Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

Gotcha.. I'm guessing there could be times where having other additives in the sub, then you maybe want to alter the PH though, correct? All I know is some are doing it.. didn't look into it much.

Should I also just skip the gypsum when I prepare the bulk substrate? Just use C and V? Just coir? What would your guys mixes look like on the calculator I linked? Would your mix change depending on whatever tek, for example unmodified tub vs drilled out tubs, or other factors, etc? Thanks!

I love being a newb at something again :)
I'd recommend keeping simple, I started adding all kinds of stuff experimenting and had contam issues out the ass
This looks like a good discussion to get in on, imma have to start at the beginning.

But here's what I have going on.

So I grew some orangeglo watermelons this year, and finished racking 5 gallons of watermelon wine on 10/31, that I added 4 lbs of strawberries to, after primary fermentation. I don't really like drinking, but I'm working on a Psychedelic Wine project I've been thinking about for a while. I started the mushroom culture by using spore swabs on agar on 10/5, and made water darts that I inoculated sterilized popcorn with on 10/25. Man is the Z strain very aggressive, and it will take another 2 months for secondary fermentation of the wine to finish. Once I get the mushrooms, I want to add no less than 25 wet grams of fresh mushrooms per serving (which is about 3 grams dry), which I think about a wine glass equivalent of about 6 ozs is a good target. I'll add a little ascorbic acid when putting the shrooms in the wine for extraction to protect the unstable psilocin, and allow the water to extract both the psilocybin and psilocin for 2 days, and I will probably have to rack the wine one last time and be sure fermentation has stopped before bottling. I'm thinking it should have long shelf life with 14% alcohol and vitamin-c acting as a preservative. I have some frozen infused kool-aid in the freezer, but something I feel more confident in staying shelf stable would be pretty awesome.
The 2 mycelium pics are 10 days difference, no break n shake has been, and I don't believe I'm gonna bother disrupting the colony

I'm actually hoping for about 50 wet grams per serving
This is way beyond my skill level but hallucinogenic watermelon wine sounds amazing. I've been wanting to try to make some type of drink or gummies or something that are really potent. I've just been eating them with a handful of m&Ms.
I'd recommend keeping simple, I started adding all kinds of stuff experimenting and had contam issues out the ass
I definitely agree on keeping it simple no need for all the fancy contraptions. Buuut a nicely built DIY laminar flow Hood I'd say would be worth building because they're fairly easy to build and really expensive to buy.
If you want to get into psilo extracts, I recommend starting with steeping mushrooms in hot water. I had a ninja coffee maker with insulated carafe, I'd put the hand shredded fresh mushrooms in carafe, and brew the hot water in to them, then let steep for an hour or two, then strain and squeeze what you can out of the shrooms. For flavoring it's hard to go wrong with shroom aid, using the premix kool-aid I add a good bit so it is pretty sweet.
Aim for around 40-50 grams fresh shrooms for a serving, I would put 80-100 grams in the carafe which I then divide into plastic bottle, like the small Gatorade bottles and write down the wet grams used on the lid so I know the dose later on.

At 40 grams or so, you drink that and in 15 minutes you'll be starting to trip pretty hard, like everything is vibrating with wavy lines like looking at a mirage.

It's a serious trip for sure, and it has less body load than eating the dried material. You don't get that uncomfortable comeup that you get eating the shrooms, and if you're wanting to do high doses, it's way better than trying to shovel 5 grams down into your stomach.

Before making the kool-aid, I highly highly recommend ordering some ascorbic acid to add a tiny amount to the teas you make, it keeps everything from turning blue, protecting the good stuff

