Well-Known Member
hahahaha - I see what you did there.
Melatonin is a hormone,I just saw where sunni already recommended Melatonin, sorry. But I disagree with the every other night thing. I take that shit EVERY night and sleep like a teenager. Pop 2 5mg tablets one hour before I WANT to be asleep and PRESTO, I'm gone. And no middle of the night waking up either. Stuff worked wonders for me.
You're also completely taking way to much you should only take 3-6mg the fact that you need to take TWO 5mgs shows how much damage youre potentially doing to your hormonal system10 mgs of Melatonin will put you to sleep, and it's natural, not a drug, and it's cheap as shit at any Walmart-like store. Get you some !!!!!!
dont.I'm totally on board - gonna try it!
I'm not sure how it will effect my sleeping currently, because it's the weening off the Celexa that is doing it - I think. But if it might work, I'll try it!
I'd prefer to use my cookies for conscious joy, not overdosed sleep...
they wouldnt have anything to go off of checking your hormone levels isnt something doctors check for unless you have certain medical problems not really apart of routine check ups ya know?Now that^^^^^^^^^^^ I agree with.
But the shit helps me sleep and I've been taking it for almost 2 years now with no adverse effects. My personal physicians has never given me any negative feedback with my dosage/frequency, but I take no other medications either.
they wouldnt have anything to go off of checking your hormone levels isnt something doctors check for unless you have certain medical problems not really apart of routine check ups ya know?
Also doctors i find dont really give a shit what you take or do , at least in my experience.
To each their own opinion, but since I cohabitate and support said doctors sister/nephews/niece I'm pretty sure she gives a shit about me/us. But I'll be sure to bring up the points you made, see what she has to say.
kava kava is probably the scariest out of natural supplements for sleep as its extremely dangerous to the liver (a healthy one) and can cause death.personally i have zero problems regarding sleep matters
good convo peeps. has anyone ever tried [kava kava] added to camomile tea? it's seems to be a mild muscle relaxant and helps some when I'm willing to take it.
as long as you dont ever drink and dont take very much and have no liver problems its mostl ikely safeWell..... glad I asked.Ty
absolutely i hear ya 150%I've only ever taken kava kava on rare occasion. stopped drinking 100% a number of years ago. thank you for your insight sunni... i'm at point in my life where i really need to examine all aspects of my health and well-being, which definitely includes sleep concerns.
Whew - didn't buy any hormones while I was out - and looks like that's a good thing. I usually ask the pharmascist with whatever I buy anyways, because Celexa has so many drug reactions with other things.
I think I'm going to try punch dancing out my rage to make me sleepy...there's a wooded glen nearby...