Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

I paint all trim with that stuff now. Painted my kitchen cabinets with it too.
I bought this one off ebay. And it’s a 14x24 not 18x24. Duh lol. I corrected my post above.
Sweet, thanks for the link.

Did you use an hvlp or an airless with a ff tip on the cabs? I remember they turned out great.
Sweet, thanks for the link.

Did you use an hvlp or an airless with a ff tip on the cabs? I remember they turned out great.
Sweet, thanks for the link.

Did you use an hvlp or an airless with a ff tip on the cabs? I remember they turned out great.
Used my buddies hvlp rig but i bet i coulda got almost as good of results with the right LP tip on my regular rig.
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Man for some reason I stopped getting notifications I thought this thread had died out.

my process for larger scale stuff is to make an lc, knock up a jar, once it’s clean and colonized I g2g the jar to 10 more jars. Then each of those jars is g2g into 5-6 4qt bags. Turns a tiny bit of lc into 15-20lbs of shrooms.

Second FP+ tub


yeti from an old tub sitting in the garage waiting for trash day


fuckin around with chocolate now

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So next project I'm building a flow hood. I have a 6" and an 8" ac infinity inline fans I can use. I'll have to build the box probably from wood. Also gotta get a medium size filter. I'd like to make it about 2 or 3 feet wide. I was wondering if I could use this And the carbon filter could be a prefilter.16986031624503756564816071470856.jpg
So next project I'm building a flow hood. I have a
I picked up a 24x48 a couple months ago and already wish i had another one next to it. Would be a straight up assembly line going on.

I built this one for around 3 hundred. Has a really nice filter on it compared to the bigger complete units you see for sale online. It’s an 14”x24”. I had quickly outgrew it right after i assembled it. Never did make the pre filter box for up top.
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Hell yeah that's really nice pretty much what i'm trying to do. I'm hoping I can use one of these in line fans I have. I feel like the carbon filter could take the place of the Pre filter box.
I've only seen flow hoods set up with "squiral cage" style blower fans on them. You need the correct amount of cfm able to be pushed through the filter material. I think inline fans are usually more Ideal as pulling fans. Don't quote me on that though, I"m not an hvac guy.
It should have plenty It's 807 cfm. It does blow super hard, probably as much as it pulls. The carbon filter would probably Slow it down but I probably can use something else That's smaller to filter the air coming in.
The biggest issue is matching the blower/filter/box size so that it creates laminar airflow. As long as that’s on point anything should work.
Right, I can turn the speed up-and-down also period I wonder if I should just buy a really small one. All I want it for really is for inoculating jars or drawing LC out of jars. Maybe start trying to do some grain to grain Which I don't feel very confident doing in a SAB. Maybe start working with some agar plates And I'll be able to test my LC. Want to do some cloning And maybe some spore prints. It would also be really nice if I could Make my boxes up in front of it also. I just feel like if I do everything in front of it I'll get alot less contams and the possibilities are endless
I've been wanting to ask. So when I take the tape off the holes in the monotub and put the micropore tape on I've been doing 1 layer of mp tape over all the holes. Recently I've heard tobput a couple layers over the bottom holes. The Mp tape I'm using does seem really thin. If you guys can't tell, Trich is really pissing me off, I hate losing tubs, so I'm looking at this shit from every angle. I'm only getting it when my tubs are colonizing usually when it's about half colonized. Maybe the tapes to thin and its getting in there, maybe even sometimes from one turning green next to it, maybe coming through the Little holes on the handles, could be from me doing things right near the tubs, ooor maybe I'm just not pasteurized the cvg good enough. Lmao. :wall:
But that's how it goes so I'm just gonna tweak a few things and try to eliminate all those possibilities to narrow things down.
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I think it’s the spawn man. Take some pictures next time of the colonized grain and see if it looks the same as it did a while ago.

I’ve also had one type of wbs that was horrible for some reason, tons of bacteria.

the room has to be insanely filthy to be losing tubs from it, there’s no reason to be filtering everything though if that is the cause it’ll be much simpler to clean things up.

Most of the time it’s a front end problem, either the grain isn’t sterilized all the way, jars filters are failing, or the culture is dirty.

this is worth reading through, a very good grower having this issue and eventually working out the culprit.