I've Made a good bit of chocolate shrooms too, it really changes it though. If you're still on the fence about really wanting to trip hard, the chocolate makes it much more pleasant because of the added MAOI in chocolate. It takes longer to come on, maybe up to a couple hours, and it really mellows it out in a good way, it also lengthens the duration of your trip as well. Unless you have a lot of shrooms to play around with, playing around with the chocolate can feel like a waste at times. I made gummies a couple times as well.
I definitely agree on keeping it simple no need for all the fancy contraptions. Buuut a nicely built DIY laminar flow Hood I'd say would be worth building because they're fairly easy to build and really expensive to buy.
That's pretty awesome, and something I've been wanting to do myself. I have a squirrel cage fan at the house I've been wanting to dig out and construct a flow hood. My SAB works fine but is a pain to do much in.
Doing the high dose kool-aid is very draining though, you're not going to want to do anything the next day once your done tripping.
Dried Ones don't taste bad, but fresh ones are fucking terrible. As far as eating them, I've been putting them on pizza, a burger, whatever and eat the couple grams I dose with about every week, never even notice they're on there. It may add a little time to the come up, but lately I've eaten and then start a movie on hbomax, and you never really realize when the trip starts. It's about the only way I can sit down and get into movies these days
That's pretty awesome, and something I've been wanting to do myself. I have a squirrel cage fan at the house I've been wanting to dig out and construct a flow hood. My SAB works fine but is a pain to do much in.
Yeah man I have a 6-in inline fan I might be able to make one out of too. Hmmm
Doing the high dose kool-aid is very draining though, you're not going to want to do anything the next day once your done tripping.
Dried Ones don't taste bad, but fresh ones are fucking terrible. As far as eating them, I've been putting them on pizza, a burger, whatever and eat the couple grams I dose with about every week, never even notice they're on there. It may add a little time to the come up, but lately I've eaten and then start a movie on hbomax, and you never really realize when the trip starts. It's about the only way I can sit down and get into movies these days
Yep I love watching TV on them. I do almost the same thing I eat them and then I start playing call of duty and I'm so focused on the game before I know it I'm tripping. I've become accustomed to eating high doses I ate about a quarter of ape yesterday. I usually go hard for a week and then take a break for a week.
Yep I love watching TV on them. I do almost the same thing I eat them and then I start playing call of duty and I'm so focused on the game before I know it I'm tripping. I've become accustomed to eating high doses I ate about a quarter of ape yesterday. I usually go hard for a week and then take a break for a week.

Nice! I bet you were tripping pretty hard then. I'm about to order some APE spores myself, never tried that one. When I first started out I had trouble getting clean strong spores. I finally got a few good prints to work off of. I've made it a weekly thing of eating about a gram and a half. It doesn't disrupt me too much the next day, and the mood benefits last over a week, at the two week mark I'm definitely needing another dose
This looks like a good discussion to get in on, imma have to start at the beginning.

But here's what I have going on.

So I grew some orangeglo watermelons this year, and finished racking 5 gallons of watermelon wine on 10/31, that I added 4 lbs of strawberries to, after primary fermentation. I don't really like drinking, but I'm working on a Psychedelic Wine project I've been thinking about for a while. I started the mushroom culture by using spore swabs on agar on 10/5, and made water darts that I inoculated sterilized popcorn with on 10/25. Man is the Z strain very aggressive, and it will take another 2 months for secondary fermentation of the wine to finish. Once I get the mushrooms, I want to add no less than 25 wet grams of fresh mushrooms per serving (which is about 3 grams dry), which I think about a wine glass equivalent of about 6 ozs is a good target. I'll add a little ascorbic acid when putting the shrooms in the wine for extraction to protect the unstable psilocin, and allow the water to extract both the psilocybin and psilocin for 2 days, and I will probably have to rack the wine one last time and be sure fermentation has stopped before bottling. I'm thinking it should have long shelf life with 14% alcohol and vitamin-c acting as a preservative. I have some frozen infused kool-aid in the freezer, but something I feel more confident in staying shelf stable would be pretty awesome.
The 2 mycelium pics are 10 days difference, no break n shake has been, and I don't believe I'm gonna bother disrupting the colony

I'm actually hoping for about 50 wet grams per serving

Shake those jars!
Yeah, well, I guess I might then.
I've been needing to go get some more popcorn, I have another Z strain agar jar that's been colonized for a couple weeks, and a couple of Lucy agar jars that looks to be colonized well enough for water dart.

I'm glad I read through this whole thread, found out about a good place to order spores from
About the induction coil sterilizers. They sell the core of the units right on amazon for cheap, even a 1000w flyback version for only $15, just need the power supply, foot pedal, and the coil. Works good for scalpels, but from my understanding, some people couldn't get the needles to heat up. Like, some are made from cheaper alloys, so you might have to buy separate needle tips that work. Not exactly the greatest idea, but cool for a fun project down the road.
Ya for sure, high voltage and exposed wires inside a tub with ISO fumes sounds like trouble!

