anyone else addicted to american ninja warrior?

Shit man you should see the japarazzi versions of those shows from the 80s and 90s. People literally got spinal injuries. Participants were hardcore jet li mother fuckers too. Like i remember this fucker who was a fisherman and not like youd expect nah some hardcore bad ass japarazzi fishing boat that had health and safety hazard written all over it. And you just see some vid of the fucker practicing around the boat like an anime cartoon.
Watch that youll quickly forget about american pussy poncers.
I member
OKay damnit...these personal detailed stories before every player is making me sick:spew:

I was really cheering for Drew, but the signed shirt thing before completing the course struck me as douchey. I was kinda glad he smashed his crotch and didn't finish...
Flip and the gold crazy dude came excruciatingly close to finishing!. That was a crazy hard course...

the penultimate obstacle made the last one so much tougher.

i saw people fly through the invisible ladder after the body prop or cliffhanger. but not that one.
the penultimate obstacle made the last one so much tougher.

i saw people fly through the invisible ladder after the body prop or cliffhanger. but not that one.

Yep. This year's cities finals have been too brutal, imo. When there's less than 5 that complete the course, it is less exciting imo. That final Beast run was inspiring...
We as Americans should just invite the world and just call it ninja warrior. Japan let us go over there. I think it's the right thing to do.
I think we don't give enough credit to japan for coming up with the idea. It should be an open invite. Notice how some people get second chances?
My best friend is addicted to ANW. He started out a couple weeks ago. First he was just watching occasionally but now I think he is fully addicted. He has started lying to me about how much he is watching and I hardly see him lately. Then things started to go missing around my place. First the ladders and the mop handles started to disappear and then suddenly there were no couch cushions. Now you can't find a kiddie pool around for several blocks. I want to get him some help but I don't know what to do. How long does this usually last?
A few things piss me off about the show. All the damn talking and sob stories, over hyped competitors, they show people that fall and when they go to commercial someone makes it and you don't get to see it. The first american ninja warrior didn't even win the prize money.They should've gave them both a million dollars.