Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

I believe you'd have better luck with that than using inline fan, at least that fan is designed for handling some pressure, just scale the box down to an appropriate size.
OMG no way could I work constantly hearing a shop vac or leaf blower motor lol
Don't be a cheapskate like me, and be pissed they raised the price to 59.99 (not even sure it includes the filter).. just buy the Holmes aer1 unit, and tape the dry clean bag on. It was engineered perfectly for it. You get true laminar flow, what a genius idea!

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I've pressure cooked them before, and it does work, but I prefer to cycle boiling water, it just seems to work a little better for me.
It is possible to recap it with the black cap, but I usually just leave the needle attached and cap that, and then put a new needle on later or flame sterilize before using again, the biggest drawback I've seen with leaving needle on is having to be careful bumping the plunger
Fresh supplies.

24 new wide mouth jars
12 lbs popcorn
10lbs brown rice to try broke Boi tek, I can be water bath sterilizing the rice while instapot hydrates the popcorn and then dries out before putting the popcorn in the PC, and then I can go straight from vessel to box, limiting exposure

66qt monotub
105 qt glove box to replace my old one, which has been really scratched up since repurposing it from holding other stuff, this is about 20qt bigger.


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How is it working out? Pretty easy to work in front of?
I don't know yet, i'm still to much of a cheapskate to buy a new desktop hepa unit, and rather make my own. I'll go take some pics and show what I got, still looking for dry clean bag without having to buy a 20 pack online."&qid=1668207742&sprefix=dry+clean+garment+bag+72+,aps,157&sr=8-2

TBH, I'm supposed to be finishing up like 3-4 super complex hydroponics systems\grow rooms i'm wrapped into big time, and preparing plants to go in them.. but dropping everything plant related and blowing all those funds and time on a new mushroom cultivation setup instead. o_O
That depends on if you've got another 20 to spend for separate ingredients and not have to worry about it for a long time.

Got the holes cut in new SAB, I picked the rings up off ebay a couple years back, and use elbow length poly gloves to work inside box, I put on gloves before sticking hands into poly gloves so I don't have to worry about the poly gloves sticking to my hands and makes it a lot easier getting them out

Edit: new box was $15
Correction to previous post, I'm doing Lazy boy tek with the brown rice


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BTW, I didn't get the Sterilite clear view 110qt bins. They were too flimsy, and the bottoms on every one either bowed in or out. Couldn't even set the shoeboxes down flat. I could see them being a problem and splitting cakes in half too. They just suck IMO.

I got the Extra large 100qt Brightroom brand totes instead, right at the same Target, next to the sterilite ones. They cost 2 dollars more, but are way sturdier, and fit 4 shoeboxes like a glove!
As for the DIY flow hood, I found a register fitting in my stash that fit the hepa filter almost perfectly. Too good to be true. That, and I found that 5 inch portable\flexible AC ducting fits on that. It flexes into any shape and holds it too. I can position it anywhere! I'll just tape the bag right right around the fitting and filter, and hook it right up to whatever fan source I use.

I played around, and added a T fitting on to the exhaust of the brand new 4 inch inline fan mounted in my cannabis drying room. It goes to a brand new grow chamber on the other side of the wall, thats never even seen a plant yet, and has filtered air. I can just hook my flow bag up to it, and do the work right in my drying room. I might even put the monotubs in there if they'll fit, so I can free my flower room back up.

Im not exactly sure how I will mod my tubs yet, but i'm thinking about using pvc knockout test plugs instead of bulkheads, and just making different hole configurations, some with bigger or smaller holes. 3 inch caps would be better than the 4 i'm holding up. They are real cheap.

I also thought of adding valves, so I could adjust the FAE flow with precision. How about some 2 inch gate valves on each side, with a loose polyfil holder? lol.

I'm going to come up with something good.

Came up with a new invention while I was at it. 2" screw in LED bulb bulkheads. Completely sealed, and don't cost much to make. The globes fit perfect in the 2" PVC electrical conduit fittings.

Not sure i'll use them, but i'm sure it would work good. Otherwise, I was just gonna use a 9watt LED bulb on each side of each monotub.

And for my next crazy idea:

I was thinking about the possible need to fan the tubs, and a way to automate that particular task.

I have a small diaphragm pump that is pretty powerful. Made for pulling water up into a tube or something, to bridge aquariums together, so fish can swim up and over to another tank, etc. It can evacuate or pump air too, and is better than a normal small air pump.

Anyway, where my head is going.. nm the neon balloons, lol.

Instead of using it to force air directly into the tubs, I could fix a balloon to the end of each air line, inside of it towards the top of the lid.

Put it on a digital infinite repeat cycle timer, and fill the balloons up with air, which would displace the air inside the tubs, but without actually introducing any air through the pump. It could push out the co2 towards the bottom of the tub through one way check valves, and then suck air back through more check valves that are filtered with micropore tape, or polyfill, or even plain holes..

Time it perfect so it cuts off the flow to the balloons, without popping them (kinda like a flood and and drain), so the air comes back through when it shuts off.

The mono tubs could breath over and over, like they have lungs!
Isn't Tampanensis a sclerotia producing one? It's been a couple Years since I researched those, but I had a Georgia culture back then. The Georgia ones, sclerotia included gave me headache after consuming. I didn't really like them.

I think I'm going to get starship troopers and maybe starry night
Yeah they’re stone producers. I’m not into the sclerotia either, I just grow them for the mushrooms. They tend to have a speedier type trip compared to cubes. A lot of people say it reminds them of rolling but I never really felt it like that.
Make sure they’re completely dry, then mason jars with desiccant packs.

Most people seem to dehydrate for 24 hours. I’m in a desert with like 10% rh and unless the shrooms are huge they’re done in 10-12. When you think they’re done make sure to take a handful and weigh them, then put them back in for another 2-3 hours and weigh again. If they lose weight they need more time.

being COMPLETELY dry is crucial.
I've never had anything similar to rolling, and the effects of the stone producers dam sure wasn't.

I just dry them out and keep in a jar, desiccant packs would be a good idea, I haven't been using them though.

I would say if you ever find yourself needing to dry out any pans, I wouldn't use dehydrater, I find they really shrivel up into nothing, I just dry them with a fan