anyone else addicted to american ninja warrior?

i encourage everyone to try it. but stretch before and after, thoroughly. 1 hour in there and i was in massive pain for nearly a week.
tried similar course at the old gym I belonged to. Surprised myself in some areas, laughed at myself in others. For all the fitness training I do I STILL lack the upper body strength(women do compared to men it's biology) to do pull ups. And that kippy pull up shit doesn't count. Those use all momentum.

When it came to the rings, I could traverse those no prob, but having to change the ladder rungs while hanging? Bitch please. I fell on my ass. You feel so klutzy.

anything with abs though I KILLED at :mrgreen: the only thing that was sore the next day was my ego
tried similar course at the old gym I belonged to. Surprised myself in some areas, laughed at myself in others. For all the fitness training I do I STILL lack the upper body strength(women do compared to men it's biology) to do pull ups. And that kippy pull up shit doesn't count. Those use all momentum.

When it came to the rings, I could traverse those no prob, but having to change the ladder rungs while hanging? Bitch please. I fell on my ass. You feel so klutzy.

anything with abs though I KILLED at :mrgreen: the only thing that was sore the next day was my ego

yeah, upper body and grip strength was my weakness too. i could barely even hang off the cliffhanger. maybe got a few feet before falling. could not transition from one to the other either.
Fuck! Was that finals course last night difficult, or what? It's obviously too hard when you have only one finisher, and of course it was a rock climber. Those dudes are unreal. And who made it farther than any other man? That's right, the future ex-Mrs. Durden, Jessie Graff. She got past The Wedge, even she couldn't believe it. Dudes, just pack up your vajayjays and go home...

Man, I hated that anw hiatus. SO glad it's back. They've been pushing these courses' difficulty level too much lately, and last night we witnessed no finishers for the first time ever. I was surprised (but still delighted) that only one of the four powerhouse women from last night is going to Vegas. Jesse 'Flex' LaBreck -

It would be enough that these top women are so tough and skilled, but it is amazing that they're all fine as hell! I would almost pass up the future ex Mrs. Durden, Jessie Graff (who is already going to Vegas), to marry flex. She's such a caring nurturer that she deserves to bear my children. Or maybe we could all convert to Mormonism and I'll marry them both. If not, Flex can join me and Jessie for a three way from time to time. Life is full of difficult decisions...
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if the 400 pound dude with a tranquilizer dart in hand @ all times can keep her head from flying off her kneck & talk her back 2 reality after she sees a flasbulb & turns into a carrot again at the debate she may live that long,I hope not
