ lean protein stuff for tonight. I usually eat so well....hahaha
I I know my dinner is redonk! I have not been in the mood to cook, even though I am a cook. I'm gonna get some salad/ lean protein stuff for tonight. I usually eat so well....hahaha
yeah i hear ya
but what youreputting into your body is really bad, especially since youre weening off celexa too,...
i wish ya the best, if you want some recipes I have extremely healthy ones, im sure you could make or i could give you ingredients and you could come up with something yourself
I am not a cook but have worked in restaurants for 9 years, and my moms wife is a chef,
I also bake
but im in school for nutrition which gives me a bit of edge in the healthy cookin department anyone can make healthy i make healthy taste good! ;)
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

I could replace the boost with my own smoothie - that's what I usually have at breakfast. I think I just have to force myself to eat more - even if it's in liquid form.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

I could replace the boost with my own smoothie - that's what I usually have at breakfast. I think I just have to force myself to eat more - even if it's in liquid form.
absolutely! best of luck yessica ill dig through my books to see if i can find a herb that doesnt interact with celexa for oyu
Oh I know! I swear I'll stop! hahaha

I guess it's just because the rest of my day is so LOW calorie, I feel like I need to make it up. Plus, I just fucking love McDonald's cheeseburgers.

I know they are not food. I know they're terrible.

But they just taste like a cartoon picture of a cheeseburger.

You could tell me they were made of people...and I'd probably still eat them, on special occasions.
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In the U.S., beef that contains up to 15 percent of the product can be labeled as "100% ground beef." Currently in the U.S., only if a USDA Organic label is present can consumers know that beef contains no "pink slime." -wiki
Well shit - just slept from....11pm to 2 am. I clearly need more sleep than that!

It is my current medical recommendation that I get "high as fuck" and try to combat this insomnia!
i hope they never make weed legal. you know once it is legal you can say goodbye to running your own dispensary or selling your own. the jews and hedgefund managers are going to be running the game. people with billions to invest are going to get in on it. imagine monsanto gmo weed. and if you think the government is going to let you grow your own and sell it you are wrong, they hate competition and if they dont get a piece of that pie or a crop of that kill is jail time. haha FUCK COPS PUNK POLICE