anyone else addicted to american ninja warrior?

My 6-year-old autistic son has discovered Ninja Warrior. He now wants to be one when he grows up. got him to eat vegetables!

Him: Wan be tha ninja warwor!
Me: Well, you have to eat a lot of vegetables to be strong enough to be a ninja warrior!

Annnnnnnnnnd broccoli is up! :mrgreen:
Way to go dude! That's what's up. I'm still trying to get mine to eat. He loves dirt and grass, but real food? Forget about it. He thinks our house is an American Ninja Warrior course lol. Turns 6 next month.
I hope you guys got to see the very best episode of ANW EVER! My man Drew Drechsel finally won the million dollars, and was only the third person ever to complete Mount Midoriyama (Stage 4) on ANW. Drew had a perfect year winning every special pass, and completing every single course, usually with the fastest time. On top of that, he is in the process of opening a new ninja gym, and his new wife is pregnant so he gets to begin his new family with a million bucks. It's about time, Drew. It couldn't have gone to a more deserving guy. Fuckin' A...