I think it’s the spawn man. Take some pictures next time of the colonized grain and see if it looks the same as it did a while ago.

I’ve also had one type of wbs that was horrible for some reason, tons of bacteria.

the room has to be insanely filthy to be losing tubs from it, there’s no reason to be filtering everything though if that is the cause it’ll be much simpler to clean things up.

Most of the time it’s a front end problem, either the grain isn’t sterilized all the way, jars filters are failing, or the culture is dirty.

this is worth reading through, a very good grower having this issue and eventually working out the culprit.

Thanks man, I did have a lot of really old lids I was still using and my LC was getting pretty I made new LC but the lids I'd make new ones here and there and then forget what ones were older, so last week I threw out all my lids and made new ones but with RTV instead of the black stick on ones I've been using. I was also worried That my pressure cooker wasn't doing a good enough job So I added foil to the weight So it reaches 16 PSI just to be safe. Then when I'm pasteurized my coco I'm now wrapping a towel around the bucket and putting it in A bag. Washing my birdseed really well also. My jars are looking really good When spawning them But I can see how having an old lid That maybe isn't completely sealed Or has an old filter and ship Can slowly let a tiny amount of air in while the jar is sitting. Sometimes I'll have 10 jars from the Same syringe And 8 jars will do really good, and 2 jars will get contaminated. So I made new lids and so far so good. 16986179152883011137881931249159.jpg
I've been wanting to ask. So when I take the tape off the holes in the monotub and put the micropore tape on I've been doing 1 layer of mp tape over all the holes. Recently I've heard tobput a couple layers over the bottom holes. The Mp tape I'm using does seem really thin. If you guys can't tell, Trich is really pissing me off, I hate losing tubs, so I'm looking at this shit from every angle. I'm only getting it when my tubs are colonizing usually when it's about half colonized. Maybe the tapes to thin and its getting in there, maybe even sometimes from one turning green next to it, maybe coming through the Little holes on the handles, could be from me doing things right near the tubs, ooor maybe I'm just not pasteurized the cvg good enough. Lmao. :wall:
But that's how it goes so I'm just gonna tweak a few things and try to eliminate all those possibilities to narrow things down.

You will NEVER be able to filter your way to contam free beds.

The very best way to deal with trich is to use a casing layer and put your ph outside of the trich parameters while still in your mushroom parameters.

A well colonized substrate that has been been ph balanced and stays healthy will work for a time without casing but in my opinion you have the best chance otherwise.
Do you guys have any ideas on where to buy wild bird seed in bulk? I've just been getting the 40 pound bag of Pennington wild bird seed At walmart And Straining out all the sunflower seeds, So I'm Pretty much just using millet and Milo. wondering if there's somewhere I could just buy Like a whole skid of something similar at a discount.
Do you guys have any ideas on where to buy wild bird seed in bulk? I've just been getting the 40 pound bag of Pennington wild bird seed At walmart And Straining out all the sunflower seeds, So I'm Pretty much just using millet and Milo. wondering if there's somewhere I could just buy Like a whole skid of something similar at a discount.

We ordered our pallets of milo from the local animal feed store. Great prices and they always got it in fast.
I just inoculated a 5lb all-in-one bag with some Jack Frost spores. Some fresh fungus would be a nice xmas present to myself.
Nice. My experience, with the LC i have of that variety is it does not need FAE beyond what the filter patch on the bag provides. Which is technically just gas exchange. #baglyfe you really want to be rocking strains that aren’t co2 sensitive just like the JF, although the JF is a notoriously light yielder. Just makes it easier. I’ve also tried making slits for FAE and no difference what so ever with that one. Make sure and put a few rubber bands down around the cake once it’s close to being fully colonized, i do it 1 week after spawning to bulk, or you’ll get shit loads of side pins with the JF. Just goes with the strains that aren’t co2 dependent, or in other words cube varieties that don’t require a drop in Co2 to fruit, which allot of the newer ones fit into that category.
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So for my grain jars, I've been using lids with ships and filters on them And Before I pressure cook them I screw the lids down tight and put foil over them. I've been seeing a lot of videos where people don't Tighten their lids all the way before Pressure cooking them. I'm wondering if they do that Only when they don't have a hole and filter for gas exchange. What do you guys do?