I don't wanna use up one of my nice over powered inline fans for my portable flow hood project now, so looking around to see what I got, without spending much money or time. I could pull a 12v AC blower or heater assembly out of one on my parts cars, and clean it up nice. Way more quiet than a shop vac or leaf blower motor. I don't need much CFM to fill a bag with air. Gonna check a dry cleaner place and try to buy some of there bags tonight. I'll update you guys with what I come up with. :)
Also, I'm stoked to finally see some activity in my P. Ovoid tub, outside on the porch. They must really like freezing weather, and have froze solid as a brick the previous winter.

I only got one or 2 small flushes from the shoebox of myc earlier this year, which started before I even added more woodchips and substrate in a bigger tub. I kept it watered all summer, but they pretty much went dormant. I thought maybe they died off, but now seeing a few spots of rhizomorphic mycelium attacking the wood chips again :)
About the induction coil sterilizers. They sell the core of the units right on amazon for cheap, even a 1000w flyback version for only $15, just need the power supply, foot pedal, and the coil. Works good for scalpels, but from my understanding, some people couldn't get the needles to heat up. Like, some are made from cheaper alloys, so you might have to buy separate needle tips that work. Not exactly the greatest idea, but cool for a fun project down the road.

I was previously worried about sterilizing needle constantly, but this past time I just opened new needles and made water darts, then I hit my jars with them, starting with broke Boi tek lids first, then through injection ports. No flame sterilization at all. Out of 18 jars, I have 4 contaminated. 2 of which were the Bisporous jars, which was 50% being that I did 4 Bisp. And the print for that one appears to be contaminated, because trich broke out immediately in 1 of the 2 bisporous jars.
No contamination from the Z strain spore print, no transfer needed from spore swabbing 2 jars.
No contamination I can see from Lucy either, and it has been colonizing painfully slow compared to Z.
McKennaii print appears to be DOA or sterile, I previously did some agar in the spring, and 4 this time, no growth of anykind in any of the jars. Believe it or not, my best genetics have come from ebay, Z-strain, Lucy, Dancing Tiger, and Fiji, in trying to remember if i got my bisporous print from there or Sporeworks. My sporeworks syringes have all been pretty disappointing, but really I don't like MS syringes anyway, and prefer prints. Sporestore is probably the worst place to order from.

Further info on this inoculation, I started with 3 brand new unopened 10cc(12actually) syringes, and unopened needles in the SAB. The water was boiled and a 50cc syringe with a blunt needle big enough to suck up mycelium was used to cycle boiling water several times, before being filled and immediately capped (i cant remember if i saw this tek on 90 second mycology or Home Mycology), and placed in the SAB glove box where I allowed it to cool. Before the hot water syringe was placed in box I had everything waiting on it, including alcohol soaked rag.

A box of 100 needles was like $20, and syringes aren't really very expensive, and aren't completely necessary, can just make several hot water darts, so I figured at least with the needles, they're so cheap I may as not scrimp there. Trying to fool with lighters in a box is a pain in the ass, and not to mention if you have really wiped and sprayed a lot of alcohol good luck on getting a decent flame when there isn't enough oxygen left in the box, I figured I'd just open new needles if it touched something to possibly get contaminated. I'd say it worked out pretty well, probably even less contamination that when I'd be fooling with trying to make sure I had the needle glowing, and then try to poke it through the 3rd or 4th injection port and watch it bend to a 45. I also process my jars with foil on the lid so it's never open until in the box, and a couple of the jars foil on top had a couple small holes, which could be the contaminated z strain jars.
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Ya for sure, high voltage and exposed wires inside a tub with ISO fumes sounds like trouble!

I don't wanna use up one of my nice over powered inline fans for my portable flow hood project now, so looking around to see what I got, without spending much money or time. I could pull a 12v AC blower or heater assembly out of one on my parts cars, and clean it up nice. Way more quiet than a shop vac or leaf blower motor. I don't need much CFM to fill a bag with air. Gonna check a dry cleaner place and try to buy some of there bags tonight. I'll update you guys with what I come up with. :)
I believe you'd have better luck with that than using inline fan, at least that fan is designed for handling some pressure, just scale the box down to an appropriate size.
OMG no way could I work constantly hearing a shop vac or leaf blower motor lol
You can pressure cook the syringes and needles and reuse them too
Say I only want to use half of a syringe, do I just put the needle cap back on or take the needle off and put the black cap back on? Is it even possible to do it without getting contaminated?